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Ice Hockey achievements progress.
Gain control of the puck as goaltender
Win a fight, sending your opponent to the penalty box
Score while your team has at least one skater in the penalty box
Win a game with all Medium players
Win a game with all Skinny players
Win a game with all Fat players
Score 3 goals in the first period (7 minute periods)
Score 15 or more goals in a game (7 minute periods)
Score 5 or more goals in a win while allowing none (7 minute periods)
Score 10 or more goals and win (speed level 3, 10 minute periods)
Following an Icing call, win the next face-off
Score while your opponent has at least one skater in the penalty box
Defeat Team United States
Score 15 or more goals and win (speed level 5, 15 minute periods)
Defeat Team Czechoslovakia