Idle Apocalypse
65 Achievements
32,500 XP
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Idle Apocalypse achievements progress.
Have a total of 1,000,000 Souls.
Fully level 21 Creatures.
Cast Dark Fist 100 times.
Have 1,000,000 Creatures die.
Fully level up 1 Creature.
Fully level up 3 Creatures.
Reach Champion stage 500.
Reach Champion stage 1,000.
Max out 1 tech from a book.
Max out 5 techs from books.
Max out 10 techs from books.
Max out 15 techs from books.
Max out 25 techs from books.
Cast Dark Fist 1,000 times.
Cast Dark Fist 10,000 times.
Cast Dark Fist 100,000 times.
Have a total of 1,000 Souls.
Have a total of 10,000 Souls.
Have a total of 100,000 Souls.
Have a total of 10,000,000 Souls.
Spin the wheel 100 times.
Spin the wheel 250 times.
Do 10,000 damage during your last apocalypse.
Do 100,000 damage during your last apocalypse.
Do 1,000,000 damage during your last apocalypse.
Do 10,000,000 damage during your last apocalypse.
Do 100,000,000 damage during your last apocalypse.
Have 3 levels worth of chants active at once.
Have 7 levels worth of chants active at once.
Have 12 levels worth of chants active at once.
Have 18 levels worth of chants active at once.
Have 25 levels worth of chants active at once.
Have 5,000 Creatures die.
Have 25,000 Creatures die.
Have 100,000 Creatures die.
Reach Champion stage 100.
Reach Champion stage 250.
Fully level up 8 Creatures.
Cast Dark Fist 1,000,000 times.
Fully level up 15 Creatures.