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Reached the credits. I AM PART OF YOU NOW.



How to unlock the IMMORTALITY achievement in Immortality - Definitive Guide

When you have found enough footage of 3 movies and unlocked 'What happened to ??' achievements of different characters, go to the top of the main grid and you'll notice Marissa Marcel(Immortal) face slowly gets formed in the grid, slowly all the footage tiles becomes her and she starts crying. Wait till the titles roll and you'll get the achievement. I've shared the clip to feed.

I kept Footage in the filter instead of captures and date.

04 Sep 2022 13:02

I had two scenes marked as fave as I thought they were important and when I clicked on one, it took me to a big reveal and then when I went back to the grid, it was just on the two scenes I had favorited. They changed over, but all I saw was her nose and I couldn't zoom out or do anything. I had to dashboard close the game, not sure if this will glitched for me or not.

So to be on the safe side, don't go into the favorite section, do everything from the main grid with all scenes.
By VGM 007 on 16 Sep 2022 08:36
face is doing absolutely nothing on my screen. have been sitting on various - frames for many minutes? elaborate?
By NICKYG2X3 on 05 Sep 2022 20:35
FYI, I had to Right Stick Zoom out for the background scene to start.
By imaidiot19 on 06 Sep 2022 20:31
Thank you; I was stuck until I zoomed out too!
By HRoark00 on 07 Sep 2022 03:54
Do you know how to do this trigger again?
By JonMartinez on 07 Sep 2022 21:00
Yeah, I also had to zoom out.
By Apostle92627 on 08 Sep 2022 19:12
You also have to scroll up and down after zooming out to make sure all tiles change to her face.

Edit: in regards to triggering it again i got it a second time after rewatching the sub footage of 24D (the 3 sex scenes). Could have been a fluke though
By LitL Star on 14 Sep 2022 15:11
@LitL Star - The exact same thing happened for me a few minutes ago. I scrubbed backwards through Ambrosio 24D and found the sex scene. When i entered Picture mode the face / credits / achievement triggered.

Funny thing: i just started the game yesterday and i have only worked my way through 2/3 of the clips from "Ambrosio" and haven't watched any clips from the other two films with maybe a handful of exceptions during the hour it took me to figure out how to play the game...
By OnkelAndi76 on 29 Dec 2022 14:09
I just had the face appear and say "I'm part of you now" but then the game crashed, I thought it was part of the creepy atmosphere but seems like it should have just rolled credits and given me the achievement?
By OG ShadowBoa on 30 Jan 2023 02:37
I had to zoom out for this to work. Still took a good several minutes before she cried and the credits started. Idk why the guide didn’t mention this. Had to go to the comments to see that I needed to zoom out. Downvote
By RCone138 on 10 Jul 2023 13:27
Useless guide not a proper one to be understood and applicable😑
By JbxTH21 on 16 Aug 2023 11:07
I thought my game was messing up and never thought to zoom out, so I cancelled the game. Hope I can get it to work again....
By Lyzyrd on 16 Aug 2023 17:08
This popped for me after finding the first black and white subverted scene. I hadn't unlocked all of the "What happened to" achievements, but I had unlocked all the main non subverted clips.
By EarthboundX on 18 Aug 2023 03:03
As mentioned above, as soon as the clips start changing to her, just make sure you zoom out instead of waiting like a dummy...
By qManballin on 20 Aug 2023 21:51
I couldn't unlock this achievement either. I didn't fully understand what to do.
By XanthiN20 on 22 Aug 2023 09:50
I got this after unlocking all the "What Happened To..." achievements. I also had about 70% of each film footage collected. As others have said, after seeing Marissa's fate, I zoomed all the way out and you'll notice several clips have become pieces of The One's face. I moved my cursor around to make the other clips "fade". Once there's enough of the face on view it should trigger. It's a long staring contest until the achievement pops tho. 🙃
By defrag dana on 26 Aug 2023 20:51
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I triggered the "endgame" at different times in my multiple playthroughs, but I can tell you that the cutscene and the supernatural clip that follows it is triggered atleast after the point where you have unlocked more than 100 clips of footage and watched a number of scenes with The One by watching the scenes listed in Another Reality trophy_gold.pngbackwards.

In both instances I triggered the trophy, I had already unlocked What Happened to Marissa Marcel trophy_silver.png so that may also be a prerequisite. My first playthrough, I had NOT unlocked What Happened to Amy Archer trophy_silver.png but I had unlocked MINSKY 17A - 8/30/1970 (the clip it is hidden in) so I am not sure if all the What Happened... clips are a requirement, but Amy Archer's hidden scene and "What Happened..." trophy does NOT seem to be part of it.

Either way, when the endgame begins, you will notice a change in the Film Grid. Watch the cutscene play out and the subsequent Supernatural clip. Unlike all the other Supernatural clips, there is no way to re-trigger these two scenes, so please enjoy them when you get them. They should be added to the total for Another Reality trophy_gold.png after viewing the scenes and this trophy should be awarded to you.