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It Takes a Team

It Takes a Team

Collected 5 unique crew members. MOVIES USE ALL THE HUMAN SKILLS TO CREATE NEW LIFE.



How to unlock the It Takes a Team achievement in Immortality - Definitive Guide

Costume Designer - Ambrosio 2C, 24A, 62A and 10/19/68
Costume Designer - Minsky 19B, 40B and 6/23/70
MakeUp Artist - Ambrosio 17B, 30B, 42A and 10/19/68
MakeUp Artist - Minsky 17A, 29C and 7/21/70
Propert Master - Minsky 5B, 17A and 42B

Two of them are in Ambrosio 10/19/68, and two others in Minsky 17A
The best way to find these two scenes are following Gino or Director Arthur Fischer for the first one, and picking Gun for the other.

Click RT to sort scenes by number

Other crew members believed to not count:
Assistant director - everywhere.
Choregrapher - 2OE 11A
Director - everywhere
2nd AC - everywhere

edit: There is also a production assistant in Ambrosio 6B, 59A, 61C and 9/30/1968. But I hadn't clicked him at all before I got the achievement, so I don't know if he can be traded for one of the 5 others.

02 Sep 2022 11:29

The original 5 you listed unlocked it for me.
By Calex dEUS on 05 Sep 2022 22:06
yeah 2nd ac is only good for the final all 2nd ac trophy not the unique crew members. that was one of the easiest trophies to get cause all you had to do was find a video that starts with a visible clacker holder and keep clicking through until it pops.
By theimortal1974 on 05 Sep 2022 22:30
Hey, can you put dates on them to make them easier to find?

Edit: I was stuck at 60% and couldn't get the last two to track, even after exiting completely. Do you need to see all 5 without exiting? Because I did that and the achievement unlocked.
By Apostle92627 on 08 Sep 2022 01:34
Worked for me with the list albajos posted, even though I exited between the shots.
By Somian on 14 Sep 2022 23:32
No need to put dates on them, you can sort them in scene order by pressing RT on the grid
By albajos on 15 Sep 2022 09:54
Worked for me after I checked:
There is also a production assistant in Ambrosio 6B, 59A, 61C and 9/30/1968
By Expaw on 07 Oct 2022 22:41
I had to get the choreographer and production assistant for this to count.
For some reason stopped tracking when I went with the 5 you listed
By RCone138 on 10 Jul 2023 13:51
I also needed the Production Assistant in 6B, 59A, 61C, and 9/30/1968
By planchetflaw on 24 Aug 2023 09:03
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This requires you to select the crew members who aren't the clapperboard operators. There is a costume designer, a make-up artist and a PA (see below) in Ambrosio, a costumer, a make-up artist and props assistant in Minsky and there only seems to be the main PA (not sure her actual title, not credited in the game credits) in many of the rehearsals and film clips of Two of Everything.

Specific clips that show crew members:

AMBROSIO - 6/8/1968 (Costume Test - Costume Designer)
AMBROSIO 17B - 9/12/1968 (Make-up Artist at beginning of clip)
AMBROSIO 59A - 10/9/1968 (PA/crew rigs the wings towards the end of the clip)
MINSKY 42B - 7/21/1970 (Props Assistant, pours the coffee at beginning of clip)
MINSKY 17A - 8/30/1970 (Make-up Artist + Props Assistant at beginning of clip - Crew, Gun)
2OE - all the Table Reads and rehearsals
2OE 51D - 7/21/1999 (end of clip)
2OE 37A - 6/10/1999 (end of clip)