

29 Achievements


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The Kalpa Continues

The Kalpa Continues

Stopped Kala from resetting the world.


How to unlock the The Kalpa Continues achievement in Indivisible - Definitive Guide

This achievement is for defeating the final boss and completing the game. It's split into two parts (as most final boss fights are) and while the first part is fairly simple, the second one can be a little frustrating if you're not used to more intense platform games.

First things first, I highly recommend you change the 'guard' button in the controls menu. This is because the second phase will require some precise timing with it, and using the cn_LB button didn't offer that precision for me, So I swapped it with the cn_Y button and had a much easier time.

First phase: You will go in and out of battle with Kala, similar to how many bosses in the game would have a platforming section where you would have to 'hit' them to go back into battle with them. For this phase, you must attack Kala and deal damage. The best way to do this is to use the new move you got before climbing Sumeru (holding cn_B) and dashing into her. She will attack by filling the screen with giant fists which while you can guard against them, I found they did not do too much damage, so I just focused on dealing damage.

When Kala swallows Ajna, you have to mash the buttons to fill up the Iddhi meter until you break free and go into the 'battle' proper. Each time you are swallowed you must fill up more of the Iddhi bar (3, 5, and 7) before you can escape. You must mash cn_A cn_B cn_X cn_Y together, as just mashing one will not be enough before you fail and are sent back to the beginning of the fight. Just be non-stop aggressive and you should beat her before you run out of health.

The fight itself is pretty simple. I used Ajna, Phoebe, Ginseng and Ren and just pummelled Kala with standard attacks until the process repeats itself. I was at attack level 5 and defense level 4 and she never got a turn in during the 'battle' phases.

Second phase: As mentioned, it may take a few tries before you get the timing right to get through this. You have to dodge or guard Kala's attacks until she uses up all her energy, at which point you land a single attack and win. Again, by changing the guard button from cn_LB to cn_Y made this a lot easier. you can get hit by most of the attacks and still survive, but there are a few which you must guard against, so don't feel the need to perfectly guard everything.

Her attacks are:

1. Missiles: just hold your guard button. They do very little damage and are nearly impossible to avoid.

2. Arrows: 4 arrows fly across the screen, 2 high and 2 low. The sequence is always one high, 2 low and the remaining high. Stand still when the first one flies over you and two quick jumps are needed when the low ones fly across.

3. Targeted arrow: Kala aims a laser at you and fires off a big arrow in the direction the laser faces. easiest way to dodge it is to jump straight up about two seconds after the aiming laser locks on to you, meaning the arrow fires over you as you descend from your jump. It does a fair amount of damage, but you can still win if you get hit by it (which I did most of the time)

4. Pink 'buzzsaws': Kala fires pink buzzsaw-like orbs at you. They don't do too much damage again, but there are quite a few of them. You can guard against them, but i found it easier to just slide (cn_down + cn_X) to avoid most of them. When she fires one up or down, it will return when the next one is fired towards you, meaning you will need to slide twice. Again, you don't need to be perfect.

5. Stalactites/stalagmites: Kala will send two large rocks from the ceiling, then raise two from the ground. Position yourself in the middle of the rocks when they fall, as they cannot hit you there. When you see the rocks come out of the ground, you must jump and aim to land right in the middle. If you are hit you will take a lot of damage, if it doesn't kill you outright. Once this is done move to the left side of the screen.

6. Lasers.: Kala fires a wall of lasers from right to left. Guard them as soon as they come into contact with you. Next the lasers will move from left to right about a third of the way across the screen, then change direction to go right to left. Starting from the left move to the right and when the lasers change direction, run all the way back to the left, as they won't hit you at the very edge.

7. Giant laser ball: Kala fires a giant laser ball at you. Again wait until it is next to you before pressing the guard button repeatedly until the ball is small enough to go over you.

The second part of this second phase is only a matter of timing your guards. However, if you mess up and die you will have to do the first part of the second phase again.

The way to beat this section is simple: you only watch Kala. When she flashes blue, you press the guard button. If she flashes red, you are too late. Remember also this part is in 'battle mode' and will use those controls, meaning you will have to guard using whichever position Ajna is assigned to (for me it was cn_X, which is the slot I usually had her in battles).

1. a multitude of punches. As mentioned, when Kala flashes blue, tap the guard button repeatedly until the attacks stop. If you're hit by these attacks you can still survive, so don't worry too much (I don't know if that would be the case at a lower defence level).

2. Another barrage of punches, but more spaced out. Again, wait for Kala to flash blue and press the guard button. The punches are all spaced evenly, so recognise the rhythm and stick to it until she stops.

3. a fast flurry of punches. This one is a bit more tricky to dodge. Kala will 'pulse three times, and on the third pulse, throw a large amount of punches at you, which you need to mash the guard button against. I started guarding just after Kala pulsed the third time.

After that all you have to do is wait for your attack to fill and attack Kala once to finish her off.

It can be frustrating to start off, but when you have memorised her attack patterns you will get through it. Again, make sure your guard button is assigned to one you feel comfortable with.

11 Feb 2020 15:33

I just perfect guarded the attacks. It's a little easier than trying to avoid them
By Mooreese AOD on 14 Mar 2020 22:16
I think you should definitely add to the guide that the First Phase goes on indefinitely unless you enter your own mind by holding B+Up when you 'beat' the first phase. If you don't, the boss fight restarts with 12 shields instead of 18 but keeps happening unless you enter your mind while it shows her swallowing the background with a black hole. The window to do this is only a few seconds and if you miss it, it's back to 12 shields again. I spent a solid 30+ minutes repeating the fight until I looked up a video because there was no mention of it in this guide.
By l BlackBrian7 l on 03 Apr 2024 23:08
Story-related and cannot be missed.

IMPORTANT: Once you reach Kala in the gold room and she takes off, you'll learn the ability Divine Wheel. When you use it to follow her, you'll never be able to return to this playthrough, so don't forget to keep a separate save prior to following her. 

Defeat the final boss of the game. Congratulations!

See below for details and tips for the fight:

Kala has two phases. In the first phase, your primary focus should be blocking her AOE fist attacks (they can't be dodged; you'll need to get perfect clean blocks) and trying to use the Divine Wheel or Sky Splitter when you can. After a certain time, Kala will attempt to absorb you, which you will need to break free from by spamming attack (). At that point you can fight her normally. Keep doing this until Kala unleashes an attack that will make you re-start this fight all over again. When you beat her a second time, she'll unleash another black wave at the end. When she does, go into your Inner Realm to trigger phase 2. Speak to all of your compatriots and then, when you're ready, exit your Inner Realm to continue the fight.

In phase 2, her damage and attacks increase drastically, so you need to be getting successful Clean Blocks or you'll wipe. Block her combos and once you defend from her ray, it's over.

NOTE: As of April 2, 2020, Indivisible now has an NG+ mode. Once you defeat Kala, wait for the credits to end. After that, you'll be prompted to save your game, so save it in a brand new spot, and then press continue. It will take you into a new, secret area, where you play as the group that initially sealed Kala, after which it will take you into NG+. You'll start at level 1 and empty, but once you pass the first enemy after Dhar, you'll become level 12 and get all 7 bars of Iddhi, you'll get all of your party members from your previous games, as well as your axe and spear (not the bow or scythe) and some abilities, although not all of them.