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Agonizing Remorse

Agonizing Remorse

Don't empty the Recycling Bin.



How to unlock the Agonizing Remorse achievement in Inscryption - Definitive Guide

This is obtained during the second phase of the second boss battle in Act 3

The boss will ask you to choose a file that is nearest to your heart, aka one that is important to you. The boss also specifies the files age. The boss then tells you that whatever file you chose will be permanently deleted from your disk if the card dies.

THIS IS MAINLY A MECHANIC FOR THE PC VERSION! On PC, you need to choose a file from your computer (you can just create a .txt file for this if you want). The older the file, the stronger the card.

Assuming you're playing on console (remember, this game is Play Anywhere enabled), NONE OF THIS MATTERS! You can simply choose any file from Luke's PC. The file will turn into a card (for me I chose the very first file option and it turned into a 4/4 card).

Now you just have to purposefully let the card die. I personally used the hammer (cn_RB shows you more options, one of which is a hammer that can delete any card on your board which can be strategically useful throughout the game) to kill my card and the achievement popped shortly after.

On PC, you may first need to follow the above steps and then go into your folder with the file and manually delete it yourself, and then beat the boss for it to pop.

12 Apr 2023 17:51

I believe you mean Act 3? When P03 takes over?

Act 2 is the old-school rpg game.
By Like A Bob Ross on 26 Apr 2023 03:55
^ Good catch, oops!
By regret on 26 Apr 2023 05:07
No problem. Thanks for the easy guide!
By Like A Bob Ross on 27 Apr 2023 23:28
Just did it on PC since it came to the game pass on there and it didn't have me use my own files. It used the Luke's PC files. I did what you said, played the card from the file and destroyed it with the hammer. Once the fight finished I got the achievement.
By Zam0070 on 10 Oct 2024 22:18
Thanks for the guide 👍
By Reelbiggerfish on 15 Oct 2024 00:44
I used the hammer on console and the screen went black, no achievement and I had to force quit the game lol
By OhMyGoth1 on 19 Oct 2024 01:49
word to the wise, dont pick system 32. that is what will cause your came to go blackscreen like OhMyGoth1 says.
By giantmaster137 on 27 Oct 2024 22:32
word to the wise, dont pick system 32. that is what will cause your came to go blackscreen like OhMyGoth1 says.
By giantmaster137 on 29 Oct 2024 00:56
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This is obtained during the second phase of the second boss battle in Act 3

The boss will ask you to choose a file that is nearest to your heart, aka one that is important to you. The boss also specifies the files age. The boss then tells you that whatever file you chose will be permanently deleted from your disk if the card dies.

THIS IS MAINLY A MECHANIC FOR THE PC VERSION! On PC, you need to choose a file from your computer (you can just create a .txt file for this if you want). The older the file, the stronger the card.

Assuming you're playing on console (remember, this game is Play Anywhere enabled), NONE OF THIS MATTERS! You can simply choose any file from Luke's PC. The file will turn into a card (for me I chose the very first file option and it turned into a 4/4 card).

Now you just have to purposefully let the card die. I personally used the hammer (cn_RB shows you more options, one of which is a hammer that can delete any card on your board which can be strategically useful throughout the game) to kill my card and the achievement popped shortly after.

On PC, you may first need to follow the above steps and then go into your folder with the file and manually delete it yourself, and then beat the boss for it to pop.

12 Apr 2023 17:51

I believe you mean Act 3? When P03 takes over?

Act 2 is the old-school rpg game.
By Like A Bob Ross on 26 Apr 2023 03:55
^ Good catch, oops!
By regret on 26 Apr 2023 05:07
No problem. Thanks for the easy guide!
By Like A Bob Ross on 27 Apr 2023 23:28
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According to the Fandom (dot-com) Wiki for Inscryption you can achieve this via the following:

If the Captive File dies during the fight with The Archivist, a text file will be created in the same directory as the file, asking the player to delete it themselves to respect the rules of the game. This achievement is earned by deleting the file or by simply moving it to a different location.
Based on this you will have to make sure you destroy one of the Captive File creature cards during that boss fight. Remember that these cards are created using actual files from your computer, so note which file you choose during the prompt. Once the card is defeated go to that file on your actual computer and move it to a different folder, or delete it if you don't care (you can restore it from your recycle bin if you "Don't empty it" as per the description of the achievement.

06 Jul 2022 00:00

1 Comment
To add a few points:

*You have to delete or move the file you have chose after the card has perished
*Make sure that when you tab out to delete game does not freeze/pauses, if it does, then change it in the in-game options
*You have to delete the file still during the boss fight
*The achievement will pop after your file card perished > you deleted the file > continued and defeated the boss. At the end P03 will make a smug comment and you will get the achievement.
By Othnus on 26 Mar 2024 16:13
This can only be done during The Archivist boss battle. If you fail to do it in your initial and successful fight against The Archivist, you will need to revisit Act III in Chapter Select after finishing the game.

At the beginning of the second round of the fight you will be asked to provide a file that is dear to your heart that shows age. This will be the chance for you to receive a powerful card to use in the second round based on the date of the file you choose. How to determine the sentimental value of the file is arbitrary and the good news is that you won't be using it anyway.

You can pick any file as it won't matter (See Rank and File trophy_bronze.png if you want to play the boss fight again with a more powerful card after you get this trophy) Whatever you choose, The Archivist will give you a card created out of that file. Put that card down onto the board and immediately destroy it with the hammer (square.png) for this trophy.

This is earned in Act 3.

This achievement is for letting the card created for phase two of the Archivist fight get killed. See Rank and File (30G) for more information.

Make sure you don't pick an important file like Sys32.exe because you have to destroy the card. Once you play the card use the hammer to break it. You can let it get killed by another card, but using the hammer is faster.
In the battle with the archivist (act 3), it is necessary to destroy a very important file. As soon as we put it on the table, we take a hammer and break it.

03 Sep 2022 12:31