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Collective Effort

Collective Effort

Collect every card in the Original Inscryption.



How to unlock the Collective Effort achievement in Inscryption - Definitive Guide

This is earned in
by collecting one of every card. Most can be earned through card packs but not all of them. Some, like Ouroboros , need to be bought as single packs from vendors. Others, like Rabbit and Great Kracken, are found by interacting with the game world. The Mycologists will also transform certain pairs of cards into unique ones. Finally, you have to make an offering to the Bonelord.

Drowned Soul is found in the well in Grimora's area.

Rabbit is found in a chest in Magnificus's Tower.

Great Kraken is found by interacting with two areas. First go to the area with the boat near Leshy's are and press cn_Y (you'll see the letter "y" on the screen too). Then go to the room to the right of the boss room at the top of the Wizard's tower (the room with the leaky water pipe) and press cn_Y again.

The Mycologists are in a mushroom between Leshy's area and Grimora's area. I'm not sure if they appeared in the beginning or if you have to beat some scribes first. Once they appear, you can make the following trades
  • 2 Field Mice to get a Spore Mice
  • 2 Gravediggers to get a Sportdigger
  • 2 Sentry Drones to get a Sentry Sport
  • 2 Blue Mages to get a Blue Sporemage
Finally there are two different Broken Obol cards, place them side by side in a battle to unlock the Ancient Obol. Take this back to the basement of Grimora's area to receive the final unique card (Bone Lord's Horn) in the new area.

For earning enough foils, see UNSCpilot95's guide
InscryptionSecret AchievementThe Secret Achievement achievement in Inscryption worth 220 pointsContinue playing to unlock this secret achievement

You can farm foils (and easily beat Act 2) by building up your Ouroboros against the training dummy in Magnificus's Tower. You can keep battling it repeatedly and overkill damage is converted to foils at the end of the fight.

I went through several over 2000 foils before I realized that I had missed the cards listed in this guide. You hopefully won't need that much.

27 Oct 2023 04:40

It's also worth noting that you don't have to get all the cards in a single run. The cheevo just popped for me on my second pass through Act 2, and I definitely didn't have anywhere near all the cards.
By Tainted Spudz on 17 Nov 2023 13:00
Use one of the boost methods, such as the one on the Devil's Play achievement, to easily get thousands of foil tokens. To check what you're missing, go to the Tower at the bottom left of the map. In the first room on the right, there is a pedestal in the top right corner. That will show your cards. Depending on what I was missing, I went to the related traders in each area and just kept buying packs, having had all of the ones mentioned in OP. It took about 3000-4000 foils, but I was missing quite a few.
By ISC82 on 20 Oct 2024 03:04
Not sure why but for the kraken the Y prompt never showed up in either location, which is why I missed it the first time through. For anyone else with this problem, stand in the area for a little bit and you'll see a tentacle pop up out of the water for a couple seconds. That's where you want to stand and press Y
By ThePaleHorseman on 02 Nov 2024 16:32
I had all the cards in my first playthrough and it never unlocked. When I selected Act 2 after beating the game, it unlocked after I grabbed a few more cards, before I beat a major boss.
By sonnyforple on 18 Oct 2024 15:02
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This is earned in
by collecting one of every card. Most can be earned through card packs but not all of them. Some, like Ouroboros , need to be bought as single packs from vendors. Others, like Rabbit and Great Kracken, are found by interacting with the game world. The Mycologists will also transform certain pairs of cards into unique ones. Finally, you have to make an offering to the Bonelord.

Drowned Soul is found in the well in Grimora's area.

Rabbit is found in a chest in Magnificus's Tower.

Great Kraken is found by interacting with two areas. First go to the area with the boat near Leshy's are and press cn_Y (you'll see the letter "y" on the screen too). Then go to the room to the right of the boss room at the top of the Wizard's tower (the room with the leaky water pipe) and press cn_Y again.

The Mycologists are in a mushroom between Leshy's area and Grimora's area. I'm not sure if they appeared in the beginning or if you have to beat some scribes first. Once they appear, you can make the following trades
  • 2 Field Mice to get a Spore Mice
  • 2 Gravediggers to get a Sportdigger
  • 2 Sentry Drones to get a Sentry Sport
  • 2 Blue Mages to get a Blue Sporemage
Finally there are two different Broken Obol cards, place them side by side in a battle to unlock the Ancient Obol. Take this back to the basement of Grimora's area to receive the final unique card (Bone Lord's Horn) in the new area.

For earning enough foils, see UNSCpilot95's guide
InscryptionSecret AchievementThe Secret Achievement achievement in Inscryption worth 235 pointsContinue playing to unlock this secret achievement

You can farm foils (and easily beat Act 2) by building up your Ouroboros against the training dummy in Magnificus's Tower. You can keep battling it repeatedly and overkill damage is converted to foils at the end of the fight.

I went through several over 2000 foils before I realized that I had missed the cards listed in this guide. You hopefully won't need that much.

27 Oct 2023 04:40

It's also worth noting that you don't have to get all the cards in a single run. The cheevo just popped for me on my second pass through Act 2, and I definitely didn't have anywhere near all the cards.
By Tainted Spudz on 17 Nov 2023 13:00
I had all the cards in my first playthrough and it never unlocked. When I selected Act 2 after beating the game, it unlocked after I grabbed a few more cards, before I beat a major boss.
By sonnyforple on 18 Oct 2024 15:02
Use one of the boost methods, such as the one on the Devil's Play achievement, to easily get thousands of foil tokens. To check what you're missing, go to the Tower at the bottom left of the map. In the first room on the right, there is a pedestal in the top right corner. That will show your cards. Depending on what I was missing, I went to the related traders in each area and just kept buying packs, having had all of the ones mentioned in OP. It took about 3000-4000 foils, but I was missing quite a few.
By ISC82 on 20 Oct 2024 03:04
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This is earned in
by collecting one of every card. Most can be earned through card packs but not all of them. Some, like Ouroboros , need to be bought as single packs from vendors. Others, like Rabbit and Great Kracken, are found by interacting with the game world. The Mycologists will also transform certain pairs of cards into unique ones. Finally, you have to make an offering to the Bonelord.

Drowned Soul is found in the well in Grimora's area.

Rabbit is found in a chest in Magnificus's Tower.

Great Kraken is found by interacting with two areas. First go to the area with the boat near Leshy's are and press cn_Y (you'll see the letter "y" on the screen too). Then go to the room to the right of the boss room at the top of the Wizard's tower (the room with the leaky water pipe) and press cn_Y again.

The Mycologists are in a mushroom between Leshy's area and Grimora's area. I'm not sure if they appeared in the beginning or if you have to beat some scribes first. Once they appear, you can make the following trades
  • 2 Field Mice to get a Spore Mice
  • 2 Gravediggers to get a Sportdigger
  • 2 Sentry Drones to get a Sentry Sport
  • 2 Blue Mages to get a Blue Sporemage
Finally there are two different Broken Obol cards, place them side by side in a battle to unlock the Ancient Obol. Take this back to the basement of Grimora's area to receive the final unique card (Bone Lord's Horn) in the new area.

For earning enough foils, see UNSCpilot95's guide
InscryptionSecret AchievementThe Secret Achievement achievement in Inscryption worth 154 pointsContinue playing to unlock this secret achievement

You can farm foils (and easily beat Act 2) by building up your Ouroboros against the training dummy in Magnificus's Tower. You can keep battling it repeatedly and overkill damage is converted to foils at the end of the fight.

I went through several over 2000 foils before I realized that I had missed the cards listed in this guide. You hopefully won't need that much.

27 Oct 2023 04:40

1 Comment
It's also worth noting that you don't have to get all the cards in a single run. The cheevo just popped for me on my second pass through Act 2, and I definitely didn't have anywhere near all the cards.
By Tainted Spudz on 17 Nov 2023 13:00
This is done in Act 2.

No cards are missable, they are all earned from the Trader, card packs or are hidden. You can see all the cards that you have collected in the Trader's room at the Temple of Magic. There is a book in the top right corner of the room that shows you all your cards. Here is a complete list of cards from how they appear in the card book. i will have an explanation on how to unlock the card if it is something specific. Four cards have to be obtained from the Mycologist. He is located in the mushroom house on the world map. You can find it between the Temple of Beasts and the Temple of the Dead.

Beast Cards
  • Rare cards
    • Great Kraken
      • Press button-y.png on the two tenticles that appear in the world.
        • Tenticle 1: From the world map go left when your character is on the space below the Temple of Beasts. Tenticle will appear above the dock.
        • Tenticle 2: Top floor of the Temple of Magics. Will appear in the trough of water.
    • Hrokall
    • Mantis God
    • Mole Man
    • Ouroboros
      • Purchase from the Trapper in the Temple of Beasts for 4 foils
    • Urayuli
  • Normal Cards
    • Squirrel
    • Bullfrog
    • Cat
    • Elk Fawn
    • Mole
    • Squirrel Ball
    • Stoat
    • Warren
    • Wolf Cub
    • Adder
    • Bloodhound
    • Elk
    • Field Mice
    • Hawk
    • Raven
    • Salmon
      • Located in the chest on the screen with the dock. Same location as tenticle 1 for the Great Kraken.
    • Spore Mice
      • Obtained by giving two Field Mice to the Mycologist
    • Grizzly
    • Rabbit
      • Obtained from the chest on the third floor of the Temple of Magics.
Undead Cards
  • Rare Cards
    • Bone Heap
    • Tomb Robber
    • Necromancer
    • Drowned Soul
      • Found in the well located in the Temple of the Dead.
    • Dead Hand
    • Headless Horseman
  • Normal Cards
    • Skeleton
    • Draugr
    • Grave Digger
    • Spore Digger
      • Obtained by giving two Grave Diggers to the Mycologist. If you need more Grave Diggers you can purchase them from the Trader in the Temple of the Dead.
    • Banshee
    • Skelemagus
    • Zombie
    • Bone Lord's Horn
    • Broken Obol (Left)
    • Broken Obol (Right)
    • Revenant
    • Ghost Ship
    • Sarcophagus
    • The Walkers
    • Frank & Stein
    • Pharoh's Pets
    • Bone Hound
    • Mummy Lord
Technology Cards
  • Rare Cards
    • Plasma Jimmy
    • Curve Hopper
    • Energy Conduit
    • Mox Module
    • Mrs. Bomb
    • Shutterbug
  • Normal Cards
    • L33pb0t
    • Null Conduit
    • Sentry Drone
    • Sentry Spore
      • Obtained by giving two Sentry Drones to the Mycologist.
    • 49er
    • Buff Conduit
    • Energy Bot
    • Explode Bot
    • M3at Bot
    • Automaton
    • Factory Conduit
    • Glambobot
    • Insectodrone
    • Steel Mice
    • Thick Droid
    • Bolthound
    • Double Gunner
    • Steambot
Magic Cards
  • Rare Cards
    • Bleene's Mox
    • Goranj's Mox
    • Orlu's Mox
    • Master Bleene
    • Master Goranj
    • Master Orlu
  • Normal Cards
    • Emerald Mox
    • Mage Pupil
    • Ruby Mox
    • Sapphire Mox
    • Gourmage
    • Green Mage
    • Junior Mage
    • Muscle Mage
    • Stim Mage
    • Mage Knight
    • Orange Mage
    • Practice Mage
    • Ruby Golem
    • Blue Mage
    • Blue Sporemage
      • Obtained by giving two Blue Mage to the Mycologist.
    • Force Mage
    • Gem Fiend
    • Hover Mage
The description for this achievement is not perfectly clear. This is referring specifically to Act 2. Collect all the cards there to earn this achievement.

15 Jan 2022 00:00

There are a total of 97 cards to collect in Act II, and the trophy will be rewarded when you obtain about 95 of them so there is a small amount of wiggle room in grinding out the last few cards you may be missing towards the end of your time in the Original Inscryption game.

Cards will be given to you at the beginning of Act II based on the choice you make concerning which Scrybe to challenge (See Renewal trophy_silver.png). After this initial starter deck, cards can be purchased in packs from Traders in each of the four Temples as well as some single cards (12 at each vendor). Others will need to be obtained through looting chests or through other means as listed below.

Each card pack will give you two regular cards from the Temple they were obtained, one rare from that Temple, and two random cards from the other three temples. Any purchase you make with the Trader will use Foils, the currency you are awarded at the end of a card battle for overkill damage. Please see Devil's Play trophy_gold.png for the various methods to get a large amount of foils while working towards getting a card up to 666 damage.

When you make your way to the Temple of Magicks, you will find the Trader in a room to the right of the entrance and just past him is a book on a pedestal. This book will list all the cards you have collected and show the empty slots that need to be obtained. Use the below key to identify the cards you may be missing:
Temple of the Beast, Page 1-3 (Rabbit is not listed)
Great Kraken (rare) Hrokkal (rare) Mantis God (rare) Mole Man (rare)
Ouroboros (rare) Urayuli (rare) Squirrel Bullfrog
Cat Elk Fawn Mole Squirrel Ball
Stoat Warren Wolf Cub Adder
Bloodhound Elk Field Mice Hawk
Raven Salmon Spore Mice Grizzly

Temple of the Dead, Page 4 - 6
Boneheap (rare) Tomb Raider (rare) Necromancer (rare) Drowned Soul (rare)
Dead Head (rare) Headless Horseman (rare) Skeleton Draugr
Gravedigger Sporedigger Banshee Skelemagus
Zombie Bone Lord's Horn Broken Obol (left) Broken Obol (right)
Revenant Ghost Ship Sarcaphogus The Walkers
Frank & Stein Pharoh's Pet Bonrhound Mummy Lord

Temple of Technology, Page 7 - 9
Plasma Jimmy (rare) Curve Hopper (rare) Energy Conduit (rare) Mox Module (rare)
Mrs. Bomb (rare) Shutterbug (rare) L33B0t Null Conduit
Sentry Drone Sentry Spore 49er Buff Conduit
Energy Bot Explode Bot M3atB0t Autmaton
Factory Conduit Gamblobot Insectodrone Steel Mice
Thick Droid Bolthound Double Gunner Steambot

Temple of Magicks, Page 10 - 12
Bleene's Mox (rare) Goranj's Mox (rare) Orlu's Mox (rare) Master Bleene (rare)
Master Goranj (rare) Master Orlu (rare) Emerald Mox Ruby Mox
Sapphire Mox Mage Pupil Gourmage Green Mage
Junior Sage Muscle Mage Stim Mage Mage Knight
Orange Mage Practice Wizard Ruby Golem Blue Mage
Blue Sporemage Force Mage Gem Fiend Hover Mage

All cards will be collected through card packs or purchased individually and can be found multiple times, with a small amount that will not be found in card packs and will be obtained through other ways. These exceptions are listed below in order of when I obtained them:
  • Squirrel - purchased from the Trader in the Temple of Beasts (only needed if you do not pick Leshy as the Scrybe to challenge) (1 Foil)
  • Stoat - purchased from the Trader in the Temple of Beasts (only needed if you do not pick Leshy as the Scrybe to challenge) (2 Foils)
  • Ouroboros - Must purchase from the Trader in the Temple of Beasts (8 Foils)
  • Salmon - Found in a chest next to the Dock in the Temple of Beasts area (may also show up in card packs)
  • Drowned Soul - Found in the Well behind Kaycee's Ghost in the Temple of the Dead
  • Zombie - Purchased from the Trader at the Temple of the Dead (2 Foils)
  • Sporedigger - Give two Gravedigger cards to the Mycologists
  • Spore Mice - Give two Field Mice cards to the Mycologists
  • Sentry Spore - Give two Sentry Bots to the Mycologists
  • Blue Sporemage - Give two Blue Mage cards to the Mycologists
  • Rabbit - Found in a chest on the thrid floor of the Temple of Magicks. As mentioned above, this card did not show up in the collection book for me in my first two playthroughs, so it may not even count for this trophy.
  • Great Kraken - Collect the tentacle (press triangle.png) found in the water at the Dock with the Troll, Angler, Salmon card and the Clover in the Temple of Beasts area. Then, find the two tentacles in the water basin in the room to the right of Magnificus at the top of the Temple of Magicks tower
  • Bone Lord's Horn - One of three rewards after giving the Bone Lord the Ancient Obol and speaking with them about the OLD_DATA (See Dark Offering trophy_silver.png)

See the below video for further information:

Performed in Act 2 of the game. The number of cards collected and missed can be seen in the book, which is located in the castle of magic next to the merchant

07 Jan 2023 16:20

If you missed it, you can complete the trophy after the end of the game, but then you will start Act 2 from the beginning, and uraboros will be 1/1 (complicates farming money and buying all the cards) and you also need to defeat bosses that give unique cards, which makes it more difficult to get the trophy, better perform immediately before moving on to act 3.
Text guide (en).
By shprotov on 22 Jun 2023 18:14
I still couldn't figure out how to assemble the kraken map. Firstly, the dock is not the lake to the right of the hut, but a varnish on the mini map in the lands of the devil. Secondly, I didn’t understand how to touch it; to do this, just click on the triangle anywhere when the tentacles stick out
By p_ROL_q on 25 Jun 2023 11:41
everything is sooo simple if you realize the secret.
cards that do not drop in packs and after bosses.
1) kraken - in the forest biome you need to go to the left in front of the goblin’s house, there is a fisherman sitting near the boat, tentacles will come out of the water, click on the triangle, he will hide. then we go to the magician’s tower on the third floor to the right, there is a kraken sitting in the shell, again a triangle and he will give his card.
2) after defeating the witch, a mushroom house will appear, there you need to deal 4 cards to get 4 new cards.
1) currency for purchasing cards can be accumulated in battle with a mannequin, which is very simple.
2) take the card pile of bones (converts bones into damage)
3) we put 4 gravediggers - we drip, we drip, we drip.
4) as soon as the first HUNGER (a card that cannot be hit) appears, this means that the pair can be beaten
5) throw all the bones into the pile of bones and hit the blow.
6) all damage above is converted into currency
7) you can do this endlessly
8) buy packs from all 4 merchants. until it all falls out

26 Dec 2023 08:13