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Forgotten Lore

Forgotten Lore

Receive all 5 cards from The Trader in P03's factory.



How to unlock the Forgotten Lore achievement in Inscryption - Definitive Guide

This achievement takes place in

and is for getting the 5 tarot cards purchased from the trader.

To purchase these you need to get 5 different rabbit pelts. Four of those pelts are found around the map and one is purchased from the main store.

Pelt 1: Fast travel point Eastern Botopia
up --> up --> up --> up --> up -- > up --> right (hidden)
Pelt 2: Fast travel point Filthy Corpse World
up --> left --> left
Pelt 3: Fast travel point Central Botopia
down --> left --> down (hidden)
Pelt 4: Fast travel point Gaudy Gem Land
right --> right --> up --> right --> up --> right (hidden)
Pelt 5: Purchase from main store

Then, to unlock the trader, fast travel to point Resplendent Bastion (right before the last boss), walk up --> left and it will unlock a door in the "real world." Then get up from your seat and go to the left into and trade them all for the cards!

16 May 2024 04:22

This achievement takes place in

and is for getting the 5 tarot cards purchased from the trader.

To purchase these you need to get 5 different rabbit pelts. Four of those pelts are found around the map and one is purchased from the main store.

Pelt 1: Fast travel point Eastern Botopia
up --> up --> up --> up --> up -- > up --> right (hidden)
Pelt 2: Fast travel point Filthy Corpse World
up --> left --> left
Pelt 3: Fast travel point Central Botopia
down --> left --> down (hidden)
Pelt 4: Fast travel point Gaudy Gem Land
right --> right --> up --> right --> up --> right (hidden)
Pelt 5: Purchase from main store

Then, to unlock the trader, fast travel to point Resplendent Bastion (right before the last boss), walk up --> left and it will unlock a door in the "real world." Then get up from your seat and go to the left into and trade them all for the cards!

16 May 2024 04:22

In Act III there are five rabbit pelts you can collect. The P03/Holograph versions of these look like flattened rabbits. These are obtained mostly be activating traps under hopping rabbits that can be found in hidden offshoots of your path in the Act III gameboard, with the fifth pelt being available for purchased in the store in Central Botopia for 22 "Robobucks"

It is advised that you grab all five pelts in one go after you have made it through all of the right half of the map as well as most of the leftside of the map. You won't need to access the bottom left side (the Act III version of the Temple of Magicks) for any pelts but you are welcome to complete that area as well before going for this. It will just be easier to quickly grab all of the pelts at once (and still have 22 Robobucks to spend) if you do this in one go. The location of all five pelts are listed below in relation to the checkpoint marker closest to them:
  • Central Botopia - go Down, Left, Down to find a rabbit and trap
  • From the above spot in Central Botopia, go Up, Right and Down to find the store where you can buy one Pelt for 22 Robobucks
  • Eastern Botopia - go Up seven screens and then Right to trap the next rabbit
  • Filthy Corpse World - Up, Left, Left for the next trap
  • Western Botopia - Down, Down, Right, Right, Down and Right for your final trap and pelt.

Once you make your way to the G0lly boss console, located on a higher level of the game board after connecting four satellites in the top left area of the map (the Act III version of the Temple of Technology), you will need to physically leave the game to activate something in the set of rooms you are trapped in with P03. Before you leave the game or after you return, if you head to the left of the console room you will find an empty room with a lock icon in it. Click on that object with cross.png and leave the gameboard.
Now, you can stand up and turn to your left to enter a newly opened room. Inside this room you will find the floating head of the Trader. If you have all five pelts collected, the Trader will present five Tarot Cards to you and allow you to pick the order the lore is revealed. I chose to go for whatever number was the lowest each time the cards were presented, but the order does not matter. Once you get the Trader all five pelts (which can be done over time as you collect them) and hear the lore of the OLD_DATA, you will receive this trophy
This is earned in Act 3.

There are five holo pelts hidden throughout Act 3. Four of the pelts have to be earned by find them in hidden areas. The hidden areas can be walked to but don't have an arrow that points to them. In the hidden area there will be a rabbit jumping over a trap. You have to press the button at the right time to catch the rabbit and get the pelt.

- Pelt 1: Purchased from the store located down from the starting area.
- Pelt 2: East Botopia: Go to the farthest screen up. Head right to go to a hidden area.
- Pelt 3: Filthy Corpse World: head up 1 square from the fast travel point, and then head left until you find the hidden area.
- Pelt 4: Central Botopia: head down from the fast travel point. go left one square and then down to the hidden area.
- Pelt 5: Gaudy Gem Land: keep going up and to the right until you find the hidden area.

Once you have all the pelts you have to unlock the Trader. Fast travel to the Resplendant Bastion (where you fight G0lly). Go up one square and then left one square. You will see a lock hologram. Interact with the lock. Nothing will happen in the game. Have your character stand up from the table. Turn left and go through the now open door. Inside you will find the trader. Each pelt will let you purchase a Tarot card for some deep lore.
One skin is in the store, the other four are scattered around the map

05 Mar 2023 22:12