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Skull Storm

Skull Storm

Complete a run with every Challenge active in Kaycee's Mod.



How to unlock the Skull Storm achievement in Inscryption - Definitive Guide

So this one has several problems, the main one being that the 2nd round of every boss becomes a wall of 4/6 Grizzlies with reach. Trying to play the game "honestly" isn't going to get you very far when you have all the challenges live.

If you were or were not aware, the shuffler has a quirk that it will always put at least one 1 blood or less creature in your hand. So, if you can get your deck down to only one, you'll draw it in your opener every time. For that reason, your starter deck should be the Mantis God & 2 Ring Worms. The goal will be to juice the Mantis God to obscene levels.

Other than that, your goal is to remove the ring worms as soon as possible, and never add another one blood (or bone) creature to your deck. In fact, the fattest dumbest 3 blood creatures will be nice for the final boss, so the bigger the better. Getting Mantis God's power to 2 via a fire or a mycologist, or maybe the slime painter, that's the goal. Because first turn you play aquasquirrel and MG and you win against the bulk of the general encounters.

Keep in mind that Ring Worms have a hidden purpose in the game. If you go to a fire, put down a ring worm, and the survivors cannibalize it on the 2nd risk, they die for the rest of the game and you'll get free double downs at all fires from there out. So if you can throw one into a fire, do so and hope he becomes lunch. You get rid of one and the survivors all in one shot.

So the rest of the game is either dodging one drop creatures from pickups (hence the ones where you can pick the blood sacrifice is ideal) or doing things to your mantis god. Keeping an eye out for a Dire Wolf is great, because you can go to a sacrifice alter, and throw the double attack onto your Mantis God. So that means a 3 power Mantis God needs only to have front & center clear to kill.

Then at that stage, your goal becomes items and totems. The insect totem with some useful ability is ideal. On my run, I got the flyer, more on that in a second...

The items, you are looking for things that will push you through the grizzlies in one turn. With my flyer totem, using the paint meant I took reach away from the grizzlies and could fly over them and one shot. The clock can rotate a Grizzly into your side of the field. The hourglass will buy you a turn to maybe kill them. Scissors and knives can remove a grizzly from your front (especially if you have the Dire Wolf Double Attack attached). And you need to have that prepared for all 3 rounds, so make sure item hunting is a priority.

And you'll be able to sail through the final boss (ha ha, puns) until you get to the 3rd round where the boat shows up with skeletons galore, and that's where your deck of fatties will clean up, as you can sacrifice the bulk of the mutineer skeletons to bring out grizzlies and great whites. That should push you through the breach.

04 Jun 2023 15:54

Added note. There are 13 total challenges. The 13th (final boss) is only unlocked after competing challenge level 12. So you can't stack this with the achievement for completing level 12 (ie don't make that one harder than you need to!)
By Hobbess253 on 10 Oct 2023 04:01
I agree with Hobbess253, I was only about to get this with a ton of save scumming and I still failed like 10-20 runs in a row before I could get enough momentum to actually get to the final boss.

The most crucial part is getting rid of those ring worms even if it means passing up items for the Grizzlies or upgrades to the Mantis God. I had several good runs completely ruined by the last remaining ring worm. I'd run into battle where the worm would be pulled instead of the Mantis and no amount of reloading could find a way to win the battle.
By Kumekerion on 27 Oct 2023 17:37
I need to rant about this one, bear with me. This achievement might be the most idiotic, brain dead, tone deaf achievements I've ever seen in any game. Why? It completely goes against the entire foundation of the game itself and the developers expect you to have the most perfect run, with no mistakes, nothing can go wrong. You have to get specific items, specific map points and specific upgrades or else this achievement is 100% impossible. IN A GAME THAT IS ALMOST ENTIRELY RNG AND LUCK. You have no control over the vast majority of these things. Even something as simple as upgrading the Mantis God at the fire right at the start is a coin flip whether or not the card dies. If it does, you have to start over. So many battles, thanks to the challenges, can become instant losses if your opening hand is even slightly bad. You can make so much progress and spend all of this time trying to make things work and the game can just say "F*** you" and make you lose. No amount of skill or planning can predict RNG like this. You may not get the right items, you may not have the right cards to sacrifice, you may get cards that are useless to you. Everything is against you but you still need perfection to stand a chance.

All of this and you can't even quit out and start over quickly. No no, you have to go to the next battle and lose intentionally, wait for the stupid losing animation and then start over. The original concept of this was to prevent shop scumming by starting over again and again, but this directly conflicts with this achievement because the very first node on the map could mean a restart is needed. Seriously, none of this was thought through by the devs. It is so painfully unfun, so repetitive and so out of your control, but nope, you just gotta do it. You gotta get that perfect, hyper specific run or you will never get the achievement, ever. So just try over and over and over for hours and hours until the game goes your way, until one spot of bad luck kills you in the end.

Many would say, just don't go for the achievement and you are correct on that, but games that I especially love, this being one of them, I pride myself on going for all the achievements because hey, I like doing that for my favourite titles, but this stuff is frankly insulting to the player and the game itself. It does the game a total disservice. Now I am near the point of uninstalling the game and never looking back.
By KyoshiFrostWolf on 04 Dec 2023 00:39
how do you get Mantis God right at the start? I couldn't find any before the first boss chest
By MiST 1001 on 06 Jan 2024 02:09
It's been a hot minute since I've played this, but basically there's like 8 or 9 "starter decks" that you can start each run with, and you unlock them as things progress. One of them contains the Mantis God & 2 Ring Worms. So you play with that and then run the gambit of getting rid of the ring worms.
By ShazamFTW on 06 Jan 2024 04:02
Shazam is correct. There’s a starter deck that gives you the mantis god off the bat.
By exorr on 06 Jan 2024 13:25
The grizzly wall is complete bullshit.
By MulticronX on 25 Jan 2024 19:35
@exorr if you end a run instead of dying, one of your pelts is replaced by an Opossum. If you end run twice in a row both pelts are replaced.
By MulticronX on 26 Jan 2024 17:10
This achievement is so bullshit I’m never buying another game from this developer again until they patch in some reasonable way to obtain it.
By MulticronX on 31 Jan 2024 15:35
Stop spamming this solution. 192 people have completed the game so it’s clearly not impossible to obtain. Keep working at it.
By exorr on 31 Jan 2024 17:22
I literally just beat the skeleton ship, watched the end credits and no achievement. W. T. F. I had a 3/5 MG with Dire Wolf sigil, cloned it twice, had magpie sigil on my one ring worm, lucked into a ton of key items, lucked into a trial reward that was a one blood creature with magnifying glass. Update: got it - achievement was just delayed 15 minutes.
By MulticronX on 31 Jan 2024 18:35
I can't stress this enough: you should quit to the menu mid battle and restart if anything goes wrong... It might seem like there is no way of winning but sometimes you can get around some unlucky cards or tottem battles just by chaning the position of a specific card you played!
By RetiredRinne on 19 Mar 2024 00:57
This took me about 6 attempts. 4 times I was stopped at the act 1 boss, and once at the act 2 boss. So my attempts were fairly quick. I felt like I didn't have my mantis optimized by the time I made it to the final boss, but still pulled out the win. In fact, the campers were still around, but I managed a 6/18 mantis. Items were important for me to get by, so I made sure to dump my pliers and squirrel bottle if I was about to get to a backpack, then I usually used up the items on a boss fight, so I kept an eye out for the backpack station to restock, if feasible.

My final stats were 17 victories and 13 defeats to complete Kaycee's Mod.

And 269 misplays... :P
By Xtowers on 30 Mar 2024 22:11
Not really sure why KyoshiFrostWolf says you can’t end a run quickly. Hit start and end run to abandon a run that’s not going well, no need to intentionally lose a battle and wait through animations.

This achievement seems to have been created solely with the Mantis in mind. I did find it a lot of fun but would’ve been cool if they had named the achievement something to do with the Mantis.

Ignore totems. I was never able to get a useful combo and going for these requires you to ignore other things that would be more useful.

The first Boss fight was the hardest, the run I got the achievement on was the first run I got past the first Boss. I had a Mantis with 4 power at that point, used scissors to cut a Grizzly to the left, stuck a small 1 attack creature in that spot, and was able to defeat the boss. I would say having a scissor for the first boss is extremely important as it allows you to sneak 5 damage past in a variety of ways.

When fighting bosses, don’t always smash it right away. If you can beat the first wave easily, wait a few turns to finish off the first wave so you can collect cards to help with the wave of Grizzlies.
By exorr on 01 Jan 2024 02:59
Just finished! Final Kaycee Stats - 17 wins and 56 losses. The last run does need a good amount of luck to get good items to take down the grizzlies. With all challenges active I died the majority of the time at the first boss as I had squirrels or pliers and no way past the grizzly wall, even with a half decent mantis god. My successful run, I got scissors twice and bought the trapper knife.

Strategies in this guide are helpful. Juiced Mantis God with Dire Wolf double attack is basically unstoppable, just takes some luck and planning to get there. I don't think totems are particularly useful (I rarely got a useful combo), so it was the only a choice I took when using it to avoid another card pickup, ie Prospector or Deck trial.

Missing hint is that the game only saves on completion of an event AND crucially it's predetermined what you will be offered in events and from you deck. So you can test things quite liberally and if you don't like it, just press pause and go back to the main menu then continue run, only takes a few seconds. This is especially helpful at fires, always send a ring worm while survivors are there. If they get eaten, great, run is now easier. If they power-up twice, go back to main menu, and now you know it's safe to send your mantis god for a risk-free double power up.

Similarly useful in fights, you can check out your deck order and plan strategy. Useful and almost necessary in the first map while you have a weak deck. Later on useful at boss fights if things aren't quite working out. I got through some tricky fights by puzzling out the right order and a bit of trial and error. (only to then be mashed by grizzlies!)
By Hobbess253 on 24 Oct 2023 03:26
Just finished this last night and going to add my opinions as well in addition to all those that have come before.

If you happen to get cursed with another 1 blood ir 0 cost creature from an unavoidable card pick up, something you can do to mitigate this is sacrifice the Magpie sigil onto it (if you've been lucky enough to pick one up). This will guarantee that even if you don't get Mantis on turn one, at least you can search for them and then play them.

Dire wolf *is not* essential, but definitely helps. My successful run had no Dire Wolves, but I was able to get Mantis to a 5 attack, so one clear spot during the Grizzly phase was a guaranteed win. Also it is good to get Mantis a litte more health if you are able. You never know when something with thorns is going to come down the line and completely ruin the run.

Goobert is good for making copies of your buffed Mantis if available.

Best items for Grizzlies are: The Scissors, Fur Trapper's knife, the clock and a combo of the Fan and the whiteout paint.

Another note on the ringworms. You *can* get rid of them at sigil sacrifices too since they have the annoying sigil on this run. It does mean screwing up another card, but if you're down to one ringworm, it's not the worst idea.

That's all I can think of at the moment. Good luck to those hunting this one!
By flammingheadman on 08 Nov 2023 17:41
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In Kaycee's Mod, complete a full challenge game with all challenge skulls enabled including the Final Boss skull which enables the Secret Boss. Currently, this should total 250 challenge points.

It is recommended that you use the Mantis God starter pack and attempt to maximise damage as soon as possible. In my case I ended up using the Mantis God to give my wolf card the trifurcated attack instead as I was getting bad rolls.

There is a lot of RNG involved so you really just have to make sure you get something good after the first couple regular totem battles. It also helps to have items such as the scissors, knife, stopwatch, or hourglass. Other useful items may include: magickal bleach and the harpie fan but only in combination with other strategies.

The best chance at surviving the bears is to have a card that can do 5 damage to at least one space, and then use a knife or scissors to destroy the card in that space on your first turn against the bears. As long as you do 5 direct damage to the boss on the first turn you will win. The damage skull only adds 1 damage to your side of the scales during the first phase of the boss battle. During the bears fight you only need to do 5 direct damage on turn 1.

Try to make sure you have all your cards in your hand, and enough squirrels before going into the bear fight by delaying the primary phase.

You do not need to destroy all the bears unless you have a card that has trifurcated attack and can deal 12 damage per space. This will allow you to destroy three lines of bears (bears have 6hp each) in one move and only take 4 damage from the one remaining bear. Then you can attack again the next turn and deal 36 direct damage to the boss scales.

Using items will make things a lot easier. It will help to have items ahead of time or by getting a Pack Rat and merging it with something easily place or with many lives so you can keep placing it over and over.

Only try to get a totem if you already have cards and items which can beat the boss. Once you have items and cards ready you can try and get a totem to help with regular battles so you dont need to use your items as much and can save them for the boss.

  • Bears have 4 attack and 6 health
  • You should do 5 scales damage on first turn against the bears
  • Use scissors, knife, stopwatch, or hourglass to do damage in 1 turn
  • Use Mantis God starter pack
  • Use trifurcated, bifurcated, or double-strike on a 5+ damage card
  • Use Pack Rat to replenish items often
  • Totems are your LAST priority and not needed
Note: If you use hourglass, all you will do is skip the bosses turn. You still need to be able to destroy the bears AND deal direct scales damage in the same turn or else the second line of bears will come and destroy all your cards. This is mostly an issue on the first boss since you will have weaker cards. After the first boss you will have a chance to get stronger cards.

Good Item Combos:
  • Scissors/Knife (destroy 1 card) + 5dmg Card
  • Hourglass (boss skips turn) + 6dmg Card
  • Magickal Bleach (erases sigils of frontline cards) + Harpie's Birdleg Fan (adds airborne for 1 turn)
  • Stopwatch (moves a bear onto your team and opens an empty space if the left most spot on your side is empty) + 5dmg card
Good Cards/Sigils
  • Mantis God (Trifurcated attack)
  • Mantis (Bifurcated attack)
  • Dire Wolf (Double Strike)
Double Strike is great if you can get the dire wolf to do 6 damage per strike. This will allow you to win on turn 1 without items against the bears as long as the card is already on the field, or you can place it on the first turn. Don't forget you can also transfer the sigils to a card that already has 6 damage if needed.
  • Many-lives Sigil + Dam Builder or something similar
Having at least 3 cards that are free to build or low-cost builds that can be placed every turn (and resurrect after dying) to block damage are also a decent strat. But it is easier to just do damage as quick as possible.


06 Jul 2022 00:00

1 Comment
This is the hardest achievement ever
By Waiführer on 11 Jul 2022 21:55
Kaycee's Mod is a version of Act I that can be played post-game to complete 12 levels of challenges. Each successful completion of a challenge level will unlock new cards, more challenges, starter decks and text logs from one of the developers at GameFuna.

Levels are completed by selecting challenges that can fulfill the point value needed. Level 1 requires 10 points, Level 2 requires 15 points, Level 3 requires 30 and every Challenge Level progresses by ten points from there on out up to Level 12 requiring 120 points.

Level 1
To complete Level 1 of Kaycee's Mod, you will need to choose two of the four available Challenges, each equaling 5 points for a total of 10 points. The four restrictions you can choose from are:
  • No Hook (5 Points) - You will start every Kaycee's Mod run with the Angler's Fish Hook as one of your three (or two) Backpack items. Choose this Challenge and the Hook will be removed, leaving an empty spot to fill on your next visit to a Backpack event.
  • No Clover (5 Points) - In Act I, you could unlock a Clover that allows you to re-roll your choices for card events. This is now available for every Kaycee's Mod run unless you select this Challenge.
  • Smaller Backpack (5 Points) - Choose this Challenge to only hold two items in your Backpack for the run
  • Pricey Pelts (5 Points) - Trapper Pelts costs more. The cost is usually doubled or tripled, but it changes every visit. In Kaycee's Mod, when you visit the Trapper, you can buy the Pelt Knife for 7 teeth. This knife works just like the Scissors, but gives you an extra pelt for your deck. This item's cost always stays at 7 teeth and does not change even if you select this Challenge.

You will need to use the Vanilla Starter Deck (Stoat, Bullfrog and Wolf) but will always start with two Rabbit Pelts to choose two more cards for your deck. See Start // Finish trophy_silver.png for Starter Deck information amd some other Kaycee's Mod tips and linked videos. This guide will go into greater detail on the Starter Decks and all other aspects of the Mod.

You will likely need to try a few times before you can complete Level 1 of Kaycee's Mod. Remember to check the Oil Painting at the very start of every run until you unlock all three new Backpack items, but these can also be unlocked later. See Master Trinketeer trophy_bronze.png for that guide.

Once you are successful in completing the Mod your first time, you will get Dubious Challenge trophy_bronze.png, as well as unlock these items:
Cards: Wild Bull ( Rampager Sigil) and Cuckoo ( Airborne and Brood Parasite Sigils)
Challenge: Boss Totems (15 points) - All four boss fights will also be Totem Battles

If you would like to see my experience finishing Level 1 for the Dubious Challenge trophy, see Bad Moon trophy_bronze.png for further tips on that trophy as well.

Level 2
Challenge Level 2 requires 15 points selected. The good news is the Challenge you just unlocked (Boss Totems) is 15 points and does not add all that much of a difficulty spike (just a Totem to the four boss battles) You will still need to use the Vanilla Starter Deck (Stoat, Bullfrog and Wolf) for this run. Remember to check the Oil Painting at the beginning of every run in case you have yet to unlock the three new Backpack items.

At completion of Level 2, you will unlock the following items:

Cards: Mole Man? (Red Eyed Imposter Card - Ijiraq)
Starter Deck: High Cost deck (Black Goat, Moose Buck, Mole)
Challenges: Tipped Scales (20 Points) - Selecting this Challenge will put you one point behind in every card battle. This means that instead of the scale starting at 0 at the beginning of a card battle, it will be at -1, so you will always start only 4 hits away from losing the battle

Level 3
Challenge Level 3 will require 30 points worth of challenges and will be the first level you can select your new High Cost deck. If you select the new Challenge, Tipped Scales, please keep in mind you will start every card battle one hit behind. Its the kind of change that can really throw you the first time you activate it.

The Ijiraq card is a very sneaky card and will disguise itself as one of your other cards until the card is played. The only thing that gives it away is the small added red color in the card, usually in the eyes of the animal the card is representing. It is a great card for offense with 4 Power. It has only 1 Health, but the Repulsive Sigil which prevents any opponent card from attacking it. The Ijiraq has been known to mess with the Fair Hand Mechanic (See Start // Finish trophy_silver.png) so use it wisely. Last tip for this card: If the Ijiraq copies a card and you notice you have two versions of the same card in your hand, the Ijiraq will always be the first copy and the second will be the authentic card, because the Ijiraq copies the cards still in your deck, never one thats already in your hand.

At completion of Level 3, you will unlock the following items

Cards: Flying Ant and Mud Turtle (Shield Bot variant)
Starter Deck: Ant Deck (Queen Ant, Flying Ant, Skunk)
Challenges: All Totem Battles (20 points) - Selecting this Challenge will turn every regular card battle into a Totem Battle. This doesn't raise the stakes of the run too high until you add the More Difficult Challenges (unlocked at Level 5) but it still can make a card battle extra spicy.

Level 4
Challenge Level 4 will require 40 points worth of Challenges and is a great opportunity to use your new Ant Starter Deck. I would suggest loading up on Ant cards (Queen, Flying and Worker Ants) as well as any other Insect tribe cards. The Amalgam is particularly useful as it acts as an Ant when added to the board by increasing the power of all Ants being played at that time. Invest in a good Insect Totem from the Woodcarver, and you may find that the combined power of the Ants. along with the rest of your Insect Deck, has the ability to take you through Kaycee's Mod without too much trouble

Cards: Dire Wolf (Double Strike Sigil) and Dire Wolf Cub (Bone Digger and Fledgling Sigils)
Challenges: No Boss Rares (15 Points) - Selecting this will cause the three cards offered after a Boss Battle win to no longer be rare cards

Level 5
Challenge Level 5 requires 50 points of Challenges. I preferred to stick with both Totem Battle Challenges and the new No Boss Rares for most runs over the Tipped Scales, but do whatever feels best for you. The new Challenge only pertains to the three cards you can choose from after the three boss battles. I never found much use for most of the rare cards that weren't Mantis God and there are plenty of opportunities to get them other ways.

The new cards are both great to have in your deck. Dire Wolf (3 sacrifice) hits with a Double Strike of 2 Power (so 4 Power each turn) and fairly reselient with 5 Health. Dire Wolf Pup is a less expensive alternative at 2 sacrifice. Its first turn it will "dig up" one Bone, on the second turn it will evolve to the Dire Wolf for the rest of its time on the board and not produce any more Bones until it perishes.

You can continue working with the Ant Deck and Insect Totems, or whatever you are comfortable with, but you may find it is the last time you use any of the first three Starter Decks once you complete this Level successfully.

At the conclusion of Level 5 you will unlock:
Card: Meal Worm (Cost 2 Bone, 0 Power, 2 Health and the Morsel Sigil) Meal Worm adds its stats to whatever sacrifices it, so at its base it will add 2 Health to the card that replaces it. Further upgrades to the card will transfer in the same way
Starter Deck: Triple Deck (Mantis God Deck) (Mantis God, Ring Worm, Ring Worm) - The best Starter Deck in Kaycee's Mod
Challenge: More Difficult (10 Points) X2 - More and stronger opposing creatures in all battles - This unlocks two identical 10 point Challenges you can choose one or both of, but I suggest you leave them until Skull Storm. They are just more of a headache, but really make the Mod challenging if you are into that.

Level 6
Challenge Level 6 will need 60 points of Challenges. In my experience, as I mentioned above, this is where you can really pick and choose the Challenges you work with and the two More Difficult Challenges are tough, especially combined with Totem Battle Challenges. You will see Leshy cheat and pull out the toughest combo of cards at the strangest times during the run. Totems will have Sigils like Trifurcated, Bifurcated, Fledgling, Stinky (and after Level 6 the Blood Lust Sigil) all much more often and throw harder enemies at you when you are at your weakest. You will need to deal with this Challenge eventually in Skull Storm, so try it out if you feel up to it, but it may slow you down a bit.

The new Meal Worm card is not very useful but it could help elevate your Mantis God or other low health heavy hitter cards and costs the low price of two Bones to put on the board. It only works as a sacrifice vessel with no attack. Even if you give it a Power upgrade, that would work much better being applied to the card you sacrifice the Meal Worm for anyway.

Now, let's talk about the cornerstone of the rest of your runs: The Mantis God Deck, or Triple Deck because of the MGs trifurcated attack If you have not been told enough, there are two hidden mechanics in this game. The Fair Hand Mechanic and the Ringworm/Adder Survivors exploit. Both have been mentioned previously in this guide so I will summarize. What you want to do with this Starter Deck is feed one Ring Worm to the Survivors at the Campfire event. If the Survivors do not eat the Ring Worm on the second upgrade, quit out of the event, reload and power up the Mantis God twice instead. Once you can get the Survivors to eat the Ring worm (or Adder), they will die and you will be able to double upgrade your cards at every Campfire event without any fear of losing your cards for the rest of the run. Power up the Mantis God in Power and Health as you see fit and try to keep any other single sacrifice cards at a minimum (better with no other single sacrifice cards) so you can use the powered up Mantis God card at every battle to quickly win every time.

Completing Level 6 will unlock the following items:
Card: Wolverine (Blood Lust Sigil - one additional point of Power for every kill during battle)
Starter Deck: Waterborne Deck (King Fisher, King Fisher, Kraken)
Challenge: Single Candle (20 Points) - Any lost card battle will result in Game Over

Level 7
Challenge Level 7 will require 70 points of Challenges. The new Single Candle Challenge will likely be something you can manage. You may have spent a lot of time on your last candle for a better part of your previous runs already. Always remember, you can quit out of a losing battle and reload by selecting Continue Run which will pop you back to the map right before the battle so you can always try again without starting over. The cards in your hand and the cards you play against will likely be exactly the same, so you can always use this to your advantage to get the upperhand in most battles. It beats losing a run at the final card battle. No shame in reloading before you lose everything, I say.

The Wolverine card is only truly useful if you get a lot of use in it during battle. It does not retain the Power to use in the next card battle like the yet-to-be-unlocked Hodag, but it can clear a few cards out in a row if you get lucky or get an Unkillable Sigil on it to reuse after it perishes in the same battle. It costs 5 Bones, which isn't too easy to do at the beginning of a battle, so use it sparingly when it works for you.

I wasn't a fan of the Waterborne Starter Deck on my first two playthroughs of the game, but I did find when you really lean into the airborne sigil and get a number of high powered flying Feathered tribe cards you can really make use of the direct hits to your opponent. If you combine the two Kingfishers after increasing both their Power at a campfire, you can get a 4 Power (or more) airborne weapon that can nearly end each battle at the start if you minimize all the other single sacrifice cards. Using this method makes the Kraken a lot less useful, but if you do use it, place it on the leftmost slot. If you are not familiar with the Kraken from Act II, it will turn into one of the three tentacle cards (Bell, Hand or Mirror) A Bell Tentacle will have a Power of 4 if placed right next to the bell, so that is the best position to play the Kraken in.

Completing Level 7 will unlock the following items:
Cards: Raccoon (Scavenger Sigil - Bones from any enemy deaths while on board) and Lammergeier (Attack Power = 1/2 of Bones on Hand, Airborne)
Starter Deck: Bone Deck (Raccoon, Dire Wolf Pup, Coyote)

Level 8
Challenge Level 8, if you haven't noticed the pattern yet, requires 80 Points to complete. With no new challenge, you can focus on making the most out of the two new cards and even try out the new Starter Deck, which pairs nicely together.

If you use the Bone Deck, you can easily focus on using the Raccoon as your main, but it will need a few improvements if you are going to depend on it. The Raccoon only starts with a Power and Health of 1, so get to a Campfire if you can. The Raccoon's main strength is that it gives an additional Bone for every kill. You can use this to build up Bones and spend them on Bone cards, like the Coyote that you start with and the Wolverine, Cockroach, Vulture and any other powerful card that is purchased with Bones that you prefer. The Dire Wolf Pup you start with also gives one Bone on turn one, but once it evolves to the Dire Wolf, it stops producing Bones.

Alternatively, you can save up the Bones for your other new card, the Lammergeier. This Airborne feathered tribe card has a Health of 4 and is based on a bearded vulture that feeds off bone marrow, so the card gets its Power level by halving the current amount of Bones on the table. Spending Bones on other cards will obviously lessen the Lammer's Power, so use your Bones in the best way that works for you. Lammergeier requires three sacrifice and is fairly rare to show up, but quite nice to pull it out towards the end of any of the Boss Battles, especially Leshy's three round fight.

At the completion of Level 8 you will unlock the following items, as well as Roar of Challenge trophy_silver.png:

Card: Red Hart (Power taken from number of sacrifices on that turn, Health 2)
Challenge: Annoying Starters (10 Points) - Annoying Sigil on your Starter Deck cards

Level 9
Challenge Level 9 requires 90 Points to complete. Not much has changed for this run, so it is a good time to use the Annoying Starter Challenge and the Mantis God Deck. The Annoying Sigil--if you didn't become familiar with it in Act III--gives the opposing card one extra Power point (basically the opposite of Stinky) This can be a bit...annoying...but it also gives the Ringworms in your Starter Deck an additional way to be removed. Continue feeding one of the Ringworms to the Campfire Survivors, and when you get the chance, sacrifice the other Ringworm to the Bone Lord or give its Annoying Sigil to another card, preferrably a triple sacrifice card with High Power and/or Health.

Red Hart is a card which, on concept, seems useful but it unfortunately does not hold up. Red Hart gets its Power from the amount of sacrifices made on that turn. On its first use, it will have a Power of 2 (its sacrifice requirement) or greater if other cards are sacrificed at that time, but if you make no sacrifices in the next turn, the Red Hart will have a Power of Zero. Because the number is not cumulative, the best this card can do is 4, but the worst (zero) outways its use in my opinion. Best to avoid using it too much. If you have an infinite sacrifice loop, on the ther hand, like an Ouroboros and Black Goat with Unkillable Sigil, then you can really get whatever Power you want, so use it if you can access those kinds of infinite sacrifice loops.

Complete Level 9 and you unlock the following items:

Cards: Tadpole (No cost Fledgling version of Bullfrog, evolves on second turn)
Challenge: Squirrel Fish (20 points) - Squirrel Deck becomes Aquasquirrels, making them Waterborne and cannot be used defensively to block hits.
Starter Deck: No Cost Deck / Geck Deck (Rabbit, Tadpole, Geck)

Level 10
Challenge Level 10, of course, requires 100 points. The new Challenge is manageable if you haven't been relying on your Squirrel cards to take hits for your other cards. Keep using them for sacrifices or next to an Alpha for Squirrel Wrangler trophy_silver.png if you don't have it yet.

The Tadpole and the new Starter Deck are both a blessing and a curse, I find. The Tadpole is a Zero Power, 1 Health Waterborne with Fledgling Sigil. It has No Cost but also does nothing for you in its first turn. It evolves to a Bullfrog in turn 2 and is fine for what it is if you choose to use it in that way. Otherwise just use it as another sacrifice. Same goes for the Power-less Rabbit. The Geck only has 1 Power and 1 Health to start. The best thing to do here is power up the Geck as much as you can, duplicate it with Goobert and/or combine Gecks at the Mycologist for maximum power on this no cost card. For maximum usefulness, get an Unkillable Sigil on it and use it over and over again.

The curse side of this technique is in the fact that No Cost cards are not a guarantee to show up in your hand, so unlike the Fair Hand Mechanic, you will not be able to depend on a high Powered Geck every hand. It is suggested that you have a few other tricks up your sleeve when using this deck so that you are not hung out to dry. Remember that high sacrifice cards are going to be a lot easier to play with these extra no cost cards showing up in your hand, so having a few powerful triple or double sacrifice cards in your deck can get you through when the Geck doesn't show up.

Only a few more items left to unlock in Kaycee's Mod as you finish the tenth level run. Here's the two cards you unlock:
Cards: Pelt Lice (Double Strike , 4 sacrifice), Hodag (Bloodlust sigil)

Level 11
Challenge Level 11 requires 110 points. Another run that allows you to use your favorite Starter Deck and whatever Challenges work for you to meet the point threshold. The only items to discuss in this run are the two new cards if you have the chance to use them. The Pelt Lice card has two secret mechanics to it and the Hodag is a blood sacrifice version of Wolverine that retains its power from battle to battle, like the Ouroboros does through each death.

Pelt Lice have a 4 sacrifice cost, with a Power and Health of 1 and a Double Strike Sigil. If you choose to power up the Pelt Lice once, it can become as powerful as the Dire Wolf, but its health is pretty low. The secret to the card is that you do not need to worry all that much about the 4 sacrifices it asks for, because if you play a pelt card (Rabbit, Wolf or Golden) the Pelt Lice card will jump out of your deck (does not need to be in your hand currently) and land directly next to the pelt card to attack the board. Just like the No Cost deck, pelts are not something you really can rely on to show up in your hand, but they are readily available during the run to buy or procure using the Pelt Knife. The other side of this mechanic is that the Trader will not do any business with you while you have a Pelt Lice card (they say your pelts are infected and they don't want them for trade) so you will not be able to get any new cards from the Trader events if you have a Pelt Lice card.

I don't have much information on the Hodag. It is a card that after three platinums of Inscryption, I did not ever get a chance to test out, unfortunately. I can tell you that it acts just like the Wolverine, by increasing its Power number for every kill it gets. The Hodag's memory must be better than a Wolverine, because that number does not reset from battle to battle. If you can get your hands on the Hodag early in the run, it may prove to be a very poweful card by the end. It starts with 1 Power and 5 Health, so use it when you can to increase its Power.

Once you finish the penultimate run of Kaycee's Mod, you unlock the following items:

Cards: Curious Egg
Starter Deck: Curious Egg Deck (Curious Egg, Curious Egg, Curious Egg)
Challenge: Grizzly Bosses (50 Points) - The Prospector, Angler and Trapper/Trader second round of battle is all Grizzly Bears

Level 12
Challenge Level 12 requires 120 points. The Challenge unlocked in Level 11 requires a good deal of management throughout the run, so it may be best to leave it for the Skull Storm final run, but I will review it here as well. The Grizzly Bosses Challenge changes the second phase/round of the three bosses (The Prospector, The Angler and The Trapper and Trader). Once you hit the second phase on any of these battles, all cards on the board in the top and middle row will be removed and replaced with eight Grizzly Bear cards (Power of 4, Health of 6) Grizzlies are tough cards to beat one on one, so eight of them will need some ingenuity. If you choose this Challenge, you will want the Wise Clock, Scissors and/or the Pelt Knife, as well as at least one card that can hit with at least 5 points of Power.

Brute force can sometimes work to survive the Grizzly cards but using any or all of these Backpack items can give you the clear advantage:
  • If you have the Wise Clock - leave your left slot open and place a card with a Power of 5 or more in the second slot. Use the Wise Clock, turning the eight cards in the middle and bottom rows one slot clockwise (get it?) and you will be able to hit the open spot on the left side of the board and end the battle.
  • If you have the Scissors or Pelt Knife - Remove a card in the middle row and play a card with Power 5 or higher against that spot to end the battle.
  • If you don't have any of these three items but you have the Hourglass - You still have a chance, If you have a card that can hit with atleast 6 Power. I was able to use a well OP Mantis God to clear three spots during a battle and using the hourglass, the boss had to pass so I was able to win in the next turn. Its a long shot, but still better then starting all over
  • If you don't have any of these - Good luck. Hit 'em with whatever you got.

You will have just unlocked the Curious Egg and the Starter Deck with three copies of this tricky card. Playing with this deck is a challenge itself, but quite fun in prospect. Inside each of the three Curious Eggs is a Hydra with the ability to hit five times (Power of 1, but still very powerful with Bifurcated and Trifurcated attack together) and a Health of 5.

To unlock the Hydra, you need to cultivate your deck to have 15 specific things:
  • One of every Tribe: Feathered, Canine, Insect, Hooved, Reptile
  • A Card with every Power Level from 1 to 5
  • A Card with every Health Level from 1 to 5

In a perfect hand you could have a Cockroach with a Power and Health of 1, an Alpha with an upgraded Power of 2 and a Health of 2, a Vulture with Power and Health of 3, an Elk upgraded with a Power of 4 and a Health 4, and an Ouroboros (It is a Reptile if you didn't know) played and killed four times so it has a Power and Health of 5 and you will unlock the Hydras. As long as you keep those cards at those levels, you can play the Curious Egg cards every battle for the cost of one Bone each turn and have up to fifteen hits to your opponents cards!

Chances are you won't be lucky enough to have these exact cards, so focus on getting one of each tribe and getting any card you have in your deck (non-tribe cards work just as well) to the Power and Health numbers you need. The Amalgam card is great to use in place of any Tribe you have not been able to get your hands on as it is a mixture of all six tribes (including Squirrel in Act I) and it has a Power and Health of 3 so that ticks three boxes off for you. One card can be Power of 5 and another card Health of 5. You could literally have fifteen cards that finaly meet the requirements before unlocking the Hydra and that would work as well.

On your way to unlocking the Hydras, feel free to use the Curious Egg cards as extra sacrifice cards (they still cost one Bone each time you play them, keep in mind) and hopefully you will see the Hydras hatch before you make it to Leshy.

Use Campfires carefully, so you don't lose any cards you need to the Survivor's appetite (feeding them an Adder or Ringworm would be ideal early in the run to kill them and be able to use the double upgrade) and be wary of sacrificing any cards at Sigil Transfer events or Bone Lord events, if you plan to use them to unlock or keep the Hydras.

Successfuly completing Level 12 with 120 points worth of Challenges will award you Rise to the Challenge trophy_gold.png and will unlock the final Challenge: Final Boss (40 Points) - Fight Royal and the Lemoncello instead of Leshy and the Moon

Skull Storm
Lastly, Skull Storm is a run of Kayce's Mod with all Challenges selected and will end with the new secret boss. Use whatever Starter Deck you are most comfortable playing with and read above concerning any Challenges you are not familiar with, especially the Tipped Scales, More Difficult and Grizzly Bosses, and keep in mind you will have only one candle and only two items in your backpack so save up those items for the Grizzlies during each of the boss battles.

The Final Boss battle is pretty much everything Leshy does, but doubled up. Royal Dominguez, one of the skeletons from Grimora's Tower of the Dead, takes 3d form in a skull wearing a hat and brings a whole Pirate theme with him to the fight. During both Round one and two, Royal will target two spots on the board (one in the middle row and one in your row) with Cannonballs, much like the Angler targets your cards with his hook. Once the cards are hit with the Cannonball, they are removed from the board. The spots are randomly selected, though if you reload the battle, they should be in the same places so you can plan a better strategy. This can happen a few times and will likely happen at least once each round. It is possible to lose your most powerful cards to the RNG of the cannonballs, so tread lightly.

Royal gives you a pack of cards at the end of Round One with rodents that were stowed away on the ship. These are generally Mole Men, Possums, Squirrels, Rabbits and other small creatures that aren't very powerful but will at least add to your hand so you can use more cards for the battle. Get through another cannonball attack and beat the pirate to head to Round three.

The final Round is against the Lemoncello, Royal's pirate ship! It has a Power of 2 and Health of 80 with the same basic concept of The Moon, but with an advantage that helps you. First, fell free to use Magikal Bleach if you have it so you receive less damage per turn and you can also directly attack Royal with Airborne cards if you are able to remove the ship's Mighty Leap Sigil.

If you go the long way round on this battle, you will find that Royal's crewmates begin jumping ship and helping you fight. These cards are Skeletons with Brittle, so they only last for one turn, but they make great team mates as well as good sacrifice fodder for better cards. Thier brittle characteristic can mean they will break and disappear leaving an empty slot that will leave you vulnerable to receive damage directly, so plan accordingly. Make sure to watch the scale as the fight gets pretty chaotic, but you should be able to make it through.

Below is my full successful Skull Storm run and platinum. For further Kaycee's Mod video guides, including a Curious Egg run, see Start // Finish trophy_silver.png.
So I was trying the mantis god deck for months. I found the RNG luck required to be too high, as I had to get the right amount and outcome of campfires for the mantis god in addition to getting the required item(s) for the grizzlies.

I switched to the black goat deck and found it was much easier. Initially I thought I needed the cat for many lives sigil, but ended up trying the cockroach with unkillable sigil to sacrifice for the black goat. This allows your black goat to be replayed for the full duration of long fights without the risk of losing it.

On the first map I was able to get a 3x2 damage dire wolf with a +1 attack from campfire. I held on to my items until I could get a pack rat, then used it as much as possible in battles to replace bad items until I got scissors for the first boss fight.

On the second map I cloned my dire wolf and merged two moose bucks so I had 3 cards that could do 6 damage. It's better to have many 6-damage cards than to have fewer cards that can do more damage than that. So don't upgrade or merge cards that already do 6 damage. I found the hourglass item for the second boss fight.

On the third map I filled up on two-blood and three-blood cards, and got the bleach/fan item combo for the third boss fight.

A couple of times I saw that I was going to lose a fight so I exited to home and quit the game, so that I could restart those fights with a different winning strategy.

At the last event choice before the pirate fight I was able to use the sacrifice to get rid of my only other one-blood card that I had just received as a reward from the third boss fight (that's how I had lost my only previous pirate fight!). The pirate fight was surprisingly easy, I could use the skeletons as food for my black goat and refill the board with a good card at every turn.

The achievement popped at the end of the long credits.

06 Sep 2024 15:01

What a doozy of an achievement. This one is a slog. After doing hours of grinding I figured out a pretty consistant way of winning challenges.

Kaycee's Mod is unlocked after you beat the game. It is a modified version of Act 1 where things are "fair." This means things like Fecundity sigil don't repeat indefinitly and the Ouroboros resets each run. Each run starts with you picking a starting deck and setting your challenges. See Start // Finish (25G) for more information about the starting decks. Each challenge is worth a point value. You can do a run with no challenges set, but that will not unlock anything. You have to set enough challenges to equal the point value for the Challenge level you are at in order to unlock the next Challenge level. Here is the list of the challenges you will unlock:
  • No Hook - 5 points
    • Unlocked from the beginning
    • You do not get the Angler's Hook item during the run.
    • This is very challenging because in the beginning you will not have good cards. You generally will need to steal an opponent's card to get through the first fight. Try to avoid activating this one.
  • Smaller Backpack - 5 points
    • Unlocked from the beginning
    • You only get 2 items during the run. Not a big deal in the long run.
  • Cloverless - 5 points
    • Unlocked from the beginning
    • You do not get to reroll what cards you can earn at card spaces.
    • Try to avoid this one. You need to reroll cards to find the right combination you are looking for.
  • Expensive Pelts - 5 points
    • Unlocked from the beginning
    • Pelts from the Trapper cost way more to purchase
    • This one doesn't matter. You will not be buying anything from the Trapper.
  • Totem Bosses - 15 points
    • Beat challengel level 1
    • Each of the boss fights will have a totem active.
    • With the right deck this is not nearly as hard as it sounds.
  • Tipped Scales - 20 points
    • Beat challenge level 2
    • Start each battle with 1 point of damage against you.
    • Sounds scary but does not effect you as much as you think.
  • All Totem Battles - 20 points
    • Beat challenge level 3
    • All regular battles on the maps are totem battles
    • This one is pretty scary. Sometimes the wrong totem sets can steamroll you.
  • No Boss Rares - 15 points
    • Beat challenge level 4
    • The three cards that you get to choose from after beating a boss are normal cards instead of the better rare cards.
    • This one is irrelevant. What you get from the boss doesn't matter.
  • More Difficult - 15 points
    • Beat challenge level 5
    • This is on the list twice, and can be activated twice.
    • It claims that there will be more difficult cards played in each fight. To tell you the truth, i never noticed any difference. Even with both activated.
  • Single Candle - 30 points
    • Beat challenge level 6
    • Only have one life the entire run.
    • While this sounds very scary it doesn't matter. You only have one life for boss fights anyway. You will get used to running with only one life.
  • Annoying Starters - 10 points
    • Beat challenge level 8
    • All your starting cards will have the Annoying sigil on them.
    • Avoid having this active as much as possible. This one will really ruin your strategies. When you have to have this active try and get rid of your starting cards as soon as possible.
  • Squirrel Fish - 20 points
    • Beat challenge level 9
    • All squirrels have the aquaborne sigil
    • This is more challenging than it sounds. You can't block with squirrels because they will be under water on the opponent's turn.
  • Grizzly Bosses - 50 points
    • Beat challenge level 11
    • Changes the second phase of each of the Prospector, the Angler, and the Trapper boss fights to be 8 Grizzlies with the might leap sigil.
    • This one changes everything. You have to change your whole game to be preparing for the Grizzly fight. Avoid having it active if you don't have to.
  • Final Boss - 20 points
    • Changes the Leshy boss fight to be against Royal Domingez. its a completely different and unique boss fight.
    • This only unlocks when you complete Challenge level 12. You do not need to play with everything active until you have unlocked it.
For information on what I found to be the most consistent method of beating the game check out my forum post HERE.

When finally doing the Skull Storm run the strategy will still be the same in building up your deck, but the Grizzly Bosses challenge changes how you tackle the boss fights. You will be starting with the Mantis God deck so use your two Rabbit Pelts to try and find some good sigils for your Mantis God. Make sure the first campfire eats your Ring Worm. You NEED to find another campfire before the boss, and you NEED to make sure you have the right items. If your Manits God isn't at least 3/1 by the first boss you will not be able to win. It is easy to get rid of your second Ring Worm. Because it starts with the Annoying sigil you can sacrifice it at any of the Sacrifice spaces to some card you wont use.

Items will be the thing that lets you get past the Grizzly Bosses. First you need to make sure you have the items unlocked from Master Trinketeer (25G). When the Grizzly Bosses drop you need to deal with them or they will kill you. You can't fight your way through, especially not on the first boss because you will not do enough damage to get to the ones in the back. Touch of Death will help with the first wave, but the second wave will kill you. You can't use the airborne sigil because they all have the mighy leap sigil to block you. I found the Wiseclock and the Scissors to be the most usefull. The Wiseclock moves every card one square clockwise. This will put one of the bears on your side facing a different bear. That takes two bears off the table and makes an opening for you. If you use the Scissors you can cut up another bear making two spaces open for you. Hopefully you can get your 6 damage through that opening. The first boss will be the hardest. After that you will have an entire map to make yourself stronger.

One positive is that the bosses will not do their second phase at all. The Prospector will not turn your cards into Gold Nuggets, the Angler will not put out Bait Buckets and the Trapper does not change into the Trader.

When you do beat a boss you need to make sure the next map has an item space as one of the first two spaces. As long as you do not get up from the table it will not save the map. You can quit to the main menu and continue game to reload the map. It works because the game has you start on the boss space that you beat and loads a new map every time you walk forward.

The final boss is completely different than the normal Leshy. Thankfully the strategies to win do not change. You will still have your buffed up Mantis God that kills everything. The boss has three phases just like Leshy. The last phase is pretty neat because each turn you will have skeleton pirates fill up all of your empty card spaces, which gives you free cards to sacrifice to play cards from your hand.
The number of obstacle points must be 250.

It is necessary to assemble an imba deck that will be able to cope with a 4/6 grizzly already on the first boss.

In my case it was a Mantis God deck. Which had the following characteristics:
- 3 attacks;
- 1 life;
- an attack modifier that kills anyone (take it from the viper).
There were also a couple of pliers.

1. The praying mantis is in the second cage;
2. Use the pliers twice (this way you will have to deal 3 damage to get past the grizzly);
3. To the right of the mantis we place a creature with 3+ attack;
4. Profit.

In the future it will be much easier, since it will be possible to pump up the creatures even more before the next grizzlies.

PS If you feel that you have lost the battle, but think that if everything was different, you would have won, then just go to the main menu and continue the game. This way you can reset the current battle.

03 Sep 2022 12:41

There is a small nuance that greatly changes the approach to pumping cards:

The Mantis starting deck has two ringworms. You need to get to the first fire and send one of the worms there to bask twice.
People who ate the worm at the fire will die, and until the end of the race, you can warm any creature twice at all fires without fear that the map will disappear.
So you can pump up the praying mantis to inadequate levels and, having attached immortality or a sign from field rats to it, go through all the battles only with it.
By Originall on 31 Dec 2023 01:18
The game has a way to change the cards in your hand at the beginning of a round. Exit Casey's mod, press triangle and select the very first chapter. As soon as the goblin starts talking, go to the main menu and back to Casey's mod. Can be repeated endlessly
Using this method you can change: the arrangement of cards in the deck; improvements at the campfire (change health to damage, for example); cards that can be bought for skins

The tactic for defeating the grizzly is to take a starting deck with the god of mantises and re-roll the cards bought for the skin until we get a viper and a formidable wolf (or his baby). Next, you need to give the mantis god the viper ability and upgrade the formidable wolf at least once. To defeat the grizzly from the bosses you need to: place the god of mantises and a formidable wolf so that the mantis kills the grizzly and the wolf deals 6 damage to an empty cell, so you win on the first turn.
If something goes wrong, reroll the deck. The next bosses will be easier.
By pepe1 on 05 Mar 2023 22:05
I agree with the previous tip. I passed all the tests on the starting deck with the black goat, but went to the Storm of Skulls exclusively with the God of the Mantises.
The ideal scenario is if you manage to pump up the God of Mantises' power at the fires and hang the sigil of a double strike on him from the Dread Wolf.
And for the God of Mantises to always appear in the starting hand in your deck, it should be the only card with a price of 1 blood and there should be no cheap bone cards and free cards like Gekka and skins.
The algorithm of the starting hand is such that you are always given a card with the possibility of a double move (putting up a squirrel - sacrificing it - putting up a second card). If you think your starting hand is bad, then you just built a bad deck.
By Ejast-ej on 11 Nov 2022 21:05
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