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Jackal achievements progress.
Get 20.000 Points and a Extra life!!! (Player 1)
Get 50.000 Points!!! (1 Player)
Get 90.000 Points!!! (1 Player)
Get 140.000 Points!!! (1 Player)
Get 200.000 Points!!! (Player 1)
Get 300.000 Points!!! (Player 1)
Get 400.000 Points!!! (Player 1)
Get 500.000 Points!!! (Player 1)
Save and Delivered all Hostages in Helicopter on Stage 1!
Save and Delivered all Hostages in Helicopter on Stage 2!
Save and Delivered all Hostages in Helicopter on Stage 3!
Save and Delivered all Hostages in Helicopter on Stage 4!
Save and Delivered all Hostages in Helicopter on Stage 5!
Save and Delivered all Hostages in Helicopter on Stage 6!
Find and get the secret star on Stage 1
Find and get the first secret star on Stage 2
Find and get the second secret star on Stage 2
Find and get the first secret star on Stage 3
Find and get the second secret star on Stage 3
Find and get the secret star on Stage 5
Find and get the secret star on Stage 6
Defeat final boss using machine gun only
Destroy secondary cannon of the final boss
Destroy the train and all its cars on level 4
Beat Stage 1 using only level 1 missiles. No machinegun firing, no losing lives
Beat Stage 2 using only level 1 missiles. No machinegun firing, no losing lives
Beat Stage 3 using only level 1 missiles. No machinegun firing, no losing lives
Beat Stage 4 using only level 1 missiles. No machinegun firing, no losing lives
Beat Stage 5 using only level 1 missiles. No machinegun firing, no losing lives
Beat Stage 6 using only level 1 missiles. No machinegun firing, no losing lives
Beat Stage 1 without pressing down and losing lives
Beat Stage 2 without pressing down and losing lives
Beat Stage 3 without pressing down and losing lives
Beat Stage 4 without pressing down and losing lives
Beat Stage 5 without pressing down and losing lives
Reveal the Great Tank on Stage 6 without pressing down and losing lives
Kill 200 soldiers without using weapons (no continue, soldiers from helicopter on level 4 does not count)
Beat the game without upgrading weapon level
Beat the game firing grenades or missiles less than 60 times
Deliver 90 hostages to helicopter on level 6
Destroy the Final Boss having 510,000 or more points!! (1st loop only)
Get 9 remaining lives!! (P8)
Play Stage 3 with 9 remaining lives!! (P8) (1P)
Destroy the Final Boss with 9 remaining lives!! (P8) (1P)