Jetpac Refuelled

Jetpac Refuelled

12 Achievements



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You can stop now!

You can stop now!

I have completed Jetpac Refuelled


How to unlock the You can stop now! achievement in Jetpac Refuelled - Definitive Guide

Probably a game you should not power grind through at all. Doing a handful of stages a day is the best way to get this.

A few tips:
1. Remember that your level saves after your ship changes to a different model. Don't get to the last stage with the same ship you have had and quit otherwise the last two or so levels you completed will not save.

2. On easier levels, try to hang around as long as possible once your ship is fueled up to collect as many bombs and items as possible. Your bombs will come in handy for the overwhelming levels.

3. If you are carrying fuel and are hit by an enemy you will not die, you will simply drop the fuel on the ground where you were hit. Sometimes holding onto a fuel cell during an overwhelming period is worth it if you think your chances of dying are high.

4. You have three different beams for your gun. You get the single shot, then the vertical and horizontal shot beam, then the triple beam. Once you get more beam powerups, the cycle resets to the single beam, but it is longer and more powerful. I found that sticking to the triple beam, even on the weakest level of it proved useful even on the later levels.

NOTE: You can actually tilt the triple beam to shot upwards on an angle or downwards on an angle. This is very helpful when you need to move up to get fuel or down to drop off or pick up fuel.

^ Hope that all helps guys!

08 Oct 2010 04:08

Just to expand a bit on your first point (didn't want to write my own solution just to say this), it's been helpful for me to just focus on doing 4 levels at a time. So for example, if I start on level 25, using all the bombs and all the lives I have just to make sure I get to level 29. Once I make it to level 29, that level will be unlocked as a new start point, and I can just exit out and restart there with a new stock of lives and new opportunities for bombs.

Once in a while I'll have a really good run and end up at a new checkpoint with more bombs and more lives than I would be able to start with, so obviously if that happens to you, keep going because it's not in your interest to just quit out and try again. But if you get to that new checkpoint with zero lives and zero bombs, just quit out and start a new game from that level.

I haven't unlocked this achievement yet, but this was the strategy I used to get to level 44, and I'm pretty confident that I'll be able to use it all the way through when combined with the other tips in this solution.
By thanatos8285 on 05 Apr 2019 14:47
First off the shotgun upgrade is only helpful on levels where A. There are things Chasing you B. You can hang out on the bottom cause the fuel drops are there.

If there are jumping robots(the worst enemy in the game) they will spawn on a platform above you and kill you(their spawn to leap is two seconds), the first upgrade that shots a laser above you is far more effective and ensures unless they come at a funny angle you will be won't have to worry about them. So if there aren't orbs chasing you don't you dare go for the shotgun.

This game doesn't start becoming a nightmare until 49-53 before skill and luck would be able to carry you through most levels. However certain sections of this game are completely RNG dependent on Placement of Fuel drops, Weapon spawns and where they land( on some levels you won't get any upgrades/nukes because it's impossible to get to the top or bottom of the level after 40 seconds). I've had runs where the gold icons would spawn in 7 times in a row. If you don't get upgrades at the right time or acquire them(ex. upgrades landing in the fuel canister which removes the one you are currently using) there isn't a chance in hell that you can pass most of the levels. Enemy spawns will become alright bullshit, the Clowns and transparent Puffers will spawn inside of you often, I have many deaths from them spawning right in or below you as you move. Sections in this game that are 100% luck and will require hundreds of attempts are as follows, 29, 49-53, 76, 89-092, 113-116, the entire last section isn't difficult however the RNG for it is at it's worst, making it one of the most rage inducing sections, on 125 jumpers will outright spawn in the air and hit you/ track you through the screen border and kill you instantly. 126 Jumpers will spawn in the air and instantly kill you. Most of the time in this game a single death at just the wrong time will doom that four level section you are in, DON'T TRY THIS GAME IF YOU AREN'T LUCKY/ DONT LIKE REPLAYING THE SAME LEVEL 500 TIMES BECAUSE OF ENEMIES SPAWNING IN YOU.
By My Ringtones on 27 Apr 2024 01:53
I wrote this guide by using the translation site because I am not good at English.
Please pardon if there are strange parts in this text.

Solution for You can stop now! In Jetpac Refuelled
All tips described in the above-mentioned solution are important, and I recommend to read once.

I uploaded the playthrough video to Youtube and made this playlist.

These videos are not so-called super play.
However, I think you can find several strategies from these videos.

I recommend to watch these videos in because you can skip to every levels by using the time link in description text of each videos.
(Although the description text is described in Japanese language, you should be able to use the level select without a problem.)


21 Aug 2015 22:27

Went to use your guide to look at a level I was having trouble with but you had 7 lives then. You really should have made it so you start anew at each checkpoint. That is why I downvoted.
By Chizzy on 06 Apr 2017 14:56
+1 from me. Good clear advise and the video was a good benchmark for the strategy I used.
By Car56 on 24 Apr 2017 07:12

The last levels are hard, so be ready to use bombs when you need to. The only strategy that might help you (other than dodging enemies, of course) is the fact that when you own an item (shuttle piece of fuel tank) and an enemy hits you, you don't die, you simply lose grip of your item. However, the enemy dies when that happens. You can use this to your advantage by keeping an item on you to reach valuable power-ups (like EMP's or gun upgrades) that are hard to get. From level 100, doing 4 levels in a row becomes hard, so make it your goal. Don't try to save your bombs for more than 4 levels. Just reach the level where you get to build your shuttle, and smile. Take this as a milestone, and get to 128 step by step.