Joe Dever's Lone Wolf Console Edition
49 Achievements
You have opened a lock without damaging the picklock Details for this achievement will be revealed once unlocked
How to unlock the Discretion achievement in Joe Dever's Lone Wolf Console Edition - Definitive Guide
Lock picking in this game is the same as Fallout/Skyrim. You have a pick and a knife. First you position the pick with the left analog stick. Then you use the right analog stick to turn it. If it stops turning then immediately stop trying to unlock and reposition the pick. Try again. If it turns more than the last time then you are moving the pick the right way, if it turns less then you have moved the pick the wrong way.
Keep trying until it unlocks. If you try in the wrong position too many times, then the pick will break and you will fail to get the trophy on that attempt and will have to wait for the next lock.
I personally got this in a warehouse after my second fight of the game. A chest was discovered that I could unlock.
Keep trying until it unlocks. If you try in the wrong position too many times, then the pick will break and you will fail to get the trophy on that attempt and will have to wait for the next lock.
I personally got this in a warehouse after my second fight of the game. A chest was discovered that I could unlock.