Journey To The Savage Planet: Employee Of The Month

Journey To The Savage Planet: Employee Of The Month

52 Achievements


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The $600 Man

The $600 Man

3D-print all the 3D-printables. After that, go ahead and 3D-print yourself a gold star!


How to unlock the The $600 Man achievement in Journey To The Savage Planet: Employee Of The Month - Definitive Guide

You need to complete all Science-experiments to be able to purchase everything. As well as collect all Alloys.

Most are straight forward and track correctly, with 2 exceptions.

You need to kill at least 2 enemies with the dying explosion of one of the pink jellyfishes. There's 2 ways to do this - either sneak around it and wait until it flys low and throw a binding bile at it, followed by bait, then kill it when others are nearby.
Or simply throw bait at it to make the birds follow it and shoot when they're nearby.

The Shocking has really bad tracking. What I recommend is to gather 4 of the birds, throw 2 baits close to one another and wait for them to finish eating, then throw a binding bile, shock them and simply shoot them. For some reason it won't register while they're eating.

09 Jul 2024 00:20