Journey To The Savage Planet: Employee Of The Month

Journey To The Savage Planet: Employee Of The Month

52 Achievements


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Use every left hand tool in the game. Gotta hand it to you: You're pretty handy.


How to unlock the Ambidextrous achievement in Journey To The Savage Planet: Employee Of The Month - Definitive Guide

Left hand tools are literally all the items you can hold in your left hand, which you scroll through using cn_left and cn_right, and use by pressing cn_RB. All of these will be acquired while playing through the game. They are the following
1. Bait (Grob)
2. Gelatinous Blob
3. Binding Bile
4. Grapple Seed
5. Bombegranate
6. Blight Bomb
7. Shock Fruit
8. Live Sampler

Like I said you'll unlock all of these playing through the story and you wouldn't unlock this achievement that much faster specifically looking for them as you would just playing through the main story missions. The game even goes so far as to alert you that you unlocked each one and give you a small explanation. Most are essential to completing the game, some are just useful. Just make sure to use all of them at least once.

1. Bait: Also known as Grob, these can be found in a vending machine on the Javelin or throughout the world in big orange and blue cans. When thrown these will splatter on the ground and attract creatures to it. You can get this within you first five minutes of gameplay, what with there being a group of Pufferbirds inside an ice cave directly outside the Javelin.

2. Gelatinous Blob: Throughout the world you will find green slime-like blobs on the ground that function as bounce pads. You can find Gelatinous Blobs by shooting the purple cocoon looking things that hang from terrain around the map. You will also unlock these very quickly in The Landing Site area of the world.

3. Binding Bile: Binding Bile is probably the most useless of the bunch. Taking on the appearance of a purple pile of crap, it is used to stick creatures in place. This will be found a little later in the story and can be harvested from the purple cocoons.

4. Grapple Seeds: Partway through exploring The Landing Site, you will need to harvest Grapple Seeds from a purple cocoon to proceed. They take on the appearance of green throwing star. These are thrown at bluish rings in the world to create temporary grapple points. The use of these is required throughout many areas of the game

The remaining few (not including number 8) are all mandatory in progressing through the game as they are used to complete puzzles and open secret areas. However they are all dangerous, and require an upgrade to the suit that you can unlock for purchase by locating a shrine with said upgrade in it. It is possible to use them without the upgrade and still count, however you can only hold one at a time and only for about 5 seconds before it damages you. No worries though as you will regularly receive quests that will guide you to the shrine needed.

5. Bombegranate: These are found just before the Cragclaw boss fight, and spawn on shiny blackish orange bulbs. They can be harvested from these plants and thrown like bombs to destroy walls and creatures. Purchasing the stabilizer upgrade will allow you to hold on to multiple at once.

6. Blight Bombs: Similar to the Bombegranate, Blight Bombs require an upgrade to store safely, however you can still pick up one if used within a few seconds. Blight Bombs can be thrown towards enemies to melt them with acid, or at amber chunks/armor to destroy them. They are found on glowing green pitcher plants in The Itching Fields and onward.

7. Shock Fruits: Same mechanics to the previous two, the Shock Fruit can be first picked up in The Elevated Realm and are used to shock enemies and short circuit proximity doors to pass through. They spawn on bluish trees with tendrils hanging down. Assuming you used all of the other items prior to gaining this one, this will be the last item you need to use.

8. Live Sampler: Partway through the game, you will be given access to science experiments, challenges that will unlock new upgrades for purchase in the 3D printer. For example "Kill 5 creatures with one charge shot" or "Fall 50 meters and save yourself with a boost jump." One experiment type that will remain constant throughout the 3 groups of them (besides completing a certain amount of the Kindex) is taking samples from creatures. When you gain access to science experiments you will automatically receive the live sampler and will be tasked with sampling certain creatures. Simply go up to a creature and hit it with the sampler.

Once you have used all 8 of these, the achievement will pop for you.

Happy Huntingrock

11 Jul 2024 18:15