Karaoke Revolution
50 Achievements
Xbox 360
Create and sing in a venue with a Zombie center piece and backdrop
How to unlock the BRAINS! achievement in Karaoke Revolution - Definitive Guide
Once you complete 40 gigs in career mode, you will earn the Zombies items. You can see your unlocked items from the Main Menu> Options> Extras> Unlock Progress.
For the achievement, from the menu select "Venue", then "Edit Venue", choose new or edit.
In "Stage Props", choose "Backdrop" and pick the Zombie item, then choose "Stage Center" and pick Zombie Hands item. Play any song (Custom Play) in this Venue and the achievement will unlock.
For the achievement, from the menu select "Venue", then "Edit Venue", choose new or edit.
In "Stage Props", choose "Backdrop" and pick the Zombie item, then choose "Stage Center" and pick Zombie Hands item. Play any song (Custom Play) in this Venue and the achievement will unlock.
See "Area 51"