Kick it, Bunny!
68 Achievements
Dig 3 different water type items
How to unlock the Water achievement in Kick it, Bunny! - Definitive Guide
This achievement is known to be buggy, and is flagged as such.
Here's what worked for me
Stand in one spot, smash over and over, and collect the random crap which shoots out from the ground (highlighted by a column of light).I didn't move from the initial area, and unlocked all the achievements digging in that one spot. I dug for about 20 minutes, non stop, before the achievement popped. You have to pick up the items you dig up.
From the comments:
You can influence what you dig up by digging in the area of each kick it puzzle. For example, if you dig up in the Wolf gameplay area, you can get a wolf item.This achievement will unlock in a few minutes.
Hi! As MIKE1989TW said, this is not glitched or buggy. To unlock the water type items I went to the square island near the north west where there are only 4 puzzles (no mountains, nothing, just the 4 puzzles). To get the water items do NOT dig inside the puzzle squares, dig between any of those squares, and after a little bit my achievement popped.
I hope it helps!
I hope it helps!
Great advice, thanks, just got this and the wild items achievement in that exact spot!
By NatorDom on 03 May 2024 23:35
Great advice, thanks!
By NatorDom on 03 May 2024 23:36
Hey all!
This achievement is not glitched, more dependent on where you dig. Sure, you can just dig and hope random items turn up, but I do not believe that is the design of the latest update.
If you go to a specific puzzle on the map, say Cactus and dig within the boundary, it will only drop cactus. If you go to the sword, it will only dig swords. If you go to flamingo, it will only dig flamingo.
So outside of the puzzles is a hope and wait for something approach. Go to the puzzles and they will come very quickly.
So, you need an insect, go to the Alien Beatle for example and it will pop.. etc. etc. I won’t teach you how to break eggs :)..
Hope this helps 👍
*Water is more random, I got it within seconds of digging beside water.. who would have thought? 🤔
This achievement is not glitched, more dependent on where you dig. Sure, you can just dig and hope random items turn up, but I do not believe that is the design of the latest update.
If you go to a specific puzzle on the map, say Cactus and dig within the boundary, it will only drop cactus. If you go to the sword, it will only dig swords. If you go to flamingo, it will only dig flamingo.
So outside of the puzzles is a hope and wait for something approach. Go to the puzzles and they will come very quickly.
So, you need an insect, go to the Alien Beatle for example and it will pop.. etc. etc. I won’t teach you how to break eggs :)..
Hope this helps 👍
*Water is more random, I got it within seconds of digging beside water.. who would have thought? 🤔