Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

82 Achievements

1000 XP

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Angel of Mercy

Angel of Mercy

Help save Johanka from the most grievous charge of heresy!

15 XP


How to unlock the Angel of Mercy achievement in Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Definitive Guide

This is highly missable!!

This is quiet easy if you know what is important for the ultimate interrogation. Here's a list of everything I did (chronological order [at least for missable parts]):

1. Try to get everything done in a good way while doing the quests for Johanka, means: get Adela convinced to go to Sasau (for god's sake, don't sleep with her afterwards when she is offering it, because it will backfire on you later. Be patient when it comes to this. I know it's really hard to say no to such an offer!), get the tailor to recognize his wrong behaviour and so on. Furthermore: get the book from Godwin in Ushitze and read it. It's of use later.
2. When your looking for testimonies, do the following:
- this is the most important thing you have to do: convince Johanka to not provoke the inquisitor. First, talk to Nicodemus so that you get the task to convince Johanka (yes, this is a lot about convincing...) to be a good girl. Go to the jail and convince the guard that you have to talk to her. Your skill should be high enough at this point. You have to pay him in the end. When your talking to Johanka, she will disagree of being quiet about her visions. Go to Nicodemus again and tell him about it. Now it should be possible to talk to Matthias! He's lying in a bed where all the sick ones are. Choose the first option of talking and he should give you a dice. Now talk to Johanka again (the guards are still satisfied thanks to your money) and tell her about the well doing of Matthias (you won't need the dice, but your dice skills do..). Like I said: this is the most important thing to do, because even if EVERYTHING is going the best way possible, Johanka would throw everything aboard thanks to her stubborness.
- talk to Adela and let her talk about Johanka (I hope you didn't share the bed with her...)
- let the wife of the tailor talk about Johanka (only if you gave the money back!)
- talk to the wife of the weapon smith and choose the second talking option. Then choose the next option instead of going and now convince her with enough skill to talk about her stupidness with the people hired to disturb Johanka. You can use this information against her.
- talk at the inn with the man you found the treasure for and convince him to talk about Johanka.
-It will be of use to tell the inquisitor about the misstandings in the area, because it will raise your reputation (he will mention this later).

The last "Speech-Battle" starts now. So try to do your best. If your speech skill isn't high enough, don't use any speech options you need skill for, just the normal dialogue options (don't know which level is required, but under 15 should be to low for sure [you can try to boost your speech by 5 points thanks to a bard potion]). Use everyone you have gathered for this and use every evidence. Here's a list of the dialogue options (thanks to Solobrus22):

It will follow a cutscene in the end which is looking quiet the same like the one you would see if Johanka would be punished. The difference will be Johanka regretting her doings. After the cutscene ends you will unlock this achievement.

If this was useful, please give me a thumb up. If not, please write a comment so I can do my best to help you and make this guide even better.

Thanks for reading!!

19 Jun 2019 21:22

I am happy to hear that I could help. I had struggles to get this achievement, too. Because of that I thought a solution here would be great. Is it okay if I take your Dialogue to the solution? I will mention you there because it is a really good addition. :3 and congrats for your unlocking :D
By LightningSoule on 21 Jun 2019 13:24
Yes. Sure.
By Solobrus22 on 21 Jun 2019 18:28
didnt unlock for me even witht the right conclusion. That happens sometimes so I will try the trial sections once again but the steps to achieve the right result are valid
By stepanek on 17 Aug 2019 19:45
excellent guide thnx
By cooper101183 on 10 Oct 2019 20:22
Yay down vote for nothing :3
By LightningSoule on 24 Feb 2020 19:53
Just want to thank LightningSoule and Solobrus22 for their guides through this DLC
By Alex Larkworthy on 12 Apr 2020 14:58
Naaaw thank you, it's so nice to hear that! :3 when I played the dlc on launch day it was like hell to find any information in the internet to get this. After a long time trying many different ways and possibilities I wanted to write guides for the achievements that could use one. I hoped this way I could help you guys out and avoid this tedious research for you. So every like and thank you is really appreciated! :3
By LightningSoule on 12 Apr 2020 15:06
Wonderful guide for a kind of complicated cheevo... Thanks for putting all this effort and time into this, it worked like a charm! toast
By staR eXistenZ on 15 Apr 2020 12:49
By Bcg1337 on 02 May 2020 18:05
Thanks for the info! clap
I failed the first time I tried. I didn't want to snitch anyone to the inquisitor. The second time, I snitched everyone apart from Father Godwin and the Monastery events - because it gets tricky when he asks you how did you learn of that. Anyway, snitched the rest and it worked.

Plus I failed the final Speech check "Present clever argument" - even though I got 20 Speech, but still got the good ending.
By igna89 on 02 May 2020 20:04
I finally got to try it again and the achievement popped to my great pleasure. thank you once again
By stepanek on 08 Aug 2020 13:58
Another critical thing is actually praying at each shrine, even though it says optional. I kept on full armor and rode my horse, but if you don't pray, Godwin won't offer the manuscript. Without reading it you can't get the best ending, even if you do everything else perfectly.
By EOD Jason on 09 Jan 2021 19:50
Great guide, real big help. Got confused once or twice but it sorted out. I slept with the bath maid but did everything else so can confirm you can miss one step
By MrGrim1462 on 21 Apr 2022 04:47
Thanks for the guide. (I did many runs of this trial before, without any luck)
The book from Father Godwin is very important, without it i couldn't get the achievement.
Heres the dialogue i selected to unlock the achievement:

On this playthrough my speech stat was at 13, i used a Bard potion to increase the stat to 18 right before i started the trial.
By Solobrus22 on 21 Jun 2019 00:30
I'm playing this on Steam not on Xbox. I'd have given this solution an upvote but because I don't have it on Xbox it seems I can't.

A suggestion on an improvement to the solution you have though, you mention getting the book from Godwin but it was unclear from your solution how one does that. I see in a reply here that it's related to the shrines so I get it now. It's that going as a penitent thing. I actually walked to Uhzitz with just the robe on and stopped at the shrines though I clicked them only once... though I think you're supposed to do it more than that. You get the option to lie... but I clicked the other option without thinking on it. Maybe you'd get the manuscript there if you lied, couldn't confirm that though.

I failed this quest last time I tried. I never got the book, and while I told the Inquisitor about most things I wasn't going to say about what was up with Godwin :D

(I'm going to give the money to the bailiff next time.. this time I gave it to Father Fabian for the people in poverty which is a great cause but Fabian turns out to be a pain in the ass later on :P )
By Pushtrak on 30 Jan 2021 16:43
Excellent guide - thank you.

I had a glitch with the Pilgrimage quest and couldn't pray at one of the locations, so didn't get the Matthew of Janow text from Godwin. I did everything else as set out above and it still popped for me, so it looks like there's at least a little leeway in what you have to do.
By Lurking Lawyer on 02 Mar 2022 10:21
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For this, you have to make sure you do everything in the best way possible. Here's a list of all the quests that affect this outcome:


  • Casting Lots - Talk with Ambrose and get him drunk enough to play you in dice. For this you have to drink with him at least 3 times, choosing the option with the maximum drinks each time. I suggest having the perk "Beer Bibber". Make sure you loose the first two rounds betting "three score" and then "nine score", then "Let's play for everything!" on the last one and win. Now teach him the errors of his ways, tell him the Virgin Mary sent you, then take his dice. Then give him his money back.
  • Go, and Sin No More - Get the key from Madam and enter to the room and rescue Adela. Convince her to leave and go to Sasau. Do NOT sleep with her when she offers it.
  • The Wicket Gate - Make sure to get the manuscript from Father Godwin after you donate to the church and read it.

Eventually you'll have to get witnesses to help Johanka out after speaking with the Inquisitor. This is TIME SENSITIVE. The main overall thing you must do is to convince Johanka not to provoke the Inquisitor, otherwise, no matter what you do, she'll ruin it. Talk with Nicodemus and he'll give you the task. Go to the jail and convince the guard to let you see her. You won't be able to convince her, so go back to Nicodemus. Matthias should then wake up, so go and talk to him and then go back and talk with Johanka.

Secure the testimonies of everyone you can. Make sure you get Adela, Kolin and Guta, along with everyone else on the list. Talk with the Bailiff and he'll get you to talk to Katra. Ask her what she has against Johanka and then pick "Warned? How?!". Pass the skill check and she'll admit to getting people to disturb Johanka, which you can use the information against her in court. Once you've talked to everyone, go back to the Inquisitor and tell him about all the wrongdoings going on. When telling him about the drunken monks, make sure you pick an actual name of a monk (Jodok), otherwise you'll spend time in jail and miss the trial. After you are done, start the trial.

It's best if you have a high speech skill, as sometimes if you meet the check, you can still fail. If not, don't use the speech skill options. If you want, take a Bard potion to help. Here's what to pick during the trial:


  • Johanka's apparitions are true. (Speech 11)
  • Call Pavel of Kolin.
  • Cite Matthew of Janow.
  • Call Brother Nicodemus.
  • Johanka doesn't bless anyone.
  • Call Guta, the Tailor's wife
  • Call Adela.
  • She's not telling you everything!
  • She had no evil intentions.
  • Because of her deeds.
  • Present a clever argument. (Speech 11)

If everything goes right, she'll regret her actions and ask for forgiveness and in the end, repent.

To take the trophy, you need to complete the “Debate with the Inquisitor” quest so that Yohanka is not executed for heresy; to do this, you must successfully complete the trial.
To do this you need:
Complete all additional optional tasks (To find witnesses to her actions), and of course actively participate in her (Yokhanka’s) defense at the debate itself.
IMPORTANT: During Yohanka’s 2nd sermon (in the clearing), blood must not be shed, only fists must be used.
1) Enlist the support of Guta; in order to do this, you need to free the tailor Ambrose from his gambling addiction in the quest “Casting Dies”, and do not forget to give him the money. In gratitude, Guta agrees to speak in defense of the messiah.
2) Enlist the support of Adela, for the quest “Go and sin no more” you need to make sure that Adela moves to the monastery.
IMPORTANT: Under no circumstances agree to her gratitude. (Sin in the end)
3) In the quest "Bonum Commune" you must not refuse Pavel from Colin, but immediately agree to do his quest, and it is advisable to give the treasure as he wants. (I gave it to Father Fabian, in principle it doesn’t affect anything except Father Nikodim lamented me)
4) Talk to Fabian (Optimally, he won’t take Johanka’s side)
5) Talk to Catra (Blacksmith's Wife)
6) Trustee Sebastian, in a dialogue with him, we abandon his escape plan and simply ask for help.
IMPORTANT : It is better not to speak during debates,
7) Talk to Sazava’s guard, and under no circumstances bribe him.
(If you did bribe him, then you can use your eloquence skill to say what he imagined)
8) Go to the inquisitor and suck up to him
9) In the quest the pilgrim's path, if you ran in a cassock across the entire map, and were frank with Father Baguta, then he will notice this, and in the dialogue he will give Matey from Yanov, you must read it, 2 pages (At the debate there will be 2 branches of dialogue, where you can say the words of great minds)
10) Make Johanka humble. To do this, we go to Father Nicodemus, and talk about Yohanka and ask for his support.
- Next, we wait for the night, go to the inquisitor’s room and pick up documents in the chest of drawers under the “Very Difficult” lock that say that Henry is from his retinue of inquisitors.
- Next, we go to Yohanka, where she is being held in custody, and talk to the guard, you need at least 10 charm, and hand him the documents. (You can just talk to him, but he won’t let you see Johanka without documents).
- We talk with Johanka about how she needs to moderate her ardor and not insult the church, she won’t listen to the player. We report to Father Nicodemus.
- At this time, Matus is getting better and we talk with him about protecting Johanka, he gives Henry a lucky gambling die (the same one that Teresa stole), with this bone we go to Johanki again and tell her about Matei, we also ask her to calm down.
After these actions at the trial, she will be humble and will not send Yaroslav again.

All these actions will successfully save Johanka from execution without escaping.

29 Jul 2019 10:47

If you were foolish with Adela in the end, then just don’t call her in court.
By M41L0 on 06 Feb 2021 04:47
For some reason the trophy didn't drop. I saved Yohanka, she was only whipped. But the trophy didn't fall
By mcs1mka on 10 Apr 2020 07:11
Whoever wrote this guide was not entirely accurate.
You NEED to enter into debates! Choose the most neutral and non-defamatory answer.
When interrogating Catra, say that she is not entirely honest and is not telling something.
If the outcome is good, she will not be whipped, she will be released in peace and she will meet with Matei.
By SerdceTigra on 05 Jun 2020 18:38
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It is necessary to dissuade Yohanka (to talk to her, get documents or influence the guard), ideally complete all her quests to help the residents and call all witnesses. It is better to pump up your eloquence to the maximum or so (at least 15-17). There seem to be 4 endings, only the best one is considered for achievement.

27 Jun 2019 18:24