Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

82 Achievements

1000 XP

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Full House Sinner

Full House Sinner

Have on your conscience every sin Johanka can think of.

10 XP


How to unlock the Full House Sinner achievement in Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Definitive Guide

This achievement gave me such a headache, I have spent hours on this and have some key info.

Firstly after you complete Bonne Commune you will accompany Johanka to make another speech, the speech will be interupted and you have to drive back the thugs. Once you have driven them back. MAKE A SAVE.

When you speak to Johanka she will bring up your sins, the achievement unlocks immediately before she even gets into the sins. These are the sins she needs to mention to unlock the achievement.

As the achievement already unlcoks your response does not matter. These are the required sins and the dialogue Johanka uses.

Sin 1 - Kill Runt
Dialogue - Havent you ever killed anyone, Henry

Answer - Yes, Runt

Sin 2 - Kill others
Dialogue - 'apart from Runt have you ever killed someone'

Answer - Runt was not the only one

to find out how many people you killed go to player, statistics, combat - people killed. Someone metioned you need to have killed at least 11 people to get this dialogue to appear. So make a save and stealth kill at night. You can also go to the crime tab under stats and see innocents killed.

Sin 3 - Sleep with Lady Stephanie
Johanka Dialogue - 'You have coveted thy neighbours wife'

Sin 4 - Sleep with Multiple Bath Wenches
Johanka Dialogue - 'You have fornicated with prostitutes'

This was what prevented me from getting the achievement, when I spoke to Johanka I had the Alpha Male buff activate from sleeping with a wench, but it did not register in dialogue, I slept with another and still nothing. In the end I just kept choosing sleep with wench at Bathhouse. After about 6 'goes', I went back and the dialogue registered. I dont think you need the Alpha Male buff active I just think you need to give the game or town gossips time to register your sleeping with prostitues

Sin 5 - Jail Sentences
Johanka Dialogue - 'I heard you been locked in jailhouse more than once...'

Go to Statistics, Crime and you can see how many times you have been locked up.

Sin 6 - Thievery
Johanka dialogue - they say that you are a thief Henry'

Again this was little tricky. I went to a shop in Sassau and got caught stealing, I stole multiple objects. I surrended did my jail time and went straight to Johanka but she never mentioned anything So like the prostitutes you need to pass some hours for the gossip to reach Johanka.

These are all the sins that Johanka mentioned in dialogue. However other guides also advise you to be drunk/alcoholic, now I did have the alcoholic buff active when I spoke to her and I spent 1 day as an alcoholic. Once I got the buff I then drank somemore and got the drunkeness buff and then spoke to her. As I say she never once mentioned in dialogue about being drunk but as its easy to get drunk do it just in case.

I am unsure whether you need buffs active at the time of speaking to her or whether you just need to wait until word of your sins reaches her. Just in case these are the buffs I had active when the achievement unlocked.

Alpha Male

Hopefully this makes it easier for others as I spent hours trying to unlock this trying different things. Remember the achievement unlcoks as soon as the dialogue starts .

09 Oct 2019 16:35

Can confirm you need to at least be drunk as well. I tried this twice sober to no avail. Got drunk and it popped as soon as Johanka mentioned me sinning. Good guide, thanks!
By DaveNotRodney on 25 Apr 2020 22:34
No buff active, not wearing Lady Stéphanie's shirt and not drunk either. What seems to have counted for me was to have sex with bathmaiden 3 or 4 times in a row like you did.
By Jacky chaud on 24 Aug 2020 22:02
She mentions all the sins for me but it doesn’t unlock the achievement
By Tissue Baron on 02 Nov 2021 00:05

I got the achievement just now and I had not any of the buff active when I talk to Johanka. My stats are the following :
- time spent drunk : 3 days (0 day as alcoholic)
- i slept with lady Stephanie and I had the shirt in my inventory (not on me)
- more than 500 items stolen
- 384 enemies killed (and 12 innocents)
- 2 jail sentences (2.2 days), I think this was during the monastery quest lol
- I slept with some bath wenches but I don't know where to find the number

Anyway thanks for your guide =)
By Darkpenguin67 on 27 May 2021 21:12
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Update April 2020: it seems that this achievement is glitches by not accepting sleeping with lady Stephanie as a sin. I don't know if this will be patched or when...

If you down vote, please say why so I can make the solution better. Thanks.

This is highly missable!!

To get this achievement, you have to trigger Johanka to talk about a few sins to you after fighting on the field against a few villager. Here is a list of the things you have to do:

Spoilers ahead:

The achievement plopped instant I talked to Johanka before I could press any button, so you don't have to do the whole conversation. I hope this helped you guys!!

19 Jun 2019 19:04

I had 0 of the debuffs active and still got the achie so that's not necessary. Just having done them at some point is.
By Araknoidi on 22 Jun 2019 16:26
That's strange because as long as I hadnt the buffs active it didnt ulock for me :x
By LightningSoule on 22 Jun 2019 20:49
Same. No buffs and no achievement
By Bootybandit1#751 on 26 Feb 2020 14:31
Is anybody having trouble with this achievement??? I have all the debuffs active and Johanka does not acknowledge my drinking or me sleeping with Lady Stephanie, which is preventing me from getting the achievement. Any help would be appreciated!
By PirateLord on 06 Apr 2020 03:06
Hm... It's a while ago I played this game and I didn't hear something about a bug with these parts :/ for me an dothers it worked this way, I would say it have to be some bug or failure if you did it correct.
By LightningSoule on 06 Apr 2020 05:32
Heads up people. This achievement is glitched. I replayed it and made sure I slept with Stephanie and followed everything to the letter—something I already did—and she still wouldn’t acknowledge me sleeping with Stephanie. Just a heads up if you’re going for this. I recommend to hold off on the quest, “at your service, my lady” until your closer to Johankas quest. That way you can make a save and won’t have to back track so much if it didn’t unlock. I’m going to try now for a third time...
By PirateLord on 09 Apr 2020 02:45
Same here. She acknowledges all of the sins except the one for sleeping with Lady Stephanie, for some reason... damn...
By Gabwe on 15 Apr 2020 07:48
Got the same issue, no acknowledge of drinking and Stephanie.
By MiST 1001 on 17 Apr 2020 22:19
OK, I finally got it after restarting the DLC. So the only thing I did differently was to wear the shirt Lady Stephanie gave me, during the conversation with Johanka. On the initial save, I've sold the shirt and didn't have it in my inventory anymore. I guess that was the reason for which Johanka wouldn't acknowledge that I slept with Lady Stephanie...
By Gabwe on 19 Apr 2020 07:35
OK sorry but this is really funny xDD I think you had to proof you had sex with Stephanie. No sin without a proof lol 😂😂
By LightningSoule on 19 Apr 2020 14:55
I didn't have any debuff active. The only thing I did was wear Lady Stephanie's shirt to be on the safe side. The last time I was jailed was months ago (in game), but I do sleep with bath maids often. I like the alpha male and cleanliness and game save that comes with it, but I haven't done it lately. The buff was not active. I've killed 201 people in game, but only 10 of them were crimes against civilians and not combat kills.

The achievement popped midway through the dialogue, just before Johanka started questioning my sins.
By MethodGT on 31 May 2020 16:13
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The trophy can be earned during The Madonna of Sasau after Johanka's speech on the rock outside of Sasau where you fight off the villagers.

The requirements are as follows:

Kill Runt

Complete the Baptism of Fire main quest.

Kill Other People

I failed this requirement with 17 kills (15 enemies). I killed 11 innocents in Samopesh in order to trigger the conversation options with Johanka.

Sleep with Lady Stephanie

Put on the shirt at the end of At Your Service, My Lady side quest.

Sleep with Bath Wenches

Visit any of the bathhouses and pay for a wench.

Steal and Get Caught

Steal food from one of the food vendors and surrender.

Go to Jail

Can be combined with stealing or killing. I did both just to be safe.

Get Drunk

Drink alcohol until drunk. To be safe, make sure the second stage debuff activates, not just the first stage buff.

I also had the following debuffs and buff active when I spoke with Johanka. The conversation options for sleeping with the wenches would not trigger without them.

1. Alcoholism debuff
2. Drunkenness debuff
3. Released prisoner debuff
4. Alpha male buff

The trophy should pop during the early part of the conversation with Johanka.

07 Jul 2019 00:04


This takes place after you complete the side quest "Bonum Commune". Johanka will want to tell the people about another dream she had and this time, will do so out in a field. After a cutscene some attackers will show up. Fend them off and then talk with her. In order for this to work, I had to have the active debuff for drunkenness and released prisoner, as well as the buff for alpha male. I did these actions before but for whatever reason, it wasn't counting them.

  • Kill Runt
  • Kill Other People
  • Sleep with Lady Stephanie during the side quest in the base game "At Your Service, My Lady".
  • Sleep with Bath Wenches at a bath house by choosing the option "To pay for a wench, and everything that goes with that"
  • Steal and get caught
  • Go to jail
  • Get drunk
The trophy is obtained for living in sin.
After the second sermon, we are in no hurry to talk to Yohanka in order to make sure that Henry is a sinner.
Sins in the game that must be committed in order to get the trophy:
1) Murder (Kill Shorty according to the plot, or any other)
2) Lie with your neighbor's wife (In other words, you need to take Casanova's achievement and lie with Lady Stephanie)
3) Go to jail, or have a fine/search. (Everything is clear here)
4) Fornication (You have to indulge in debauchery with different bath attendants SEVERAL TIMES!)
5) Theft (Take everything that is not nailed down)
6) Pride (Behave arrogantly in a dialogue, for example, answering that the sermon was complete nonsense, or boasting about your church in Pribyslavitz)

29 Jul 2019 10:45

I confirm. The only thing I didn't do was Casanova, everything else was there - they didn't give me the trophy.
By korhaalom on 15 Sep 2019 20:14
Everything is simpler, without pride.
Mrs. Stefania + several bathers in the bathhouse (did several times in a row in one go)
Death of Shorty + deaths of innocent citizens
Caught stealing + prison to be included in the statistics
In addition, I advise you to take debuffs, just in case: gluttony, intoxication and prisoner (he hangs for a long time immediately after leaving prison)

As a result, she will ask 6 questions, and the trophy will appear even before her questions, at the beginning of the dialogue.
By Hisoka_desu on 27 May 2021 20:51
Adultery with ladies, sex with bath attendants, theft, imprisonment, murder of Shorty and other people are considered.
By Antoine_soverie on 27 Jun 2019 18:29
Seduced Mrs. Stefani, Casanova didn’t fall out (I don’t know why) in the end this one didn’t fall out either
By hollow138 on 24 Mar 2020 23:28
Everything was done, but the trophy was not given.
Loaded up, at the very beginning he said that the sermon was complete nonsense - the trophy fell out.
By ThreeOfSpades on 27 Aug 2023 15:26
Version 1.9.6.
Indeed, you don’t have to choose Pride, that the sermon was complete nonsense. I decided that the sermon was good, and immediately after this remark the trophy fell out, since everything else was enough.
You need to go to the bath attendants 3 times. You can right next to the monastery. 2 times was not enough. And already for the third time there was a line about Bathgirls, so 3 are needed.
Well, if you haven’t been to prison before, you can openly try to steal something from the guard, go to prison, 14 hours will pass.
Everything else is as in the tips above, except for Pride. Murder of Stinky and other people, Theft (even that for which you don’t get caught counts), Lady Stephanie. There is no need to choose “complete nonsense”, and I didn’t even have a line to boast about my church in Pribyslavitz, even though the church was completely rebuilt for this dialogue.
By Wik-Slayer on 02 Sep 2023 03:43
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