Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

82 Achievements

1000 XP

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King Charming

King Charming

Be popular in every town and village.

10 XP


How to unlock the King Charming achievement in Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Definitive Guide

This is likely to contain spoilers, and unlikely to be a full guide, but rather some observations during the quests and ideas on increasing reputation. At this point this seems highly missable, so keep that in mind. Skip to the bottom for the TLDR.

So to unlock this achievement, you'll need to raise your reputation to 80+ in the following locations:


These were rep 0 for me and not required:


I had 80+ in 8/10 locations when I decided to try and get this out of the way. The other two were:

Merhojed - about 74 overall, 100 with the soldiers and 49 with the villagers. This was after healing the village of the plague on that related quest.

Uzhitz - 53 overall, 53 rep with villagers. This was before doing the missing horse quest so I can't say how much completing that quest influenced rep.

I seemed to be stuck in Merhojed, so I did the only thing I could think of to raise reputation there. There is one Grocer and Horse Trader, so what you want to do is small transactions with both, and then through haggle you give them a full top up of gold everytime. So if you're buying a carrot at the grocer for 1.2 groschen, haggle and give them 1.5 groschen.

Your rep should increase with the grocer and horse trader 1-2 points per transaction. I did this until my rep with both was about 75 and traveled away to sleep/save the game. When enough time passed in the game, my rep rose from 49 to 71 with the villagers, 86 overall which was more than enough to be popular in Merhojed. I did the same in Uzhitz and upon waiting outside the town for about 8 in game hours the rep rose to 82 and the achievement unlocked.

The missable part in my opinion comes from the Monastery and the becoming a monk quest "Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience" and/or "Needle in a Haystack" which I believe is part of the main quest. If you've done this part of the game you'll know what I mean, very annoying. I did the quest the proper way as well as the side quests within the monastery that I could find, AND did it while keeping the schedule so you don't get thrown in jail in the monastery by either Circator after failing to do 3 tasks. I had 100 rep after doing the side quests, but being thrown in jail dropped it to the 70s which is too low to be popular. So you may have to play nice and complete side quests:

Scattered Pages
Nasty Habits
Libri Prohibti

while in the Monastery to maintain a high enough rep.

Alternately, raise your rep everywhere else and leave the Monastery quests until you've done that, and it hould make this whole part easier.

TLDR; Raise rep through "top-up" haggling (haggle and give them more gold with each purchase) with vendors if you have no other option to increase rep. Travel away after 8-10 top-up transactions and sleep/wait 8 hours.

Be careful with the Monastery and the quests within, maybe increase rep everywhere else to 80+ before starting the Monastery quests. Might be missable otherwise.

21 Feb 2018 23:26

One last thing, there is a quest line that involving the forest master and poaching that does have you speak with a member of the quarry also doesn't have an effect. lastly is there also a story line progression point that must be met or is it just high rep as soon as you can manage it? Just in case it is a 80 reputation cut off.
By Okin E Magus on 04 Mar 2018 18:21
i have trouble in Merhojed - the horse Trader is lying down on the ground and i can´t talk to him - he still reacts when i try to steal something .... but he wont stand up anymore - in the healing quest he said he broke his arm or something like that.... really anoying
By kedifare on 05 Mar 2018 06:55
That isn't the horse trader is Merhojed, that's another refugee who found work on the farm. the horse trader should be a balding man who does tend to walk around the whole area more so than you might think, unless he somehow died in the plague, but i don't think he's one of the infected.
By Okin E Magus on 05 Mar 2018 19:13
Any tips on raising Merhojed rep other than gifting during haggles? Specifically for the soldier rep.
By Pink Freud PhD on 06 Mar 2018 00:32
I assume they don't all need to be above 80 at the same time?
By MikeBut on 10 Mar 2018 01:18
it seems to be 85 or above at the same time, though i can't confirm since the quest giving the last bit of rep needs to be fixed. If you've missed out on the refugees I wouldn't be sure that it could be raised, I made a playthrough avoiding any sort of conflict just to be sure i wouldn't go below, but till the quest goes i have no idea.
By Okin E Magus on 10 Mar 2018 08:32
i also have trouble increasing my talmberg reputation I already did the house of god quest and the quarrymen rep is still at 50. help?
By Emperor Hans on 13 Mar 2018 12:01
Haven't checked in for a few days, sorry for the delay. Turns out that the quarrymen rep is not needed, despite believing it was. Best way i figure to get this is to play through the story till you need to get in the monastery, make sure to cure the sick refugees in Sasau near the monastery and the plague that breaks out in Merhojed. Do the Ruin quest chain to up rep with all the guards as well as fast traveling like MikeBut mentioned for any area that may be suffering after Ruin. Buy and sell to raise other factions till everyone is around or above 82 once that is done, enter the monastery and either find all the pages for the librarian or get the forbidden book while not getting caught or just do proper daily tasks for a few days, the moment you get over the mark the achievement should pop.
By Okin E Magus on 16 Mar 2018 19:07
I finished the quest Pestilence and cured everyone in Merhojed but my reputation with the villagers is still at 50 after several days have passed in the game. Any ideas why this happens? Should I finish more main quests or something?
By XVir360 on 19 Mar 2018 18:29
Heads up: If you buy the DLC "From the Ashes," it allows you to re-build Pribyslavitz after the quest Baptism of Fire.

After the rebuild, Pribyslavitz has 100 rep for you, and it counts toward the achievement.

Your new list would look like this:

You need 80+ in ten out of these eleven locations:
Pribyslavitz (can only increase this rep if you buy "From the Ashes" DLC
By Rickr304 on 25 Aug 2018 15:52
It's also worth noting that if you select the Infamous perk from the main level skill tree, your reputation skyrockets when haggling and giving the max in their favor.
By HateMe4141 on 05 Sep 2018 01:48
It's definitely not 80 which is needed, because I have currently at least 80 everywhere and chievo didn't pop.
By DEF Exeio on 18 Sep 2018 09:20
If you need to better your reputations with soldiers one method is to fast travel in the area around the town to get random encounters where Guards fight either Cumans or Bandits. This is what I did in Merhojed. My soldiers were stuck at 67 but after fast travelling between Samopesh and Inn in the Glades I managed to get two such encounters and got past the 81 threshold. It all comes down to luck what kind of encounter you get as no other kind of encounter counts towards soldier reputation.

You recognize the potential of such encounters by the title "Hold-up" ad by the option to "Watch the battle". It's not a guarantee as it might be Bandits fighting Cumans - and those doesn't count.

I wish I had known this when I started the game as I've skipped so many of these kind of encounters. To always to these encounters might save you the trouble to grind it in the end.
By Atsumer on 04 Oct 2018 05:01
Sasau is also very missable, as I got the quest for helping the refugees in the Monastery, but didn't realize it was timed, and went to complete a few other quests beforee finishing this one. Some refugees died during this time, and Johanka was angry at me. Now, my reputation with them is stuck at 47%, so even if I have 100% with Sasau villagers, I'm stuck at 74% overall, and there's nothing I can do to improve my reputation there. :(
By Gabwe on 02 Apr 2020 19:51
Update: With Sasau at 74% and Merhojed at 65% left, I decided just to be sure, to max out Merhojed, so I went and helped a guard patrol to fight Coumans. Achievement unlocked immediately after getting notified that my reputation increased!!! And Sasau was still at 74%. So I guess, Skalice refugees in Sasau are NOT TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT, only Sasau villagers. :)
By Gabwe on 05 Apr 2020 16:55
Monastery at 59 and Merojhed at 36 and still got achievement. Fyi I have all dlcs and Pribyslavitz is at 100. Are you sure it's not an overal reputation of 80 you need?
By Jacky chaud on 24 Aug 2020 14:29
I got it somehow with Neuhof at 6%, it may have counted Rattay twice as it dropped below 80 and I increased it again, or maybe it counted Pribyslavitz, not sure.
By induvielgamer on 16 May 2021 18:53
Like suggested in the comments, Pribyslavitz seems to give you +1 if over 80. It's part of the "From the Ashes" DLC, in case anyone's wondering. Monastery does not count, or at the very least is not needed, even without having Prib.
By Healtti on 23 Sep 2021 16:37
This doesn't seem to work anymore. Bought half of the bastards goods all while topping up, waited literally days, and nothing. Rep stayed at 56 in Uzhitz.

However after a google search, I found out I could also lose at dice to gain rep. I lost 3 times, went to the glade, slept for 8 hours, then looked and it increased to 59!

When all else fails, just lose at dice.
By Ape King Iræ on 15 Oct 2021 14:52
After having spent a good 30 hours working on just this achievement (last one to go) it seems like as with other achievements a patch has bugged this from players getting it or at least myself. The magic number seems to be 85 and after reaching 90 or higher in 9 locations and the only remaining reputation being Talmberg with a 84 and being trapped there, because of the Talmberg quarrymen faction staying at 50% even after finishing the quest house of god, the only quest that seems to involve the faction didn't make it move. There seems to be so many ways of starting and finishing the quest even endings that involve to getting an invisible ring worth 100, I say invisible because the quest dialog involved is a blank space and the item has a blank name, i know its a ring because you can equip it in the ring slot. you can also just get just groschen. Even the turn in order doesn't seems to do anything. Also a note, once you start helping the injured refugees in Sasau if you just wander off doing other quests and they die, you can't get rep with that faction in Sasau, and being only 2 factions you'd be stuck at 75 at best.
By Okin E Magus on 04 Mar 2018 18:02
If you finish Ruin that should boost your guard rep to max, with that quest already finished just look for bandit camps around the area, try fast traveling out of Merhojed and if it's a bandit attack kill them. Small events like that will boost slowly, not 100% sure but turning "trophies" in to the head guard is Talmberg should also add a bit to the guard rep.
By Okin E Magus on 06 Mar 2018 03:17
My 10% on the achievement tracker for Samopesh unlocked at 81 reputation. My lowest village is currently Uzhitz at 81 when the achievement popped, so I can't be sure if you only need to get each village above 80 once and not maintain it.

As for Merhojed, I found a good post that told me to travel from Samopesh and the Inn at the Glade and hope for a random encounter of guards vs bandits or guards vs Cumans. I finally got it and it put me above 80 for Merhojed reputation. I had to kill them and reload, but I am sure if you just knock them out it will be fine. They were running away from guards the whole time anyway.
By MikeBut on 10 Mar 2018 22:24
I got this cheevo, but! I didn't got 80+ reputation everywhere. I knew its Merhojed I had the most trouble with since it was only 60 rep after Pestilience quest!. So I helped at skirmishes after 2 encounter it raised to 80 and got the cheevo immidiately. Sasau was 54 for me, and Monastery doesn't even appeared in the list. So how did I got it? I had 100 reputation with Pribyslavic. So its seems only 8 out of 10 is required if you had 100 reputation with Pribyslavic!
By JimmieWorld on 22 Mar 2022 02:35
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Acquire the Infamous Perk, that helps increase rep from low to high. Do not steal, pickpocket,murder or commit any crimes in an area you are trying to increase rep especially if you have the local hero perk as it will plummet.

This is for people who are quite far into the game and struggling to change a towns reputation. Every single trader you encounter has a different level of reputation with you, to see a traders reputation, click on Lets Trade and then where it tells you the value of the transaction you will also see thats traders reputation. Aim to get each trader to at least 75+. Increasing that reputation however is another thing.

Every solution I have read has said to make lots of small transactions and haggle in the traders favour, however I would do dozens of transactions and nothing would change that traders rep, then I thought screw it, I bought everything in the traders inventory and lo and behold the rep increased by 4 points, therefore I believe that it is the value of the transaction. I then sold eveything back to the trader and at haggle gave max back. In two transactions I increased the rep from 66 to 77. After playing around I believe the traders overall wealth impacts your rep, therefore doing large transactions and haggling in favour of the vendor really boosts your rep.

Go round each of the traders, and work on the ones with the lowest rep first, remember that horsetraders, bathhouses and innkeepers all have inventory to trade.

Secondly, some locations such as Rattay and Merjohed have a soldiers rep, the best way to increase this is by killing bandits/cumans in the area, eaither fast travel between areas or visit known camps, usually on the map they are marked by a smoke icon. Turn in bandit/cuman ears in the area you want to increase rep.

If you have the DLC to renovate Pribislavitz that makes this achievement much easier as you have a massive stream of disposable income.

Visit Bernard and do the quests to rid bandit/cumans. Also remember tht sometimes there are multiple traders in one shop, rember there are also market traders, traders wives etc. It can around 24 ingame hours for the overall town rep to change, so dint be discouraged if you change a couple of town traders rep but dont see an instant change to the overall rep.

10 Oct 2019 12:42

1 Comment
I can't recommend doing larger transactions enough! I saw your comment and it got my rep from 32 to 81 much much faster. When I had tons of money as well I would just sell stuff you loot from bandits, or thieving for the cheapest option to traders. That helped my rep go up much faster and quicker than a ton of tiny tips over and over again.
By Mursuka on 12 Jun 2020 21:54
Since last update (July I think), things have changed for this achievement. The top-up technique still works, but you now have to make massive transactions for the reputation to increase significantly. Also, personal reputation with traders seem to stop increasing after a certain point.

I would like to add some advices to the already-existant guide, because it's not very helpful anymore. I've spent 50 hours working just on King Charming and I hope I can help some of you.

First of all, the reputation needed is 81. At least for me it was the case, cause I got the achievement with these exact points :

- If you own the From The Ashes DLC, things will be a bit easier because you can afford to have a city with a low reputation since you'll have a "extra" city which is Pribyslavitz, where the reputation will be 100 as soon as you progress a little bit toward the DLC side-quest "Lost in the Woods".

- If you already finished the Monastery episode with a low rep AND if you didn't save Merhojed's people from the disease, then you may have to load a previous save (not 100% sure for Merhojed, maybe it's possible to get it to 81+ after not saving the people).
In my case, the grocer from Merhojed had disappeared from the village, so I was screwed for this town.

- Do side-quest to increase rep.

- You can reach 79 personal reputation with traders only by top-up gaggling. Maybe even more.

- When you haggle and top-up on a big transaction, you can earn 1 reputation for each 500 groschen. So if you top-up for a 1000 groschen transaction, you'll win 2 rep with the trader, etc, 6 rep for 3000 groschen, etc. See my tutorial on how to make money easily in early game at the end of the guide.

- Avoid killing people, because even if there is no witness, for some reason your reputation may drop. You can kill bandits and cumans but that's all as far as I know. Stealing in Rattay without getting caught in the Armorer's house had no impact on my Rattay reputation, luckily.

- For the city reputation to be updated you need to travel to another city and wait 24 hours (maybe less).

- Charisma doesn't count at all toward reputation, at least that is my understanding from my own experience. Playing dice doesn't seem to count either, and the same goes for giving money to beggars (not 100% sure for the latter).

- For Samopesh, which has no side-quest at all : Fast travel from Monastery to Samopesh and wait for Hold-up random event. If there are Cumans VS Guards, kill the cumans and if some guards (or a single one I guess) survive, you'll get almost +20 rep for Samopesh.

- Don't do a single side-quest which involves thieving, unless you have no other choice. Save before you steal and reload if the rep drops.

- I got the achievement without Infamous perk equiped, because I have been told it makes it more difficult to gain rep when your rep is already high.

- You'll have to have a lot of money if you want to increase your rep through top-up haggling after last update. If you’re on a new run, it may be very difficult to gather a lot of money quickly.
To make money easily, it's not very difficult. Here is a simple tutorial. See Spoilers below.

Another way to get easy money is to hunt (with a bow) boars. Take the boar meat on their corpses. Go to a eating pot and Cook them. Then, sell the cooked boar meat to innkeepers.

Thanks to DMillz2015, Splinun the Pro, Mistr Rager, Lola Dragonfly, Okin E Magus and Rickr304 for helping me out with KCD achievements.

I tried to write the guide I myself wished I had found when I needed it, hopefully that helps !

19 Sep 2018 00:50

1 Comment
Added to what has changes with the update, I don’t believe the monastery is required anymore (and after all it says “town and village”). Also, just having 80 reputation is enough. I also have 100 in Pribyslavitz, and no DLC.

Easiest ways to level Merhojed and Uzhitz is make huge transactions to the horse traders. They have lots of money, sell good items for your horse, and will buy anything.
By WhyattThrash on 09 Apr 2019 12:35
For starters, Rovna and Vranik apparently don't count.

Everything starts of around 50, you just have to raise it and maintain it. For whatever reason, I had pissed of the Monastery guards and it was at 0 for the longest time. Once I joined the Monastery in the "A Needle in a Haystack" quest, I pissed off the Circators in the cellar by being down there just as they stopped drinking (dumb), got the achievement, and found my reputation lept up to 82.

Yea, I'm not quite sure what to make of this one, but it seems like you have to drop your reputation in a city and raise it back up to get it... weird. It's not even raise your rep past 70-ish, my score in Uzhitz is 40.

04 Sep 2020 00:00


This is one of the most difficult trophies, because your choices have an affect on your reputation throughout the towns. Not every town counts towards this. You have to keep your reputation in all the affected towns at 80 or above. Only 10 of the towns count towards this, the rest do not. I suggest getting the perk "Infamous", as this will help you raise your reputation faster.

Completing quests will raise your reputation, along with trading with merchants. Haggling with them and giving them more out of it will raise it faster.

  • Ledetchko
  • Merhojed
  • Monastery
  • Neuhof
  • Rattay
  • Samopesh
  • Sasau
  • Skalitz
  • Talmberg
  • Uzhitz

This trophy seems to be glitched in a good way, as I was not at good standing with all the villages I should have been with. If you have the "From the Ashes" DLC, Pribyslavitz might count towards what you need. I was above 80 with Uzhitz, Pribyslavitz, Monastery, Rattay, Sasau, Ledetchko, Talmberg, Skalitz and Sampoesh when mine popped.

In order to get the trophy you need your reputation in cities to be at least 80%, there is no need to bring it up to 100%
3. Neuhof
6. Talmberg
9. Samopesh
In all other locations, reputation is not taken into account, do not kill peasants under any circumstances and it is advisable to steal without stealing, but even if your reputation is at a low level, there is an option to increase it. First, learn the skill in the “General” column - a person without honor, after that go to the city in which you have a low reputation and start buying and selling items from sellers, giving them more money when bargaining, skip a day and everything will be a bench, I had reputation in Uzhitz is 40%, having appeased the sellers, I raised my reputation to 98%, it is advisable to increase your reputation in other locations before going to the Monastery, since then in the monastery you can greatly reduce it and you will not be able to get a trophy.

04 Mar 2018 17:51

Patch 1.6 - raising by trade works
Raised the rating to the storyline with the monastery and the achievement dropped (so the monastery is optional)
By Ketzer on 22 Jul 2018 19:18
ketzer is wrong. I just tried to raise my reputation with a purchase, but everything is exactly the same as a month ago. Does not work
By Zekandro on 26 Jul 2018 07:39
Zekandro, everything works, if your reputation doesn’t rise, then either someone has a grudge against you (version 1.6.2 - go to church, buy an indulgence), or something didn’t happen according to the plot, for example in Mrhoedy - your reputation won’t rise until:
1. The quest about the pestilence will not be completed
2. After completing the quest, after 4-5 days you will not talk to the local elder and he will not thank you or offer you money

Also, one city from the list:

you can skip it, for all other cities from this list the reputation should become >=81
For example, I failed the quest with treating the sick in the monastery (it is limited in time), so in Sazava the reputation of the Skalitsa refugees had dropped so much that it was impossible to get 81, I had to level up everything else.

Also, before receiving the achievement, try not to complete tasks for obtaining meat, skins, as well as a task (farm laborer at the monastery), where you need to do all sorts of nasty things - they seriously lower your rating, with the exception of obtaining meat received from the chamberlain in Tamlberg (immediately after how you agreed to accept the position of hunter - if you agreed, of course), there, on the contrary, it increases the rating.
Even just being seen on private property can lower your rating.

I increased my rating by getting meat, after receiving the position of a hunter, meat obtained from the forest is no longer stolen, I went to two or three places, killing large animals - wild boars, deer, and appeared in the city, having about a thousand and a half pieces of meat, after which began to sell to merchants for an amount greater (a thousand or two pennies) than they had money. To each.

You also need to monitor the merchant’s personal rating, it should increase after the sale (we look at it before and after the sale), if the rating does not increase, then that’s it with this merchant, it’s time to go to another one. Also, often there are two traders at one point - a man and a woman, and their ratings may differ, so we sell to both.

There is also a nuance - after such a sale, their internal supply of money inexorably begins to increase and selling meat becomes expensive. There are two options here - wait a few (very many) days, or rummage around their house at night - each merchant has a little box in which this excess amount is stored (for example, for an armorer in Rattay (I pushed him the stolen armor, after how the sign of theft disappeared) - this is one of the closets on the second floor, next to the room where they sleep).
After that, the next morning, they again become poor and you can again push meat on them and increase their rating.
By SveRussian on 18 Aug 2018 10:27
The reputation in the monastery needs to be raised precisely during the mission in it, otherwise it won’t work out.
By RainOnTheMoon on 05 Mar 2018 15:42
The "Robbery" event with guards for reputation in Mrhoedy is better to make a quick transition, as mentioned above, between the clearing and Mrhoedy. It will fall out faster this way. And it mostly takes place in the forest. So if you passed through the forest and came across robbers, stop, break into them and make a quick transition in the opposite direction. And one more nuance, when the “robbery” Event (battle of guards and robbers) finally falls, it is necessary to kill all the pests even those who ran away, since they will not give a reputation. Therefore, check the turnips if they haven’t been added, then look for enemies nearby or wait for them to return anyway.
By Mazd1e on 06 Apr 2018 06:34
Let me add that the prize still requires 81+ reputation; at 80 reputation in Uzhice, I didn’t get the prize, I raised it to 82 by trading and got it right away.
By xb_r on 27 Apr 2018 12:04
Spent 4 hours raising turnips in Mrhoedy patch 1.5. The "robbery" encounter during fast travel is activated during daylight hours. And it is advisable to get off the horse before crossing; it seemed to me that the chance in this case is higher.
By OvrlrdO on 09 Jun 2018 14:33
I highly recommend not completing the tasks of the old prostitute, because you will worsen your turnip in Neuhof (like me) and you will not be able to get the achievement
By Palladinios on 19 Jan 2019 22:35
You can also raise your reputation in villages (taverns) with dice players by simply losing them amounts of money
By Excommunicado on 12 Mar 2019 07:57
1.9.2 Grimeaters and the Monastery are not needed.
By CAHEKrus on 09 Dec 2019 22:02
I confirm that the monastery and the mrhoeds are not needed, I received the achievement when the mrhoeders had 29 (the pestilence fell) and in the monastery 65 (I didn’t do anything special there)
By hollow138 on 21 Mar 2020 02:33
Received a trophy when:
- Ledechko - 37
- Mrhoedy - 69
Either something didn’t work right, or Ledechko isn’t needed either
By jayeti on 29 Jul 2020 16:30
For PC. Game version: 1.9.6-404-504czi3.
I received the achievement after the richman gave a speech and the quest “Lost in the Forest” was completed. The main task at the time of receipt is “Questions and Answers”. Side: “Royal Silver”, “Gang of Bastards”, “The Place That Makes Home”, “The Suitor”. That is, I did not complete the quests in the Monastery to become a monk, since I did not complete the main plot. And the “Pestilence” did not take place in Mrhoed. Also not available yet due to the plot. I didn’t specifically improve my reputation. I just completed all the available quests. I stole from chests and dudes, but didn’t get caught.

My reputation:
* Rivna 0

* Užice 100
- Uzhice peasants 100

* Pribyslavitsa 100
- Residents of Pribyslavitsa 100

* Monastery 67
- Monks of the Sazavsky Monastery 67

* Rattae 84
- Traders from Rattay 94
- Ratay townspeople 95
- Skalitz refugees (Ratae) 100
- Rattay - countryside 77
- Rattai Warriors 55

* Neuhof 100
- Noykhov peasants 100

* Sazava 100
- Skalick refugees (Sazava) 100
- Sasau peasants 99

* Ledechko 97
- Ledec peasants 97

* Talmberg 84
- Residents of Talmberg 100
- Warriors from Talmberg 100
- Talmberg stonemasons 50
By Wik-Slayer on 16 Jun 2023 23:46
If there is a problem with your reputation in Mrhoedy, then you can solve the problem in the following way.

Peasants - we sell and buy goods in the city, giving tips to the sellers.
Guards - here you have to get a little tricky: using fast travel, you run between Samopesh and Tavern "In the Clearing" until you catch a mini-event in which you need to help the guards deal with the bandits. I activated it about 10 times, mostly it came across robberies or robberies. In order not to miss out, agree to any activity! In one event, he raised the reputation of the guard to 81. Video
By temp-381229 on 15 Mar 2018 19:26
If you don’t save two refugees who die after 2 days in the mission “In God’s Hands,” you won’t get the trophy, since in Sazava it will be impossible to raise your reputation above 73
By Groz on 14 Dec 2018 09:14
January 2023. Patch 1.9.3

My reputation:
Rivna 0
Užice 92
Pribyslavitsa 91
Monastery 55
Rattae 75
Vranik 0
Noykhov 100
Sazava 84
Ledechko 86
Talmberg 84
Skalitsa 100
Mrhoedy 94
Samopesh 100

HSE wrote that the monastery and Mrhoedy were not needed, but this apparently has to do with the number of settlements with a good reputation and not with specific names.

The best way to get a trophy is to not ruin your reputation. Vovoroal on black in rattai, so I couldn’t get 81+. In other cities, to raise turnips, I lost at dice 10-15 times, then waited 4 hours. Raising your reputation by trading at a loss did not work. The inscription stating that they had given a reputation appeared, but the turnip itself did not change. So play the dice, do the side jobs, and don't steal. If it really gets to you, you can help the guards in random encounters, but this is a last resort. In Mrhoedy the main thing is to stop the pestilence. There is practically no other way to raise turnips there.
By End11Lord on 08 Jan 2023 23:49
I encountered the following problem: in Sazava, the reputation of the peasants did not rise to zero. I spent a long time buying things at a premium, but there was no result. As it turned out, the reason was a local tailor, who harbored a grudge against me after he caught me stealing, after which he always ran away from me when he met. I solved the problem by breaking the law and serving time in prison. After this, the tailor stopped running away, and his reputation easily rose to 80 by buying things at a premium.
By Francais on 27 Mar 2018 00:10
I'll put in my 3 cents. The whole game I was stealing in the dark, but I tried not to get caught (if there is a dangerous theft ahead, it is better to save before it). Spending time in prison will help raise your reputation, but provided that you have it for old crimes, if you have it, say 60, then it will fall after serving time if, for example, you attacked a guard, you can also buy indulgences, try to help guards and merchants in random encounters, and in the end, a strange thing - in Uzhice the reputation is 60, the Monastery is 68, the rest are over 90, he raised his reputation in Mrhoedy by helping the guards in the battle with the Cumans (it was 74, now it is 88) and the trophy blurted out.
By himeo on 05 Feb 2020 21:36
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-Do you know what they do in prison? Raise your reputation!
The only thing that separated me from receiving the achievement was Mrhoed’s number 74 in the “Reputation” column. I sold and bought back almost all my inventory at a markup from the groom and the grocer girl, but my reputation only went up two points. But! All I had to do was punch the guard and agree to a prison sentence instead of a fine, and the achievement was obtained DURING my imprisonment. In general, problems with reputation? SIT OUT!

07 May 2018 22:05