Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

82 Achievements

1000 XP

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'Tis but a scratch

'Tis but a scratch

Finish the game in Hardcore Mode with all negative perks.

10 XP


How to unlock the 'Tis but a scratch achievement in Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Definitive Guide

Just to add to the above solution.

This is one of the most rewarding and satisfying experiences Ive ever had playing a game on the most difficult setting. The most difficult part of the game is the beginning. If you can manage to get through that when you have poor equipment etc then you will have done the most difficult section.

This achievement does stack so you will also unlock the Hardcore Henry achievement. I strongly recommend you do this on a second playthrough, the most difficult aspect of Hardcore is positioning yourself and reading the map correctly. So having a good understanding of locations is important. I also combined this with the Mercy (no kills) achievement & Virgin Achievement. So I focused heavily on Speech and Charisma and avoided combat whenever possible.

Alchemy recipes can be found here, these will help until you level up. ://

As well as negative perks there are other massive changes in Hardcore mode. The main changes are: There is no Autosave, No Fast Travel, No player Icon on the Map meaning you have to work out your position on the map, No Waypoints - So you are unable to place a mapmarker. The compass is severely restricted. Health & Stamina Bars do not appear on screen.

Start a New Playthrough in Hardcore Mode and make sure that you select all negative perks. Below I have listed the negative perks, their effects and how best to counter them.

Negative Perks
1, Brittle Bones - You suffer much worse injuries when you fall. This can be minimised with the Featherweight perk under the Agility Branch and by improving your Vitality Stat. Use all ladders and stick to roads, try not to go down rocky or steep hills particularly when your stats are low.
2, Claustrophobia - Wearing a helmet with a visor weakens your attacks. This one is very easy to offset, simply wear a helmet which does not have a visor.
3,Consumption - You have Less Stamina and it regenerates much more slowly. This has a huge impact at the beginning of the game. Purchase the Marathon Man perk ASAP. Seven Mile Boots Perk under Maintainance is a massive help Increasing your vitality stat also increase and improves Stamina and regeneration speed. Brew the Buck's Blood Potion. As you level up it will get better. Keep picking Nettles until you unlock Resistance under the Herbalism Branch, this gives a Permanent +2 to Vitality.
4, Haemophilia - All it takes is a scratch and you bleed like a stuck pig, the bleeding is faster and harder to stop. This one is really tough especially at the start of the game. One cut from a sword strike can kill you in seconds. Other than avoiding combat you can counter this by buying the Thickblooded perk. Equipping strong armor is essential. Brew Aqua Vitalis, Marigold Decoction, Lazarus Potions and ensure you always have at least 10 bandages on you and more in your saddlebags.
5Nightmares - Everytime you sleep in a bed you will wake up with stats reduced by 2 temporarily. This has a massive impact initally however once you begin leveliing up is affect is reduced. You can counter this with Insomniac Perk Cockerel Potions, Saviour Schnapps .
6, Numbskull - Lowers the Acuisition of Experience. This is without a doubt the negative perk which has the biggest impact on the game. Eg I picked over 500 locks and my lockpicking skill was only 16.
7, Shakes - You get the shakes which affects archery, pickpocketing and lockpicking. This can be offset with perks such as Deft Grip & Lasting Lockpicks,. Focus on building up your stats in those areas. I only pickpocketed Wayfarers and those sleeping until I increased my skill level.
8,Somnabulent - Sleepwalking. Occassionally you will awake in a random area but usually it is on the outskirts of the area where you sleep so don't worry if you sleep in Rattay you will never wake up in Uzhitz. I did not find a way of countering this one.
9, Tapeworm - You are eating for two. You get hungrier quicker. This like numbskull has a constant effect throughout the game. Buy the perks Ascetic & Human Dustbin Asap.

To check you have activated them all go to Main Level where you normally choose the perks and you will see all 9 negative perks.

The most difficult portion of Hardcore is the beginning when you have no positive perks, poor equipment and low stat. Choosing the right perks is essential, Ascetic, Insomniac, Marathon Man, Empathetic anything which boosts charisma and speech. I chose Golden Tongue as I was completely avoiding combat.

A major tip - Work on pickpocketing & lockpicking from the start. Sell everything to Peshek and build up his cash reserves.

Focus primarily on getting through the main campaign. While no fast travel, map markers and a limited compass were the biggest drawbacks they also really change the experience of the game eg I can now travel in pitchblack from Rattay to Pribslavitz to Sassau. I know the terrain like the back of my hand.

Make use of all the save slots as you may need to go back a few slots, so never playthrough the entire game using the same slot . I would say the most difficult portion of the game is the beginning when you have no perks and poor equipment if you soldier on and level up the experience becomes much easier & will be a rewarding experience.

I combined this with the 0 kills achievement and Virgin achievement. I strongly recommend you focus on Speech and avoid combat particularly at the start of the game when you are weak and have no equipment. When starting the game and speaking to your mother choose the speech bonus. The best way of increasing your stats is quickly get through the first couple of missions until you can train with Capt Bernard. Keep fighting with him until you have a couple of points in each stat.

EDIT Also shrines and crosses come in super handy as landmarks to help finding the right location.

Make sure that when you face Runt you have levelled sufficiently, mastered the Master Strikes Move, clinch also have the bonus skill which impoves clinch by 40%. Visit the Captain prior to the mission and boost your strength, stamina etc and make sure you have heavy armor equipped, and take a shield. I made the mistake of being underprepared and the one on one battle with just Runt took me nearly an hour, all I could do was clinch and counter then runaway until my health stabilised, after an hour I must have inflicted hundreds of small cuts and eventually he died.

EDIT. A commenter has said that their save file on the Runt fight corrupted. As I mentioned earlier always alternate save slots, everytime you save choose a new slot, not only will this protect you in case you need to go back earlier in the game but will protect from corrupted files.

22 Oct 2019 13:34

Helpful tip, maybe, but I’ve noticed halfway through my hardcore playthrough that if you request ‘heal wounds, bath and launder garments’ or ‘wench’ at the bathhouse it also resets tiredness and hunger. Helpful if you’re running low on food or cockerel potions! toast
By Mama Berry on 21 Feb 2020 02:12
I made it to the battle before Runt and I had to give up because the game just would not stop crashing. This was after I had to start 2 fresh hardcore playthroughs because the game corrupted my save file. I just don't know how people defend this game, it has so many gamebreaking bugs and glitches, is constantly crashing and is often times unplayable. And this is after all of the massive patches the developers put out.
By VveniVvidiVvici on 05 Mar 2020 20:31
Yeah, I'm a gamer.
By Zizinho21 on 25 Sep 2020 07:28
Is it possible to make the playthrough easier by saving the perk points and waiting until the final mission to unlock the specific perks?
By TheScottCookie on 10 Jun 2022 22:39
Just wanted to leave a comment saying this achievement is by far one of the most intensive, yet rewarding, achievements you can earn. It will take time, patience, practice, an a lil luck. You may even have to replay the entire game like I did because the game refuses to load after the trebuchet test. But, if you stick with it and don't give up then this achievement will be yours. You got this!
By Sir Lagselot on 26 Nov 2021 13:48
This achievement isnt difficult, its just annoying. The the simple fact they remove the N\E\S\W screws you up because the second you get distracted you forget which direction is which and it just makes traveling more annoying. I was going to combine this with the Virgin achievement but there are so many other achievements Im trying to combine this with one of which is the one from Woman's Lot which requires me report all things to the Inquistor so that voids that one instantly.

I wouldnt even say the combat is all that difficult. Master strikes with riposte are really easy to pull off once you learn them. You just have to get that far. Rattay Touranaments are great for leveling up stats.
By on 14 Oct 2022 21:15
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When you start the game, you'll reach a screen where you need to select at least two negative perks to continue. For this trophy, you need to select all nine negative perks and finish the game with them active. The game will also tell you what is different in Hardcore Mode compared to the normal game so take note of the differences.

One big thing is there is no auto save feature so the only time it saves, is when you do it manually so you either need to sleep, use the save & exit the game or the potion. There's pots of food everywhere you go so make sure you make use of them, because you'll be eating a lot. Try and take the perks that counter the negative perks that you get to help make this easier.

Just take it slow. If you're not that good at navigating, I suggest doing this next to your normal playthrough. When you finish up one of the main quests, go to your hardcore playthrough and do it on there as well so it's fresh in your mind and you know how to get there without much issues.

Quite a difficult trophy, but doable. The following helped me:
1. Immediately, at the beginning of the game, as soon as training sessions with Borek appear, we go to “train.” It is best to pump up your strength to 10, and your dexterity to 5 (but this is all the minimum, since even with 15 strength, fights are still tests). In my opinion, it is best to choose to practice a series of strikes, and after they show “how to do it”, perform any other series (yes, this training mode is limited in time, but it really improves skills faster). Plus, in this mode, you won’t be able to kill Shorty with a headshot, because he’ll be wearing a helmet, and you’ll have to wield swords with him.
2. We buy/prepare a bunch of Rescue Schnapps and use it before each battle/event, because there are no “saves at key points” at all!!! And they will kill us often. Also helpful in battle: Lazarus Potion and Living Water.
3. To avoid receiving a negative buff after sleep, you can go to the baths and select “Restore health”. Plus - it's a free save.
4. In order not to “lose” yourself on the map, start completing any of the quests for one of the three millers (or other side quests) to “bring me a friend...”. And we simply throw the thing that we steal (a ring, a beer recipe, spurs, etc.) into the horse’s inventory and turn on tracking for this task (if it was turned off) *voila* every 1-2 minutes a marker with the location of our filly will be updated on the map ps I think this is a bug... but it hasn't been fixed yet.


03 Mar 2019 09:49

To make it easier to navigate, you can take on a side quest to find nightingales from the hunter in Rattay. The set snares are marked on the map.
By thou_art_blind on 04 Jul 2020 22:00
I'll add my two cents:

1. the chip with a ring in the horse’s inventory and an active quest still works and makes life a lot easier;
2. The “Save and Exit” function is our everything - many people think that after loading this save is deleted, in fact it is hidden. To reboot from it you need to die, or close the game and start again.
By Verades on 25 Mar 2020 03:27
Very often I woke up in Skalitz while sleeping in Pribyslavitz. Food from cauldrons now replenishes 5 satiety, keep that in mind. Bread is the head of everything
It is convenient to stay safe with bathers and schnapps; stock up on life-giving moisture (schnaps).
On the map you can understand where you are by the pop-up reminders at the top “You have found a cross/hunting place.” And look where the new icon appears.
I learned some routes by heart without a map

23 Oct 2019 12:38