Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

82 Achievements

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Hoard 5,000 Groschen.


How to unlock the Scrooge achievement in Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Definitive Guide

The objective is simple but when you start groschun is very hard to come by.

What you want to do is wait until you can get lock pick training from Miller Peshak (You won't miss him, you end up at his mill as part of the story).

After this get your lockpucking to lvl 6 minimum, buy the 2x lock duration & Deft hands perk. Then go into town and rob some shops. Then sell your goodies to fences.

As long as you don't make any major purchases you'll get this soon enough.

Hope this helps,

Let's keep cheevin' together!

15 Feb 2018 20:18

1 Comment
Also easily acquired by looting bandit camps.
By Pink Freud PhD on 22 Feb 2018 03:39
These are just a few ways to earn Groschen quickly without needing any thief skills such as lockpicking or pickpocketing.

By far the best option. Bandit camps (and bandits in general) are a great way to collect items. Take them down and sell all the gear for plenty. There's usually two or more every time, so it's easy pickings. Later on, there's a quest to collect ears and give them to Sir Robard, and bounties from Captain Bernard, which also works.

I was lucky enough to run into bandits fighting Cumans for a random encounter and there was plenty of bodies to loot before booking it. So even if you don't like to fight, you can always sneak in and take what you need from bodies or chests and sneak out or run away. Alternatively, With a high speech level, choosing to spare the bandits will give you the option to ask for Groschen in return.

This takes a bit longer, but if you're into picking flowers, you can level up Herbalism very quickly. The more you level it up, the more plants you can pick at once, so you'll pick up one flower and end with 5 to 10 in your inventory. Flowers can be made into potions or sold raw. Potions will obviously give you more if you analyze the weight/value ratio.

Treasure Maps and Scavenging
Treasure maps can be bought from merchants (or looked up online). You don't need to have the map to find the treasure. Each one has at least 200 Groschen and multiple items you can sell for more.

As for scavenging, it's easier to steal items than to go around collecting every little thing you see. However, if you're tight on money, selling items like food can still get you a decent price. Keep your speech up and you can haggle for extra coins each time. There's also an achievement related to haggling so much, so it's worth the effort. I recommend looking up places with special loot (such as armor) and selling it as needed.

And, of course, the thieving ways work as well. As mentioned by the other solution already.

09 Nov 2018 01:17

For this, you need to have at least 5,000 Groschen in your inventory. The quickest way to acquire money is by finding the chests on the treasure maps you can get and then selling the loot. The beautiful thing about the treasures is that you don't need the map to actually make them available. You can just go to the spot and get it. Some of the chests though may require a high level lockpicking skill so I suggest having a Padfoot Potion on you to increase your lockpicking skill temporarily.

An easy way of obtaining this achievement early on is by utilizing your thievery skills. Pickpocket and Lockpicking are naturally useful for obtaining large amounts of loot but when selling your ill-gotten gains to a Miller(fence) you may notice they are pretty stingy and only give 15-20% of the full value. Not much return for a ton work, which feels bad and means you have to work much longer to get ahead!

Luckily for you, there is an alternate method for selling your stolen items that nets you way more profit.

(Note: this works with any shop that has a 'shop inventory chest' you can find and access, typically inside their shop/home, but for simplicity we'll focus on the early location of Rattay. If you need tips for training the necessary skills to use with this method and/or the Thief achievement, see the tip section below the guide.

Very close to the Miller location in Rattay there is a Tanner. On that property you'll find one or two Villager males who sleep inside the house, both of which go to the far end of the grounds to stir the vats during the day. One dog and the Trader herself stay near the house. Pickpocket all the keys off of the Trader or the guy in the dark clothing, and then go into the house while nobody is watching. (I do it during the day, the dog barking doesn't tend to matter unless it's before or after the 'shop' has closed.)

When you enter, open the first door on your left and you'll see a big chest against the far wall. The Tanner's hides are in that Hard locked one, but if you close the door behind you, you'll find another(much easier to open) chest. Dump everything you want to be sold into this chest. Stolen or not. It might take a few trips if you have a lot of stuff to sell. If you are far enough into the main quest to have gotten your first horse, this becomes way faster as you can send/receive items from your horse even if it is not in the same town as you.

After you are done, leave and go waste some time. Take a Lullaby potion and sleep or whatever. One day later you need to repeat most of the above until you get into the back room and check the chest(you'll likely have to pick it open again), and now all of that gear should be replaced with a substantial pile of money for you to steal. The shopkeeper sells everything in their inventory every day, meaning you can count on them moving all that junk of yours with no need to worry about haggling or Millers. Also, yes, taking "your" earnings counts as stealing but money can never be tagged as stolen. The worst that can happen at this point is a very minor fine if you are caught messing with the chest, but you're made of money now, you can do whatever you want. Just like a real noble!

I got over 6 thousand Groschen in one run after hitting up the Swordsmith and selling random cheapo gear I looted off of a few dead Cumans. If you don't have the lockpicking skill high enough to steal from big shops like the Swordsmith, a risky way of doing the same would be to knock out (or murder) and strip guards/townspeople with expensive looking armor. I'd recommend saving before an attempt, though, and making sure you do it in hidden areas or backalleys unless you don't mind spending some time in jail. Also avoid killing anybody who has a name. Those are usually quest specific people which can break other achievements!

Also remember that every theft counts towards the Thief achievement. Not sale, every theft. Just the act of taking the item counts, even if you are discovered and the stuff is confiscated immediately!

Thievery General Tips

Pickpocketing works by holding the Pickpocket button on an NPC you want to steal from. A circular meter should appear and begin to fill with an increasing number. This number is how many seconds you will have to go investigate their inventory and pick things to take once you let go of the button and begin the minigame. You can only pick from behind someone unless they are asleep, and other nearby people will see you! Make sure they are not around or are facing away from you.

You want to get Pickpocket to level 4 ASAP so you can get the (incredibly useful) perk called Easy Way Out;
The movement of the cursor in a pickpocketing victim's inventory will be twice as fast.
. The cursor in the minigame will be more responsive so you can unveil/steal those items much quicker. Very good timesaver!

The easiest way of leveling Pickpocket is by only using it on sleeping, drunk or unconscious victims during your first five levels. Wait until night to hit up local villagers, but avoid Rattay itself unless you have a torch!

You can knock out people by sneaking behind them and hitting the button prompt. If they are much stronger than you they can escape your grab. If this happens with neutral/allied NPCs you can surrender to stop the fight. You'll likely be fined, but you won't be dead.

Lullaby potions(sold at the Rattay Bathhouse!) can be dropped into food pots (and in wine barrels in bandit camps) to knock out anybody who eats/drinks the stuff you poisoned. You can also apply it to meats via your inventory(Apply) and Drop it on the ground to knock out pesky guard dogs(dried meats do NOT work, they won't eat those.)

Miller Peshek can train you in Pickpocket and Lockpicking if you pay him money. He will give 1 level-up per payment, and it can be done four different times per skill. The basic training is cheapest and can be done as soon as you learn the skill initially, but later sessions have level requirements and the cost goes up a lot. There are also skill books but you can't read until you do a side quest in a later location, so they aren't helpful for quick achievement runs or in the early game.

Lockpicking is the harder minigame by far. You move the pin around until it turns green, which means you found the tumbler. Hold it in place as best you can, while you use the left thumbstick to turn(starting from the left) counter-clockwise until the lock opens. Depending on your IRL skill, your in-game Lockpicking skill and whether your hands are steady(both in-game and IRL) determines how easy this game is.

Lockpicking is harder to train quickly, so try to take advantage of the fact that all owned chest/doors lock again every day(and doors lock whenever the owner closes them, which includes if they follow you in to tell you to get out of their house before closing the door behind themselves after you leave[you can trigger them coming to find you by whistling inside an owned/private area if the owner is nearby. They search for the noise!]).

The chest Peshek trains you on at the start also locks again every time you open and close it. Less useful than popping higher level locks, but at the start it's an easy couple levels. I would save before doing this first tutorial because you do not have infinite tries. Do it until you run out of picks and then reload to do it again, which saves picks and money while you figure out how the game works.

Best early perks are Lasting Lockpicks(level 3 perk) and Deft Grip(level 6 perk).

Hopefully all this was useful, let me know if there are any changes I should make!

06 Aug 2020 00:23

You need to have 5,000 Groschen at one time, but it's somewhat difficult to make money quickly. Any activity on the map is repeatable and most will give you a few Groschen for your time. If you get good at the dice game (or cheat with weighted dice), you can bet 100 Groschen at a time, until your opponent runs out of money. Lastly, you can train in the ways of "Your stuff is now my stuff" and make some pretty good money looting. You can put anything you've stolen in a storage chest for a few days and the "stolen tag" will wear off, so you can sell to regular merchants.

21 Aug 2020 00:00

Once you've reached the point where you can train with Bernard, you can fast travel back to Skalitz. If you ride around back toward where the city center is from the prologue, there is always a fight there. (It respawns randomly every day) You can either wait until it's over or join in, but typically there are plenty of bodies to loot.

If you're not able to win the combat, you can lure them out on your horse with a ride by and then come back and loot all on a body and ride out again over and over. But personally, I suggest getting used to Mounted Combat here. Bring a Schnapps and save outside before you ride in, then reload the save if you die. You can take all of these things and store them in a shared chest (IE: an inn rented room), then slowly sell them off to the Miller Peshek when you're in that area.

The Miller will reset his inventory and continually raise his gold cap (from selling items you sold him) every ~3 days in game.

You will be able to make 5k very, very fast this way. As a bonus, you'll also loot great armor/weapons for yourself, raise your combat skills, and won't have to risk any reputation losses.

02 Mar 2023 10:56

You need to have 5000 groschen in your inventory! Best combined with the Thief trophy by robbing stores and selling items in other cities

14 Feb 2018 13:57

1 Comment
If you complete 100%, then during the restoration of Pribyslavitz you will definitely have more than 5k pennies in your pocket
By Rockship on 14 Sep 2021 01:38
You can get it right at the very beginning, if you take your time and stick around for the prologue. Text guide .

21 Nov 2019 10:19