Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

49 Achievements

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You've helped the two quarreling villages reconcile. For now.


How to unlock the Truce achievement in Kingdom Come: Deliverance II - Definitive Guide

This is completed by doing these Side Quests “Mice/Frogs” and then “Battle of the Frogs & Mice”.

I did the Mice pathway. You CAN NOT do both, it will fail. Also snitching to the other person fails the quest.

In a nutshell for the Mice path -
- You need the Lullaby potion x1 (or x2 weak Lullaby).
- You need paint from the Bartoschek the Tailer
- Make sure you try to get them to make up with your replies to the Innkeeper.
- When you find the nail, leave it in the tree and tell Thrush (optional quest but do it) about the fight and the nail.
- He will then turn up and stop the fight during the second quest, achievement unlocked.

06 Feb 2025 17:53


While in the Trosky region, it’s easy to find yourself in the middle of a land dispute between Tachov and Zhelejov. Both of whom want you to assist in playing a prank on the other town.

There are two initial side quests related to this achievement, and you must pick a side. Those side quests, and where to find them are:

  • Mice - Speak to Innkeeper Procheck in Tachov (northwest of Troskowitz) to start.
  • Frogs - Speak to Old Olbramin Zhelejov to start this side quest.

Now, you can’t do both. So pick a side and see that quest through to its conclusion.

Secondly, after you’ve done either Mice or Frogs, you’ll unlock the final quest, “Battle of Frogs and Mice.”

Now, instead of going to the ruckus between the two villages, head to Bailiff Thrush in Troskowitz and persuade him to help and intervene. This is the only way to help the two villages reconcile.

There’s a side note to this, too, and that’s if - like us - you decided to move the nail marking the boundary from anywhere but the middle, the two villages won’t reconcile. So, this achievement is doubly missable: you need to get Bailiff Thrush to help, and not move the nail in the tree.

If you do that, you’ll unlock the ‘Truce’ achievement.



While in the Trosky region, it’s easy to find yourself in the middle of a land dispute between Tachov and Zhelejov. Both of whom want you to assist in playing a prank on the other town.

There are two initial side quests related to this trophy, and you must pick a side. Those side quests, and where to find them are:

  • Mice - Speak to Innkeeper Procheck in Tachov (northwest of Troskowitz) to start.
  • Frogs - Speak to Old Olbramin Zhelejov to start this side quest.

Now, you can’t do both. So pick a side and see that quest through to its conclusion.

Secondly, after you’ve done either Mice or Frogs, you’ll unlock the final quest, “Battle of Frogs and Mice.”

Now, instead of going to the ruckus between the two villages, head to Bailiff Thrush in Troskowitz and persuade him to help and intervene. This is the only way to help the two villages reconcile.

There’s a side note to this, too, and that’s if - like us - you decided to move the nail marking the boundary from anywhere but the middle, the two villages won’t reconcile. So, this trophy is doubly missable: you need to get Bailiff Thrush to help, and not move the nail in the tree.

If you do that, you’ll unlock the ‘Truce’ trophy.

This is completed by doing these Side Quests “Mice/Frogs” and then “Battle of the Frogs & Mice”.
You can do Frogs then Mice if you want to, but not the other way round.
I did the Mice pathway. Snitching to the other person fails the quest.

In a nutshell for the Mice path -
- You need the Lullaby potion x1 (or x2 weak Lullaby).
- You need paint from the Bartoschek the Tailer
- Make sure you try to get them to make up with your replies to the Innkeeper.
- When you find the nail, leave it in the tree and tell Thrush (optional quest but do it) about the fight and the nail.
- He will then turn up and stop the fight during the second quest, achievement unlocked.

06 Feb 2025 17:53

You can do both you must complete Frog's first , Then Mice , Then the Battle of Frogs and Mice.Do not complete Mice first .
By xSAMMY the SEAL on 19 Feb 2025 16:41
Thanks, I’ll change it. I just did Mice and Battle and still got it.
By BlakManDan on 19 Feb 2025 19:26
I originally did Mice first and could not get Frogs to start so I reloaded earlier save and Did Frogs first.
By xSAMMY the SEAL on 20 Feb 2025 15:06
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Missable! Complete the Frogs and Mice side quest in Trosky Land,

06 Feb 2025 19:28

After completing the quest "Frogs", during the quest "battle of frogs and mice", it was not possible to talk to the bailiff, there was no dialogue on this quest. I decided to take the quest "Mice" from the rivals of the first quest giver and a dialogue about reconciliation appeared.

11 Feb 2025 18:37