

12 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Time Peril

Time Peril

Complete a puzzle with less than 1 second on the clock!


How to unlock the Time Peril achievement in KrissX - Definitive Guide

You must have less than 1 second left on the clock when the puzzle finishes.

I did this once I'd unlocked 'Time Attack' mode. Just start a new time attack game and on the last puzzle of the first level (there are three puzzles in the first level) let the clock run down until there is less than a second remaining.

I actually let the clock run to less than a second on each of the three puzzles, but then picked up the bonus time tokens so that I had enough time to continue to the end.

The achievement pops on the level completion screen.

Edit: There are three puzzles not four as I incorrectly stated. Thanks to ALISA MI847J for clarifying this.

28 Jan 2010 08:46

This has to be done in Quest Mode and is best done early as it is then much easier to make the time back up. However it is also quite doable later on after you've finished all your badges. Just make sure that you complete the last word when the clock is UNDER 1 second. I got it on 0.9 secs.