Lawn Mowing Simulator

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Expert mower

Expert mower

Complete all expert challenges.

20 XP


How to unlock the Expert mower achievement in Lawn Mowing Simulator - Definitive Guide

EDIT: (August 30th, 2022) I have finally been able to go back and record successful runs of each Base Game Expert Challenge, after the String Trimmer updates, that is required for the achievement(the Patterson mower Challenge does not count, nor do the DLC Challenges, if you own them). I will be updating this solution with those videos and replacing the old ones. For anyone using an old version of the game, I still have the pre-string trimmer videos but they are unlisted on my YT Channel, so if you want to see the old versions, just shoot me a DM and I'll give you the links to them.

Edit: September 15th, 2021 An update dropped for the game this week, and has added 3 new Challenges(1 each at Amateur, Professional and Expert level) for some Patterson mowers. These Challenges, as of now, are NOT required for getting the Challenge Achievements, so I'm not going to be adding them to my solutions. If that changes, I will, of course, upload videos of myself completing them.

Hello all. Below are individual videos detailing each Expert Challenge. These are, by far, the most challenge you will experience in this game. The videos below will be accompanied by some specific tips for each. Some general tips:

Fuel Challenges always give you enough fuel to be patient. Don't be rushed by the flashing red Fuel Gauge. String Trimmers and their seemingly infinite battery/fuel make the Fuel Challenges insanely easy, and are just an exercise in patience now.

Time Challenges, especially into the Professional and Expert ones, are more a matter of managing your Engine Overloads. Learn how to manage the Engine Damage and the Challenges become easier.

Stripe Challenges, although not in the Amateur tier, are not strictly about following the arrows to a T, but about alternating your cuts. Use the arrows as guidelines, but you don't need to follow the arrows exactly. You simply need to alternate the stripes. (Hitting RB raises and lowers your striping kit, and lowering it will cause arrows to show up in the grass, indicating the direction the contract wants their lawn to be striped)

Sometimes you'll need a run or two just to get used to the mower.

Post-String Trimmer update, Challenges 5, 7, and 1 are the most difficult Challenges, in that order, with 5 being the hardest, IMO. If you are wondering if you can handle doing these, watching those videos is a good idea.

Pause the game when you jump in to see what the percentage cut required is. The difference between 99.9 and 99.5 is massive for these Challenges. If its 99.9 you can't afford to leave any grass behind, but at 99.5 you can afford to be a little sloppy.

If you have any questions for me, don't hesitate to ask!

=====Expert Challenge 1=====

The first Expert Challenge can be the most daunting for those who aren't ready for the jump. The String Trimmer makes this one a bit easier than before, but it's still a long Contract. The 42:00 minute limit combined with a Stiga mower that can't handle the high grass means a long practice in managing your Engine overloads, and incredible frustration if you fail 35 minutes in. Edge the outside and around the hurdles with your trimmer, then use your mower, finding the right amount of grass to cut that allows you to keep your speed up but doesn't overload your engine. There are no fines to really worry about here. This Challenge is designed to get you ready to handle the unforgiving Engine Damage limits that will be there in all 8 Expert Challenges.

=====Expert Challenge 2=====

A striping Challenge with a 95% Stripe Rating requirement seems daunting, but shouldn't be any trouble. The video helps quite a bit with the striping challenges, but just remember. Hitting RB brings up arrows for use as guidelines, but you don't need to follow them perfect. Simply alternate your stripe cuts, stay straight and NEVER drive the wrong direction on the lawns and you'll be fine.

=====Expert Challenge 3=====

This one was made significantly easier with the String Trimmer update, but it can end up taking an hour to complete. There are so many different sections of lawn to trim and mow that every time I tried to record this Contract I forgot one. The video below is an hour long, 30 minutes of trimming, and another 25 of mowing. As always, the fuel is never an issue in the fuel Challenges. Simply avoid collisions and flowers and take things slow and this Challenge is simple.

=====Expert Challenge 4=====

Another Stripe Challenge, but it still only has a 95% Stripe Rating needed. Similar to the first Expert Stripe Challenge, the penalties aren't a concern. Your focus should be on cutting quickly without overloading your Engine, and following the alternating stripes. Dropping your stripe kit with RB will bring up arrows as guidelines, but remember, you don't need to follow them exactly. You just need to alternate the directions of your cuts and keep your cuts relatively straight. You can ignore the warnings about emptying your Clippings container.

=====Expert Challenge 5=====

Before the String Trimmer update, this wasn't the most difficult Challenge but it required you to be flawless. Now, you need to be flawless AND perfect. This is the only Challenge that I failed multiple times before finding the successful strategy, and even so, we barely make it. I highly recommend watching the video for this one. Practice makes perfect for this.

=====Expert Challenge 6=====

Before String Trimmers, this was the hardest Challenge in the game.

The String Trimmers make this a walk in the park, literally. The thing that was most frustrating about this Challenge was the Penalty limit of 5 currency. Hit 4 flowers, you fail instantly. Hit the wall a few times, you fail instantly. Hit any statue, instant fail. Hit the bandstand, instant fail.

Well, the String Trimmer can cut near all of those things without worry(except flowers, of course, but there aren't that many of them). Take your time edging everything like I do in the video and you'll have no problems completing this one.

=====Expert Challenge 7=====

This Challenge is a close second to Challenge 5 in difficulty. I never failed this, but one of my completions happened with 8 seconds left. There are four things that will frustrate you with this Challenge. Engine overloads, the time limit, the mower discharge and the penalty limit. The mower discharge can be minimized by edging everything with the left side of your mower, though this is the least of the four concerns. Engine overloads and time limit are a test of how well you can manage your Engine and still cut quickly. And penalties come into play again, with only 5 currency available, you can't afford to collide with walls, hit flowers, and touching the statues or the fountain is an instant fail. Again, let the video show you the order you should cut. Practice practice practice again.

=====Expert Challenge 8=====

The Eighth and Final Challenge of the game is the Striping Challenge to end all Striping Challenges, but I find it significantly easier than the last few Expert Challenges we've done. Don't be fooled by the collector messages or Time restriction. The goal is the same as all the others. Alternate your stripes, straighten your cuts, use the arrows that appear when you drop your striping kit as a guide for cuts, and IGNORE the collection. Take it relatively slow to make sure you cut all of the grass and don't overload your engine, and once you finish this one you'll have one of the rarest achievements in the game!


24 Aug 2021 03:41

Finally got #5 & 7 done in about a total of 6 hours of attempts.

#5 I trimmed around all flowers, and hedges first, then went and mowed the remain areas not having to worry about a clipping a flower. I did mow in both directions for the 4 hedges in the middle in the map. I also used the trimmer when I got to 99.8%.

#7 I used the trimmer to trim the edges against the walls, a large circle around the fountain, a tree, the statue, and the benches. Once I did that, I used the mower and mowed a complete circle around the castle and kept doing so until I had the front lawn left. I did use the trimmer again due to being 99.8% complete. Finished with 1:00-1:47 mins left
By tjw CENA2000 on 08 Feb 2022 21:16
The trimmer update changed all challenges. Grass now grows closer to the flower beds. Way harder to do it in time without penalty.
By Throni360 on 06 Dec 2021 20:12
If you raise your deck height all the way up, your mower won't take collision damage on the trailer.. Depending on the mower that is. But should be ok for most of them
By Gruber Hof on 07 Dec 2021 03:19
I can’t do expert challenge 5. You need 99.9% and it’s practically impossible with the time limit now that you have to use a weed whacker. 2 times now I was at 99.5% and ran out of time or hit too many flowers

Edit: third time at 99.7%. Had 30 seconds left but it didn’t matter because I failed from a barely touching flower while weed whacking anyways
By Gruber Hof on 12 Dec 2021 21:07
Just wanted to comment and let everyone know that an update just came out, and part of the update was increasing the time limit of most (if not all) challenges. For example, Expert Challenge 5 used to have a 25min completion time limit, and now it is 28min.
By TheSpinalClerk on 20 Dec 2021 19:58
^The time limit increase to 28 minutes came with the LAST update that introduced the trimmers.

Tried it again. Time over with 99,7%. I don't know how it is possible. I'm always around 7 minutes left after driving as close as possible to the flower beds. In the video he finishes with 2 minutes left. With the additional 3 minutes it shows that I drove faster than him. But there is grass on each end of the flower beds and some on the sides. Not enough time to remove everything without hitting flowers.
By Throni360 on 20 Dec 2021 22:22
I just finished the Expert Challenge 5 yesterday with about 2min 30sec left. I probably failed a dozen times prior. My method was to IMMEDIATELY ride the mower around the flower beds and then mow roughly around the inner flowerbeds. Then I mowed from the outside inward (around the outer hedges). Then mowed the rest of the yard, and ended up with about 99.7% of the grass done with somewhere around 6-5min left. To finish it, I trimmed any obvious spots around the flowerbeds and hedges for that extra .2%.
By TheSpinalClerk on 21 Dec 2021 00:02
You mowed around every single flower bed first? Or just doing it section by section?
By SincereSeeker6 on 21 Dec 2021 01:09
Every single flower bed first. I'd go from one to the other, even across sections. I tried to keep a slow-but-steady tempo around each bed. If I ran over too many flowers I'd just restart since the hardest part was being done first.
By TheSpinalClerk on 21 Dec 2021 01:20
@Gruber: You looked at v. The current version is v. There's no change in times since the last update weeks or months ago.
By Throni360 on 21 Dec 2021 01:52
Yup you're right. I take that back
By Gruber Hof on 21 Dec 2021 01:55
I think the trimmer update caused the expert timed challenges of 5 and 7 to become imbalanced. They added more time, but with the trimmers, they added more grass on the very edges that almost require their usage it order to get them. But the added time to the challenges do really help as using the trimmer takes up so much time.

The trimmer also make the fuel challenges really easy, as it you get a full fueled trimmer that let's you to easily get everything.
By imADTbro on 06 Jan 2022 02:00
I am pulling my hair out trying to finish #5 & #7. I've done both of them tens of times. I've been doing this for like a week and a half straight. If they just lowered the completion percentage by .1% I would be fine. I just don't get it. Please send help.
By MEGAbenX on 06 Jan 2022 17:06
I think they are impossible to complete in the current state of the maps/timer/grass positions.
By imADTbro on 07 Jan 2022 16:21
Some people did it in the last 2 weeks. Seems to be a mixture of full throttle and perfect precision. You don't really have time to use the trimmer.
By Throni360 on 07 Jan 2022 18:40
I've been emailing skyhook CS. (Got someone named raj who is an absolute legend) they said the team is going to be tweeking expert levels 5 + 7. Not sure how specifically but I now trust raj with my life so I'm sure it'll be helpful. Said it should be in with the next update!
By MEGAbenX on 11 Jan 2022 14:20
They just put out a notice today that they decreased collision penalties and re balanced challenges in today’s update guys. Hopefully we can do the challenges.
By Gruber Hof on 19 Jan 2022 15:44
#4 I didn't need to empty the mower. I was able to drive straight up the trailer and leave. For any fuel challenges I HIGHLY recommend using the trimmer first. Use the trimmer to trim 2-4 trimmer blade lengths away from any walls, trees, benches, tables, and flowers. It may take a while, but it's better than having to repeat the whole challenge.
I don't find #6 mower hard to control. Could've been a patched, or it's just because it was my #1 most used mower so am use to it.
By tjw CENA2000 on 08 Feb 2022 00:12
So normally I don't make posts like this, but I discovered an exploit that makes all these challenges free. I am hesitant to explain it publicly however as it would surely get patched, so instead I'll handle it this way; If you are having trouble with this achievement send me a DM and I'll explain how to do it.
By Senseless Ogre on 21 Feb 2022 15:49
hello to all I contacted the developers for challenges 5 and 7 expert here is their answer he simply does not want to modify the challenges

Hi o Titeuf50 o,

Thank you very much for contacting us with your feedback, we really appreciate it.

Challenges 5 and 7 were also raised as very difficult levels just after Christmas last year, so in the middle of January, we updated the game to lower the difficulty of those two challenges. The challenges are now achievable, after some practise, as confirmed by the players who first indicated that those two challenges were difficult.

Please continue to practise and I’m sure you will complete them successfully!

Thanks again for contacting us with your feedback.

Best regards,
By on 22 Feb 2022 04:28
Bonjours quelqu’un a il réussi le defi#7 depuis la mise à jours ?? Moi je me retrouve fin du temps à 99,8% 10 fois déjà ce succes est plus compliquer que avant la mise à jours j ai l impression 🙁
By ROSSI4657 on 18 Apr 2022 19:55
I mowed everything around the flowers with the lawnmower. slowly and carefully, then you will get everything cut. At the end with the trimmer i only cut the corners of the lawn ran where the trees are. More than enough time, had 3 minutes left :) GL
By MW Bulbasaur on 17 May 2022 12:18
This has to be the most frustrating thing ever. I loved LMS when it first came out and expert challenge 5 is really leaving a bad taste in my mouth with the game.

I can consistently get 99.8% and then I run out of time. It is absolutely maddening. I know I’ve done this level 20-30 times now.
By Kaiteh on 04 Jul 2022 14:51
Pretty poorly designed IMO. Its kinda sad that they already had a patch to make them easier, and its still incredibly difficult to finish a challenge due to random bullshit. Each planter in 5 has at least 1 flower that sticks out further so you always destroy it. My only issue with 7 is I consistently fail at 99.8%. I've definitely failed both levels a few times by getting fined for driving off/up the trailer. Why the fuck do you get fined for damaging your own equipment lmao
By WOKEJoker19XX on 12 Jul 2022 07:00
I finally got this one today, took many attempts for #5 & #7 but eventually got it. Passed #5 with 1 second to spare!
By ABR bnplews on 09 Aug 2022 21:33
Just a heads up, I have now updated all of the Expert Challenges to reflect the String Trimmer versions. Still recording the Professional and Amateur ones.
By Bonkekook on 30 Aug 2022 22:21
Thanks Bonkekook! You absolutely did not have to re-record everything.
By Kaiteh on 31 Aug 2022 01:13
I have been stuck on 5 for 2 weeks trying for upto 5 hours daily
By seakz on 30 Sep 2022 04:14
Senseless Ogre mentioned here a trick that makes these challenges easier. Can someone please DM me how it works? Expert challenges are really frustrating, would be a huge help.
By MuthaFunkPL on 05 Nov 2022 15:06
Everyone has their own preferences. I found it more stressful to do the trimming last, which is why I do it first. To each their own, though.
By Bonkekook on 30 Nov 2022 20:08
i struggled badly on 5, then i decided to just go ham on the mower as fast as possible and not be too accurate around flowers. i would finish with about 8 minutes on the clock and less than a strimmers width of grass at the flowers. i was able to go from 98.9 to 99.9 with a minute left, but i was being very cautious on strimming.

7 is not bad, just tight on time. i noticed sometimes wall running that the strimmer wouldn't get any of the grass, which caused me to fail about 5 x before i finished it.
By ImStylinOnYaBro on 02 Feb 2023 21:37
Good God these expert challenges are an absolute drag. I've been trying, and failing, to get 5 finished, and today I managed. 1 second left on the clock. The sigh of relief I gave was palpable.

Then the game crashed on the loading screen, and the progress wasn't saved. Furious.
By iamJOLO ttv on 22 May 2023 16:36
I beat 7 by starting with the mower. I did the long circle parts entirely with the mower. Did not trim. Finished mowing with 3 min left and 99.3%. Easy cleanup around the fountains and the top part (benches, trees, gaps)
By rbenthompson on 07 Jul 2023 23:11
Fantastic guide, came back to this game this past month and I was dreading this, your guide made it a lot more manageable & definitely takes a lot of practice runs for a few of these!
By A Magical Zorse on 28 Jul 2023 21:21
Definitely not impossible. I had 3.5 minutes leftover to use the trimmer.
You do have to go very fast, however. You also have to be very careful while doing so. In #5, I learned which flowers were sticking farther out so I could dodge them. Most of the beds, you can get pretty close.

In #7, there is spots that are impossible to get with the mower. If you collide with any one of the 'expensive' objects, that basically ends your run. That one is much more forgiving, though. I started trimming at around 5-6 minutes left I believe.
By SincereSeeker6 on 09 Jan 2022 06:39
You now have to mow very close to the flowers. Either with the mower or manual with the trimmer - which is risky too. Do it slow and you run out of time. Do it fast and you hit flowers. Easy and medium challenges are no problem. Expert is close to impossible now.
By Throni360 on 07 Dec 2021 09:47
Yup, I can confirm that they increased the times in the patch notes in today's update!!! They are more reliable than 343 with Halo smile

All Career contract times updated to fit new strimmer gameplay loop
All Challenge times updated to fit new strimmer gameplay loop

I take that back, the time wasn't increased for this challenge!
By Gruber Hof on 21 Dec 2021 01:21
Just finished #5.
At 3 minutes and 30 seconds left I was done mowing at 99.8% and fired up my trimmer. Went around to the obvious spots by mostly the hedges with the trimmer. Finished trimming with 1 minute and 23 seconds left.

You cannot afford to use the trimmer for very long. You have to get VERY close to the flower beds, to prevent you from having to go back to many, if any. (I only went back to one side on two of the beds) Once you get good at cutting them out, the challenge is a lot easier.

I cut out every flower bed of a section first, and then mowed that whole section. Then I moved on to the next, cut out all the beds, etc. This is to minimize time driving between lawns. You want to constantly be mowing. Still took me a few hours worth of trying.

(#5 is as hard as it gets, I was easily able to do 6,7, and 8 this afternoon. 7 looks hard and overwhelming but it's not that bad.)
By SincereSeeker6 on 22 Dec 2021 01:30
WOKEJoker19XX, I tweeted the devs and they said they have done 2 patches for it lol.

#5 I cut each quadrant one at a time. The circle of flowers around the small middle circle I didn't cut cleanly with the mower, but I did make sure to go slow around the other flower beds. I was able to come back and just use the trimmer around the small middle circle and finally got past the 99.8% that I kept hitting when I was running out of time.

tjw CENA200 above has a great plan for #7. I was able to do it third try and I really only needed a third because I was falling asleep during the second try and kept missing little strips that I had to go back and cut. Definitely trim out the castle wall, fountain, benches, and the small areas the mower cant reach against the castle by the trees and benches.

Honestly, it took me awhile to get #5 done, so just keep trying every week or so. Getting frustrated only causes you to mess up. Also, going in with a technique is suuuuper helpful
By Kaiteh on 12 Jul 2022 11:14
For all of the timed challenges I never started by edging with the trimmer. I get as close as I can with the mower, without slowing down too much, and then trim at the end.

My reasoning is that unless you’re really sloppy with the mower, you’ll generally get close enough that eliminates the need to trim certain places. Just get as close as you can, then trim at the end. By doing this I was able to finish these challenges with a decent amount of time left. :)

Sharing in case it help anyone!
By Dale I Green on 30 Nov 2022 19:30
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Unlike the Amateur and Professional challenges, all 9 Expert Challenges must be completed for this trophy. As expected, these will require a lot more work to complete for various reasons. You'll have the 3 challenge types (fuel, time, and striping) as well as the previous maximum fines. In addition to these, and this is what sets these challenges apart from the previous ones, you'll be given a damage limit to your mower's engine, and the limit is quite small. Every time you overclock your engine, it'll take damage and the stability bar will decrease. If you pass the red line on this bar, you'll fail the challenge. It's recommended you do the Fuel Challenges first since, as before, you'll always be given more than enough fuel and these aren't time-limited. If your mower's engine starts to take too much damage, just use your Strimmer to complete them. Do the striping challenges second since these are time-limited, but the areas you do these on are rather small, so you can whip them out pretty quickly. Once you hit the required % for the stripes, hit r1.png to lift up the roller and just bang out the rest of the actual mowing requirements to finish it off. The time-limit challenges are what will give you a run for your money, purely because of the Engine's damage limit. As with the Expert challenges, you want to try and only mow no more than half the width of your mower so you can drive faster without overclocking your engine. The time limits on these are very tight so you can't be wasting time going back to clean up patches. If you need to use your Strimmer for any edging, don't drive your mower back to the truck. Get off and run back since it's a LOT quicker than driving. The timer will stop as soon as the challenge is complete, so you can worry about retrieving the mower after everything is done. You will undoubtedly have to play a handful of these multiple times before you complete them, but just keep working at it and you'll eventually find your rhythm with them. As soon as you complete all 9 challenges, the trophy will unlock. 
Complete the tests along with the plot, so the game will not get boring (so much) and do not complete the most extreme tests (in English), they do not count towards the trophy. They don’t exactly go (then you’ll have to do 9/9, not 8/8)

14 Nov 2022 08:50