Lawn Mowing Simulator

Lawn Mowing Simulator

54 Achievements

1000 XP

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In it for the long haul

In it for the long haul

Complete 100 contracts.

20 XP


How to unlock the In it for the long haul achievement in Lawn Mowing Simulator - Definitive Guide

This only tracks contracts that you personally complete. Ones assigned to your employees do not count. You should recieve this in mid to late July of your 1st year depending on if you left any contracts without completing them.

25 Jan 2023 16:16

1 Comment
And by 'Complete,' the game means entering a contract with your player. You do not need to actually perform for the contract and can simply enter and exit via the truck, making £0, but gaining progress towards the achievement. So if you reach a point in the game where you just need this done, you can easily skip through.
By GoogleTrix on 21 May 2023 03:57
You must complete 100 contracts personally. Anything your employee(s) completes will not count towards this trophy. The contracts must also be successful. You can't exit out of them early/leave them incomplete. It's highly recommended you do as many Litter Contracts as you can to make this go by much quicker since they can be done in mere minutes versus 30+ minutes for the cutting contracts. While this won't get you much mileage towards Centurion trophy_bronze.png, it makes this particular trophy go by much quicker. You'll also be needing to progress the calendar close to 11 months for Lawn on the 4th of July trophy_bronze.png, giving you plenty of time to complete the 100 contracts necessary. While there's no in-game tracker for this, you can track your progress through the PS5's trophy tracking system. Since 100 are needed, whatever % the trophy is showing at will be how many you've completed (if it's showing 43%, you've completed 43). Once you've successfully completed your 100th contract, the trophy will unlock. 
By the 30th contract, you will already be tired of riding lawn mowers =) Therefore, send employees to cash contracts, and choose garbage collection yourself - quickly and also counts.

22 Aug 2022 09:18