Lawn Mowing Simulator

Lawn Mowing Simulator

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Lawn on the 4th of July

Lawn on the 4th of July

Use an American made mower to complete a contract on the 4th of July in Career Mode.

20 XP


How to unlock the Lawn on the 4th of July achievement in Lawn Mowing Simulator - Definitive Guide

This achievement unlocks when you use an American mower to complete a Career Contract on the 4th of July. In Career mode, the date is displayed in the upper right corner at the menus between Contracts. I used a Toro Mower for it, but the SCAG Mowers should work as well, as they are also American.

Unfortunately, in the first year of your Career July 4th falls on a Sunday...and you don't work Sundays. This means you have to play all the way through a 2nd year to get this Achievement. Your first year will end at the end of the month of September of 2021, and will start the next season beginning March of 2022. From there, you need to reach July 4th of 2022, and use either a SCAG or Toro Mower to complete a Contract.

EDIT: Leaving the original text in so you can see what used to be required, but it seems that you can now just load up a Contract and run to the truck door to end it immediately without needing to start the mower. Should make the grind significantly faster.

There is no easy way to do this, as you can't skip days or weeks, You must select a contract each day with your Created Person and load up the Contract. Once you do, you can Skip the Lawn Items picking phase, start up the mower, drive forward a bit without going down the ramp completely, reverse up the ramp, and it will let you "finish" the Contract. Doing this each day is much faster than trying to do all the contracts. Once you get quick, you can get 2 or 3 days done in a minute, but its still quite a grind to get there.

(At the time of writing this, there was a bug where doing a litter contract and immediately skipping it would sometimes soft-lock the game, needing you to restart. This should be fixed now.) Litter contracts can also be used to skip ahead by simply starting them and returning to your van. It is a few seconds faster than using mowing contracts, but the soft-locking issues made it a wash. If this no longer is an issue, then litter contracts are a faster way to skip.

Obviously, the grind holds true if you decide to play the Contracts out, but in all likelihood this will be one of the last Career achievements you need, so skipping as I've described above is an option.

If you have any questions, just ask!

Adding a video I made that is a little better at explaining, IMO.


16 Aug 2021 23:19

Currently doing this grind right now as my last achievement.

I didn’t play pre-patch so don’t have a frame of reference so it seems like you used to have to start the mower up, drive off the trailer and then drive back on in order to complete a contract and that weeders didn’t used to be included.

The points Bartlebee made about there being extra steps may be true, but I’d note that you don’t hVe to start the mower up at all now. Once the contract starts just turn around and walk to the truck door and end the contract.

This seems to me like it would now be faster than the old method of having to start the mower and drive it off and on.

I also keep an eye open for garbage pickup contracts because those don’t require you to pick a mower or weeded but to end the contract it does require you to hold the A button for a few seconds. I’m not sure if the time trade off is worth it yet.

Also NafrauNox suggested dismissing all your employees and I would agree. If you only have yourself then when you assign a contract the selection box automatically jumps to the start contract option instead of you having to scroll over to it.

I’d also recommend that you have one of the cheaper mowers with a small deck in stock so that you don’t pick a mower with a deck larger than recommended very often which requires you to dismiss an additional dialogue box.

Season ends Thursday Sept 30, 2021 and restarts to Tuesday, March 1, 2022.

Happy grinding I guess.
By Bearxor on 28 Dec 2021 21:24
Thanks for clearing this, I just passed 4th July in year 1 and was like W T H because its a sunday ^^
By Darth RaLLe on 17 Aug 2021 09:29
TBH I thought I did something wrong - I would also do the litter missions first for skipping as you can just turn around and hold A to leave the mission. If you haven't gotten all the other career achievements at the point you start skipping - its also worth assigning employees to the high value jobs to get money.
By v Sim CO on 17 Aug 2021 14:15
The thing is when you skip you also make your employees skip their contract as well. So you won't actually make any money.

I recommend dismissing all your employees when your start skipping days so you will lose money more slowly due to regular mandatory payments like hq maintenance and wages
By NafrayuNox on 28 Nov 2021 09:42
With the December 1 patch, adding string trimmers, this seems to be a bit more tedious. Seconds are added to starting a contract, due to the requirement of assigning a trimmer to the job. In addition, the contract (if actually completed), no longer ends once you drive back up on the trailer. Now, you have to get off the mower, and walk to the cab of the pickup truck. Not a ton of additional work, but a few seconds here or there will add to the grind, once extrapolated out...
By BARTLEBEE on 02 Dec 2021 13:34
Am skipping through the contracts quick as I can, and it cause the game to crash a lot. Every 1 to 3 mins I'll get a crash with the current patch
By tjw CENA2000 on 31 Jan 2022 13:33
Game has been crashing for me too. Cloud version.
By chuckles37v3 on 01 Feb 2022 01:26
Can confirm that Toro worked for me, just doing a basic Coville Street garden trim. Thanks for the guide :)
By smoli83 on 18 Mar 2022 22:30
I just assumed it meant 4th of July the actual day, not the ingame one.

By Lunatic Fring3 on 18 Apr 2022 09:25
I got to July thinking I was on my second year. Realising I had been that good at money mowing I advanced really quickly. Now the waiting game begins.
By xVAMPMANx on 12 Jun 2022 02:19
As an idea for slightly faster contract skipping. I'd recommend picking up the trimmer out of the back of the truck instead of starting the mower. Pick up the trimmer, put it back, then get in and leave.
By RadicalSniper99 on 02 Oct 2022 02:05
I just got this today, and just so everyone knows who may be trying to get this achievement now, you can just immediately go to the truck right away and leave without doing anything else. Took me barely 30 minutes to go from August 2021-July 4 2022 in-game. I sold all mowers except 1 (the first ECO available with mulcher attachment, so you don't have to be picky when choosing contracts), downgraded to the 1st HQ, and dismissed all employees. I did all this after completing every other career related achievement except the 100 mile one.

The grind isn't as bad as it seems it used to be 👍🏾
By on 21 Jan 2023 23:12
Agree with Trying Is Bad above. It's really not that much of a grind if you are skipping contracts. I went from August 6, 2021 to July 4, 2022 in roughly 35 minutes - about as long as it takes to compete some of the medium to larger size contracts.
By MH The Rockstar on 22 Jan 2023 19:44
Just finished with the last Toro mower, and it didn’t unlock. No clue why :(
By CptWillyBoy on 02 Jun 2023 00:28
Just did it again with a Scag Turf Tiger II and it still didn't unlock!!!! NOOOOOOOO
By CptWillyBoy on 18 Jun 2023 17:56
Just finished with the last Toro mower, and it didn’t unlock. No clue why :(
By CptWillyBoy on 09 Jul 2023 11:05
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The first year, 4th of July falls in the weekend so this day will be skipped!

You will have to play through the whole year and then play another year.
These years are from March to September (not a full 12-month year)

Skipping jobs is the fastest way to get on this date (best ones are cleanup because you don't need to start a lawn mower)

When the 4th of July has arrived in year 2:
- Use a SCAG or Toro lawn mower (I used SCAG Turf Tiger II)
- Complete the cleanup phase (not sure if this is needed or not, I did this just in case)
- Fully complete your task (best to take a 99.5% needed to be faster)

I have tried skipping the task but the achievement will NOT unlock!

These are the things that I did so 100% that you would unlock this achievement

On PC if you want to be sure, make a copy of the savefile folder
AppData\LocalLow\Curve Digital
This can be deleted and copied back just in case you made a mistake

30 Aug 2021 00:00

This will most likely be the last Career-mode trophy you earn in the game since it requires you to progress the calendar a pretty good bit. You can only complete contracts on weekdays and will have the weekends off. Since the game starts in 2021, July 4th will, unfortunately, land on a Sunday, meaning you won't be able to complete a contract during the first year. The grass season only runs from March 1 through September 30, so luckily you don't have to progress the calendar an entire year, but you do need to complete the first season and make your way to the 2022 calendar year. July 4th will land on a Monday this year, giving you your first chance to get this trophy. To make sure you don't miss it, it's highly recommended you sell all your mowers except for the American-made ones to make sure you don't mess it up. You also need to make sure you do either a General Cut or Striping contract since you don't need a mower for the Litter Contract. Once you've completed a contract on July 4th with an American-made mower, the trophy will unlock.

If you've earned all of the other trophies and want to progress the calendar quicker, you can exit out of each contract you accept by immediately interacting with the truck. You won't get any money, but the day will be over, allowing you to brush through them faster. If you're going to do this, fire all of your employees (so you don't have to pay anyone) and make sure you have enough money saved up to cover any maintenance fees for your HQ and Mower. You can downgrade to a less-expensive HQ as well so it won't cost as much. Also, make sure any outstanding loans you have are paid off. You basically want as few expenses as possible. You should be able to get through a good 6 months with only 20-30k this way. 

The American-made mowers available in the game are as follows:
  • Patterson RO-A
  • Patterson ZTA1
  • SCAG Patriot 52"
  • SCAG V-Ride II 52"
  • SCAG Turf Tiger II
Because The events of the game begin in 2021 and the 4th of July falls on a day off, then you will have to wait for the next season. Fortunately, the season only lasts from March to September (inclusive), and not the whole year.
Most likely, this trophy will be your last story trophy, so to speed up the approach to July 4, 2022, simply take the contract and immediately exit it. If you don’t earn any money, you will receive a fine of $0.25, but you will immediately move on to the next day. You can downgrade to the very first headquarters, fire all the employees and leave one American lawn mower, this way you will minimize costs.

All you have to do is just skip contracts and don’t miss July 4, 2022. On this day, be sure to complete the contract on any lawnmower from the list below ( Never take the garbage collection contract! It is obviously not suitable for the trophy):
  • Patterson RO-A
  • Patterson ZTA1
  • SCAG Patriot 52"
  • SCAG V-Ride II 52"
  • SCAG Turf Tiger II
  • Toro Z Master® 7500-D
  • Toro ProLine H800
  • Toro Groundmaster® 3300


22 Aug 2022 08:39

1 Comment
I advise you to make a save in June 22 and put it on a flash drive, because if you accidentally miss the 4th of July. Then you will have to waste time skipping the whole seasonal year, and this is a very long time.
By DjgaaD on 07 Jan 2023 20:44