Layers of Fear (2016)

Layers of Fear (2016)

27 Achievements



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The Tree and the Apple

The Tree and the Apple

Discovered your true inheritance.



How to unlock the The Tree and the Apple achievement in Layers of Fear (2016) - Definitive Guide

Sorry its late everyone I was waiting all night for this to upload. Here is a complete video walk through of how to achieve this ending. This ending will also net you A LOT of the other achievements in the DLC. It also shows where all the notes and pictures are. It shows how to assemble the puzzle using the pictures. It has how to do the Serpent achievement and how to view all the story for red riding hood. It shows how to complete the DLC following only one path.

I used my partners account to do this as when I played this through on Beth Bear it took me 5/6 playthroughs to get all the achievements. I wanted to get as many of the DLC achievements to pop as possible in one go.

Follow my video exactly to achieve the Tree and the apple ending. I really hope this helps everyone!

Here are some things to keep in mind when attempting to achieve this ending:

- Follow Fathers Path all the way through the DLC (Don't use mothers)

- In all memories show the father in a positive light
Let the Dog out in the kitchen
Get the dog off the sofa
When the painter paints you make sure you listen and stay focused on him
Take the piano sheet music when the painter is playing piano (you will see it glowing white)
When in the closet lock yourself in
Play the phonograph for the mother
When playing the piano the mother will eventually tell you to get crayons, use the shapes on the music sheet to play the tune to your fathers approval
When given the option to paint or use a crayon in the Art studio you can use the crayon to go and do the stuff in that world e.g. Red riding hood story achievement and Slaying the Serpent BUT end it in the painters world not the crayon world
In the section where you collect three piece of paper with the wife's face view it after finding the pieces

- Going down all the fathers paths seems to have a more positive impact on the Items you view (So I believe you can still pick the items up this doesn't impact the ending)

- I made sure I had all the Pictures

- I made sure I had all the notes

- I viewed all the the Red Riding Hood Story

- Slayed the Serpent

-Once memories are complete don't end the game use all the pictures you have found place them on the wall in the studio. You have to then compete a puzzle sequence, when the puzzle is worked out correctly it forms a large picture of your face. Simply shine the flash light on it to reveal a map (this takes a second or two) turn around where you see a shelf which you can interact with. Do this and then you will achieve the ending.

EDIT: Some people have experienced a glitch whilst doing this particular ending for a way around this simply do the following:

If you encounte the picture issue whereby the top middle one glitched out and went black and would not load into the map with the flashlight off.

quit to main menu then continue, head straight back to the puzzle of my face. At first nothing showed but once I waited a minute or 2 the rat illimination DID show and then showed the map and I was able to get the achievement. This video 100% works, it's just the rat face/map trigger of the puzzle pieces can be a little glitchy.

Also, as AP 8T8 said, this ending and the father ending can be stacked together as you can quit to the main menu as soon as "the tree and the apple" achievements pops, continue back in and then go and open the door for the "let bygones be bygones ending", just did the exact same thing!

Credit to ninjaraiden2003 and AP 8T8

03 Aug 2016 04:57

Just wanted to drop a quick comment. I followed the video to a T and once I assembled the 9 picture pieces into my face I encountered the picture issue posted by Beth Bear whereby the top middle one glitched out and went black and would not load into the map with the flashlight off.

I decided to quit to main menu then continue, head straight back to the puzzle of my face. At first nothing showed but once I waited a minute or 2 the rat illimination DID show and then showed the map and I was able to get the achievement. This video 100% works, it's just the rat face/map trigger of the puzzle pieces can be a little glitchy.

Also, as AP 8T8 said, this ending and the father ending can be stacked together as you can quit to the main menu as soon as "the tree and the apple" achievements pops, continue back in and then go and open the door for the "let bygones be bygones ending", just did the exact same thing!
By ninjaraiden2003 on 04 Aug 2016 16:44
Wow, awesome work! I'll give this a try tomorrow! smile
By SiegfriedX on 03 Aug 2016 04:59
Did you have the following issue when going for The Tree And The Apple? - Before rearranging the puzzle - After rearranging the puzzle
By hunterIV on 03 Aug 2016 04:59
Yea this did happen but I believe its because I didn't have all the collectibles. If you follow my video above.. you should get the ending :) I tested this twice last night and both times I got the ending
By Beth Bear on 03 Aug 2016 05:04
The guide above suggests not to pick up anything unnecessary and someone said it worked for them. Tired of rerunning this DLC over and over at this point. :/
By hunterIV on 03 Aug 2016 05:05
AH HA! I figured it out! Frustrated, I was looking at stuff in the room and read on the can of paint that it needs light to show up in the dark. Exposed each puzzle piece to a few seconds of light and they all lit up! This is likely something worth noting.
By hunterIV on 03 Aug 2016 05:19
Awesome stuff beth! Just to note that the combination to the safe in the quarrel vision is often different and hidden elsewhere. It was 165 for me.
By Yazite on 03 Aug 2016 09:13
Cheers Yazite :)
I wish I had uploaded it quicker but my nets just rubbish sometimes.
I'm also uploading video guides for the other two endings.. even though they are pretty easy to work out. :)
By Beth Bear on 03 Aug 2016 09:16
I took all the collectible, I followed the video step by step and I do not map appears, but only the rat .. why?
By EvANeSceNcE1993 on 03 Aug 2016 19:25
i did everything, and the game freeze. i did continue and i cant see no lines at the pictures at the ending and i can not look at the closet. i looked again at the can of paint but no luck..

Second try : no game freeze and woohoo chievo unlocked.. Thank you for this guide... one more chievo for the 100% completion
By dadaveke on 03 Aug 2016 22:22
Oops. I accidentally didn't play the phonograph for the mother. I am exactly half way through the video. I wonder how this is going to turn out now..
By Epsilon Factor on 04 Aug 2016 03:42
I got the complete illuminated picture of the rat but it never changes to the map like image in the video, it just stays like that ( no pieces missing) seems glitchy
By OneNastyGrub on 04 Aug 2016 06:59
same problem cry
By EvANeSceNcE1993 on 04 Aug 2016 12:20
Don't know if anyone did already but might be worth noting, when going for the true inheritance ending you can also get the forgiveness ending. Just quit to main menu after opening the secret area to unlock the achievement. Continue the game and go to upstairs to the final room and save a third play through.
By AP 8T8 on 04 Aug 2016 16:15
The rat pictures might need you to charge the luminecent paint with your tourch for a minute before turning the lights out.
By Jammy20466 on 04 Aug 2016 19:27
four run and I've still the same rat .. the only thing I notice is that the map tends to go out, but the rat design occult .. I think it is glitchy

Sorry for bad english
By EvANeSceNcE1993 on 04 Aug 2016 21:53
Worked fine the second time, greatt guide thanks Beth Bear!
By OneNastyGrub on 06 Aug 2016 07:14
Update: Of course it didn't work! When I got to the portrait at the end, the game glitched out and forced me to sign back in to my Xbox Live account. When I loaded the game back up using 'Continue', I looked at the portrait with the lights off and all I saw was a rat picture, with no map and no hope of getting this ending. Looks like that one mistake of failing to click on the phonograph in time is going to cost me another 2 hour run through.
By Epsilon Factor on 06 Aug 2016 19:49
Thanks ninjaraiden2003 for clearing that Rat Illumination glitch. My was buggy and had 2 blocked out patches, so i quit to main menu and rebooted and just sat in front of the image for about a minute with my torch on before then turning it off to finally reveal the map :) Thought i was going to need to redo again. Saved me alot of time. Thanks :)
By TuKraZe on 12 Sep 2016 15:26
I had all the other achievements, so I skipped reading notes and fooling around with any crayons. I got this achievement by following the father's path, then backing away from the nine pictures until they were all within the flashlight beam and waiting about 30 seconds.

Achievo popped immedietely after the "rat" reconfigured into a map.
By UltraAmbiguous on 14 Sep 2016 02:00
My problem isn't that some of the puzzle pieces/patches are black, but that the parts inbetween them (ie. the paint on the actual wall) are black:

When the rat fades over to the map, it just stutters and goes black immediately. Quitting to the main menu and reloading doesn't seem to fix this.
By tobiasvl on 13 Oct 2016 19:38
This did not work. I followed this vid 100% and the map was not there at the end.
By Chaos Mythology on 27 Dec 2016 11:38
What do you mean by not there?
By Yazite on 27 Dec 2016 13:08
same! i saw the rat but not the map! i dont think i didnt it fast enough. when she says "But wait.. there has to be more" i believe that a que to turn off and on the light and if you wait to long to moment is pasted.
By jack fenix on 07 Jan 2017 13:46
Update (few minutes later)
ninjaraiden2003 solution is spot on!
I restarted the checkpoint and looked at the paint with the light on for a min or 2 for it to charge its glow then turned off my light and bam! Achievement unlocked!

Beth definitely put this in your guide as a possible outcome.
By jack fenix on 07 Jan 2017 13:58
I had the glitch too but your solution worked perfectly thanks :)
By TitianDan on 29 Jan 2017 14:48
I have tried the solution for the glitch multiple times and it still will not unlock. This has become extremely frustrating for me. I would like to play a game for once where the achievements will not bug out on me. UGH
By SL1CK CHR1S on 03 Mar 2017 07:47
@Rier, I tried it again last night and stood farther away from the puzzle than I had done previously and I got the whole map to appear, so maybe try that?
By SL1CK CHR1S on 04 Mar 2017 14:36
@Beth Bear I've been using your guides on youtube and trueachievements to help complete the Layers of Fear achievements to much success, they are excellent! The only complaint I have was The Wife and Child ending video was a little dark so I had some trouble seeing at times (which is not a big deal.) Everything else about them were very good. I had no problem and it made completing this game a breeze! Thank you very much for your guides and I hope you continue to make them in the future!
By TheUtmostLegend on 04 Mar 2017 19:08
Thank you very much its always nice having feedback from people especially when its positive :) I know my wife and child video guide was VERY DARK.. But when I originally recorded it.. it looked ok then watching it back it was soo dark.. but as you may have noticed every video i made since that wife and child ending one has been brighter :) as I noticed the mistake.
By Beth Bear on 04 Mar 2017 20:39
I definitely noticed the brightness was fixed after watching some of your other guides. They were topnotch after that! Thanks again your guides were very helpful!
By TheUtmostLegend on 04 Mar 2017 21:48
After trying 3 times to get the true inheritance ending it finally popped. I chose the father stuff everytime and skipped the child crayon world. I chose the painting each time with the right color so he never got mad. After I arranged the paintings three of them still were not lit up. I focused on each of them for a little bit and it finally unlocked the map. Hope you guys have better luck
By wildwest08 on 05 Mar 2017 22:07
Ok so I went through again this morning, chose the paintbrush so I could skip the crayon world, and got through without making any father-best-light mistakes and got the correct ending and the achievement. So my guess is that if you got the rat drawing but no house map, you did something wrong in your playthrough.
By ratboi91 on 10 Mar 2017 16:35
@ratboi91, yes I believe that's correct. If you hear the "sick joke" comment when looking at the rat painting then you won't see the map as this indicates a refusal to forgive.
By KAW 24 on 13 Mar 2017 01:30
The guide totally works. i had the same problem with the rat face and then the face didn`t even shine anymore with my flashlight off. i pointed my flashlight on the pictures and after 2 mins i turned it off and the map showed up.
By SoulyTheDude on 28 Mar 2017 11:57
Not voted, did all the way to did in the video, didn't get the tree and the apple, but the other ones, still thank for the help!
By Zoda iZ Cruel on 03 Apr 2017 06:56
Great guide, thank you
By Doberkiin on 03 Apr 2017 13:35
if all you need after every other achievement is this, the requirements are much smaller. As above, follow the flashback options (eg let dog out, lock latch on door, turn music on, stare at painter, find crayons for piano). But you do not need to use crayons at all to visit the fantasy world at all. simply follow the dads story and you can run through it all in half an hour
By Petrie91 on 20 Jun 2017 03:58
You get a positive vote from me because you saved me a lot of time. I find this game dull and uninteresting I quickly wanted to complete it.

I had the bug where none of the map showed but I stepped back a metre and a half from the painting then shone the torch on the painting for a minute then turned it off and the rat appeared then it changed to the house layout.

If you done everything in the video up to that point you should get the achievement.
By IM TOM JW on 11 Jul 2017 19:43
God this game is quite mediocre but the achievements are just horrible. Thanks for ruining a everything I remember of the game with this glitchy annoying achievements...
By VikingDonut on 06 Oct 2017 19:38
I had the same problem, no map at the end. As many of you mentioned, shine your flashlight on the 9 puzzle pieces for about 1-2 minutes, then shut it off. The map appeared!
By Car56 on 16 Oct 2017 06:08
I’m not sure this works anymore. I followed this guide twice and it didn’t work either time. I then redid it and instead of using the crayon to enter the imaginary world I used the paint brush to skip it and was then able to see the hidden picture and get this achievement. All other guides I’ve read mention to not use the crayon on the easel.
By exorr on 28 Apr 2018 12:35
Followed the video step by step and it worked great for me. I did get the picture glitch at the end. Did a quick reload, and it glitched the pictures on the side. Instead of reloading, I just waited for the partial rat to fade away, turned flashlight back on for a minute to "recharge" paint, turned it off and the whole rat face was there. After a few seconds map appeared. Thank you for a great guide!
By Flipy Fliperson on 29 Jun 2018 05:47
If you have all the other collectable achievements do not use the crayons on the paintings, this avoids the crayon world (which is pants) you can run through the entire game in about 30 mins and get the achievement. Just make sure you hit all the dad targets listed above, let dog out of kitchen, get dog off sofa etc. hardest one I found was when you had to focus on the painter while been painted. But as long as you get all these and collect all the puzzle pictures you should be fine.
By craig killed ya on 30 Jun 2018 16:57
I had real difficulty with this one. Followed this guide through twice but it glitched at the end and wouldn't open the secret room. Some of the paintings were showing as black. However, I thought I had shone the torch on the paintings for long enough... I didn't. If you have difficulty with getting the room to unlock after she says 'There has to be more to this', keep shining the torch on each individual painting for at least 30 seconds-1 minute. It will work eventually.
By B4RN4RD5K1 on 26 Jul 2018 17:46
I tried this video for 20 minutes, there's so much pointless wandering. Watch a different video, save yourself half the time.
By Moldy Tacos5000 on 05 Oct 2018 18:01
Finally 100 percent the game and dlc. This was your best video. It had much less bullshi**ing. And the comments on here add a ton of benefit to the play thru.
By Werdrath on 28 Jan 2022 15:26
glitched at the end and wouldn't open the secret room too angrycry
By Christianwwe on 25 Sep 2022 14:14
Some people have reported having problems. It happened to me when I did my second playthrough... When I discovered the ending I tried it again and for some reason the rat drawing went funny like this: Its happened to a few people.
If it wasn't like it is in the picture I can only assume u missed something in the video.
I tried another playthough after it happened to me and worked fine.. I have done this ending like 3 times now following everything I did in this video..
By Beth Bear on 03 Aug 2016 19:44
the black squares does not mean it's glitched, you just need to shine the flashlight on those areas more. I had to redo a playthrough because I listened to the advice of this guide and backed out to the main menu and hit continue. Doing that would not progress the rat into the map. Redoing the playthrough (just getting the drawings) I still had black squares. Instead of backing out I sat there for a minute and tried turning it off again. The black squares went away and the rat immediately turned into the map and the achievement popped.
By SquiSquiSquidio on 06 Mar 2017 07:59
I agree with others, this is not glitched. If you shine your light in the drawings long enough and turn it off, the rat will show up. If you quit and continue, you will get the dialog again along with the rat. The rat didn't change to the map though. My dialog was slightly different, she says "this was all just a sick joke" and no map shows up. I believe this is because I made some mistakes in my playthrough. I didn't turn on the phonograph and I couldn't stay focused on father during the painting, even though I tried. I believe these two mistakes cause me to fail to get the inheritance. Will try another playthrough later.
By ratboi91 on 09 Mar 2017 22:17
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Alright, here it goes. Spoilers ahead.
So the achievement is called "The Tree and the Apple" so I figured it was relative to the whole "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" thing. So keep that in mind.

Throughout the game, you are going to want to do everything to please the father. I skipped all optional collectibles, besides the 9 drawings, because most of them involve a negative memory of the father. So I skipped all the cakes, the train, and really everything else. In every flashback or whatever, always side with and help the father when you can, or at least keep him from getting mad at you directly. Here are all the main points, and what I did in them:

1. Art studio room - Do the painting with the brush, and always follow his instructions. Never use a crayon. Make papa proud.
2. Basement - Grab the piano sheet music so your dad can play with passion.
3. Closet under stairs - Lock the door so daddy doesn't catch you in there.
4. Kitchen - Open the door to let the dog out.
5. Behind the broken couch upstairs - Get the dog off the couch before father catches him.
6. Daughter's bedroom - Keep eyes on him while he paints you.
7. Father's office - In all 3 instances, go to the right down the father's path. You'll see his picture, so just make sure you go that way, rather than the mother's path. Also, look at the drawing of the mother when you put the pieces back together. That's the only optional collectible I interacted with.
8. Mother's bedroom - Play the phonograph to soothe her.

Now that all of this is done, you should get a short cutscene letting you know that the locked room is now open, but DO NOT GO IN THERE. That will end the game.

Instead, you want to collect all 9 of the drawings and assemble them on the wall in the art studio room. Keep in mind that many don't appear until after the memory is completed. The drawings can be found in these locations: Art studio room, the basement, the closet under the stairs, in the side room of the kitchen, in the mother's bedroom, in the father's office, in the daughter's room, in the room with all the paintings of the mother, and finally in the hallway leading to the final door THAT YOU DO NOT GO THROUGH.

Once you have all 9 drawings, you can place them on the wall of the art studio, and arrange them into the face of you, the daughter. Once you have done this, look at it and press cn_LS to turn off your flashlight, which, assuming you did your father proud, should reveal a little map. Turn around and go to the cubbies, and interact with it. And that's it. You've done it.

TL;DR Make dad happy and assemble the puzzle.

03 Aug 2016 02:22

This did not work for me.
By hunterIV on 03 Aug 2016 03:37
Second time I tried it, I got the secret drawing to show up when I turned off my flashlight, but half the drawings didn't show the secret drawing. The rest of it showed up, though. What the fuck? Guess I get to run through it all yet again.
By hunterIV on 03 Aug 2016 04:12
AH HA! I figured it out! Frustrated, I was looking at stuff in the room and read on the can of paint that it needs light to show up in the dark. Exposed each puzzle piece to a few seconds of light and they all lit up! This is likely something worth noting.
By hunterIV on 03 Aug 2016 05:22
Are you sure it simply wasn't in the right order? Did your character say "it's me," or whatever her dialogue is?

I never had to do anything with the paint.
By JordanTheBigBoy on 03 Aug 2016 06:32
Yes, once I had everything in the right order, I was still having issues. The paint can in the chest merely gave me the clue that it was fluorescent paint that had to be exposed to light for a few seconds. I had to have the center of the flashlight on each puzzle piece for a couple seconds before it would light up when the flashlight was off.
By hunterIV on 03 Aug 2016 06:58
Excellent guide! I got this on the first try with your guide and it took me less than an hour. This is FAR better than watching a video with no explication, because that takes a lot longer to stop and watch then follow without being told why. Thanks for making this!
By Epsilon Factor on 13 Aug 2016 03:50
Thanks! Glad I was able to help!
By JordanTheBigBoy on 13 Aug 2016 04:21
Worked well toast
By HellCreeper666 on 27 Sep 2016 03:09
Thank you so much just got it and it take me 20-30 mins with this OMG thank you better then the video
By Chaos Mythology on 27 Dec 2016 12:27
Happy to help!
By JordanTheBigBoy on 27 Dec 2016 17:04
Nice work. Congratulations!
By oo8 GOLD 8oo on 13 Jan 2017 01:42
Thanks a lot it worked like a charm for me!!! clap
By xEndriux on 11 Mar 2017 07:57
thumps up from me, needed tree and apple, used yours and the other one for the pictures,got it, thanks mate ! <3
By Zoda iZ Cruel on 03 Apr 2017 06:58
Great guide, a lot easier than the vid and a lot quicker. Nice one.
By Jonny1872 on 28 Apr 2017 10:11
Have to say TheFourthHunter is correct. If you follow the guide exactly and are having some of the squares black out, then step back and have the whole picture within the outermost ring of the flashlight. Stand there about 30 seconds or so and turn the light off. Picture should light up.
By UGADawg1029 on 13 May 2017 14:43
Thanks, got this no issues.
By Vr English on 11 Jun 2017 22:05
Dude thank you so much for this! I read everything else here and on other sites. I followed tedious step by step videos. Nothing worked...after several playthroughs, the painting at the end didn't transform as it was supposed to. Finally, after doing this and exactly this in about 20 minutes, it worked perfectly! Makes me think that this achievement isn't glitchy at all but that it comes down to a more exact method as outlined here. Thanks also to the people who mentioned the paint color order, and the tip to shine the flashlight for a few seconds on each individual picture then back up and shine it on the entire picture.
By Scruffus on 03 Jul 2017 05:06
Thank you very much for this. Could have elaborated a little on needing crayons for the piano and where the pieces for the mother's sketch was (both in the fathers memory), but overall I managed to get this done in around 30 mins - much faster than a video guide.
By segagamer on 03 Sep 2017 18:40
Great guide, thanks! 👍🏼
By ClaytThaGreat on 14 Sep 2017 23:48
thanks for your was easier to follow than the video guide.
By maddog walker on 30 Nov 2017 01:12
The how-to part of this guide works great, but I want to clear up a misconception, or perhaps some confusion, about the collectibles. They don't influence the outcome you will receive; they reveal the path you are on. The dialogue that the girl remembers upon looking at or picking up various items will change depending on whether she is on the apple-tree route or the unforgiveness route. One of the most obvious examples is the toy train left in the hallway - father will either curse, yell, and say mean things to the girl, or he will treat it as no big deal. Even the 3-part picture of the wife looks different depending on the girl's actions. So, my suggestion is to pick up all of the collectibles, as I did, every time you go for any of the 3 different endings, otherwise, you're depriving yourself of the full experience.
By Lt Davo on 13 Jan 2018 01:16
Worked like a charm. Super quick and no confusion.
By Skrubits on 02 May 2018 14:12
Thanks! I got it on my first try with this method.
By CryptCore on 10 May 2018 07:40
As I pointed out previously, the advice to SKIP ALL COLLECTIBLES is wrong. The collectibles have no influence over which path you take. They reveal which path you are on, which is generally a good thing.
By Lt Davo on 11 Jun 2018 14:23
I skipped all the notes and still got it. What an awful achievement, really sucked the fun out of what would have been a good DLC experience.
By Djshep on 17 Jun 2018 19:07
Brilliant, some additional info on which direction to grab paint colors and whatnot could be added but still got the job done.
By Moldy Tacos5000 on 09 Oct 2018 03:17
Got it first try, great guide.
By TDK Skin Walker on 02 Jan 2019 21:07
Thanks got it first try, only useful solution here.
By No Bad Games on 22 May 2020 05:10
hunterIV Saved me with the light. I done the puzzle with the torch off as it was easier to see. Need to shine the light on it for about 10+ seconds or so. Paint can says 30 but it showed up sooner.
By Goatsaresuper on 10 Oct 2020 10:09
This is the bullshit I am talking about: - Before rearranging the puzzle - After rearranging the puzzle
By hunterIV on 03 Aug 2016 04:45
Huge thanks for this guide, really simplified what needs to be done, and saved me a ton of time trying to get every collectible and following a video exactly. I can confirm that you do not need to do anything beyond what is outlined here.

I should also mention that during the painting portions you need to grab the paint: Red, black, yellow in that order, not sure if you putting the wrong colour on the canvas affects this.

Also thanks TheFourthHunter for pointing out you need to shine your flashlight on each individual painting for a good 10 or so seconds to reveal it with the light off, I was seconds away from restarting and cursing this guide for not giving you all the details before I read that.
By Mild Gonolini on 10 May 2017 08:50
Hey, guys, I had so many problems with getting this achievement, but the JordanTheBigBoy 's solution really helped me.

So, during the playthrough make sure that:
-You always choose your father's portrait
-During the memories you do everything in favor of your father (1). Open the door to let the dog in; 2). Lock the door so that father doesn't catch you; 3). Pick up the music sheet; 4) In the workshop enter the painter's world by choosing the paintbrush and finish it also with the paintbrush (you will miss 'Sword Of The Serpent' and 'Once Upon A Time' achievements, but, although, I'm not sure , maybe this can help in getting 'The Tree And The Apple' achievement); 5). Play the phonograph in the bedroom; 6). Get the dog off the sofa; 7). Keep looking at the painter while listening the story about the witch; 8). While playing the piano be careful in order that not to make any mistakes so that you father is pleased with you.)
-You pick up all 9 drawings
-You SKIP ALL COLLECTIBLES (e.g. all 3 cakes, knife, train, test tube etc, cause they show the father in a bad light) BUT COLLECT THE MOTHER'S PORTRAIT AND INTERACT WITH HER PORTRAIT LOCATED ON THE WALL TO THE LEFT ON THE LANDING.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure if you have to collect all the notes to get this achievement, but as I remember, I skipped them and got the achievement.
After I have done all that, I solved the puzzle but I had a glitch. As written in the walkthrough guide, to fix the glitch, go to the main menu, then continue, and after that go to the workshop. Stare at the portrait for 1-2 minutes with the flashlight turned on, and then turn off the flashlight. THE MAP WILL APPEAR AND YOU WILL BE ABLE TO GET THE ACHIEVEMENT ONLY IF YOU HAVE DONE EVERYTHING AS MENTIONED.
Good luck in getting this achievement!
P.S. Thanks JordanTheBigBoy for his help.
By VladZelenyak on 11 Jun 2018 10:43
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this solution is for if you followed the other guides to completion, and just can't figure out what you're doing wrong to get the map to appear and open the secret door in the painter's studio (workshop).

the two requirements that need to be met for this ending are:
- you are on track for the Let Bygones Be Bygones (father) ending
- you must have collected all 9 crayon drawings and arranged them correctly in the art studio's wall

so if you're at this point, and think you need to restart the game, don't.

lots of people get confused by this and think they messed up or the game is bugged. Its not. All of the guides for this achievement are missing an important key detail: you basically need to stand in the middle of the room between the puzzle wall and the wall behind you when shining your light at the puzzle.

the tl;dr details:

If you check the chest and inspect the paint can inside, its a clue. Glow in the dark paint was used for the picture that shows up when your flashlight is turned off. They tried to emulate this paint's characteristics in the game.

the paint doesn't glow in the dark unless you 'charge' it with a light source (your flashlight). And if you watch the glow in the dark painting long enough, it will vanish and need to be 'charged' again to see.

shining your flashlight at the wall for 20-30 seconds should make the paint glow in the dark again if it disappears.

if you're too too close to the puzzle, your flash light won't charge one of the corners (AFAIK, this is not a bug. its as intended.)

if you stand too close, you will get the rat head and it will stay the rat head

you need to stand in 'just the right' spot basically center between the wall in front and back of you when shining your flashlight at the puzzle. The rat head ought to turn into the map like its supposed to shortly after the scripted dialogue.

02 Apr 2020 01:23