Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Navigate the sugar mill and reach the safe room without killing any Witches.


How to unlock the SOB STORY achievement in Left 4 Dead 2 - Definitive Guide

This one is a little more tricky than you might think, especially if you do not have a group of four.
You have to go through Capter 2: Sugar Mill in the Hard Rain campaign. Even though you backtrack through all this, you only have to do this one level. Having at least one partner on this one makes it a great deal easier and just to make sure that your AI teamates dont trigger a witch, switch the difficulty to expert and kill them off, then switch back to easy. (Do this every time they come back just to make certain they dont spawn at an inoppurtune time.) Try to have at least one person with a melee weapon at all times just so you dont hit a witch randomly.
Chargers and Smokers are your worst enemies here as they can ram/pull you into a witches area. Turn your subtitles on and whenever they are "heard" stay back until you can see them and kill them. Try to only throw your pipebombs and molotovs into areas you KNOW there are no witches as a close explosion will trigger her. Now, if a witch kills one of your players that is ok, as long as you do not kill her, your are alright. So you may be able to get really lucky and just book through an adrenaline.
The biggest problem area for people trying to sneak through is the small cornfield. The easiest way is to walk on top of the pipe through the middle of the field and stop as soon as you exit the field to look around as there is usually a witch or two right outside the final building. Any questions or specifics you need help with, comment.

18 Nov 2009 22:04

I did this with bots and went through twenty-four witches! There was a huge bunch of eight of them right by the sugar mill ramp and I was sure I was toast, but I somehow managed it. Maneuvering around the witches isn't really the hard part (since there's a 'buffer' of only about ten feet to alert them, and it takes several seconds of staying that near), it's staying away from the other special infected that are going to take you over to them to say hi.

As far as the sugar cane field right at the end, a good headset will easily save you. I spotted a witch as we were going down in the elevator idling right near the beginning of the pipe so I went wide to the right side, and using only their crying as a guide I avoided running afoul of at least four witches in there.
By Mobius Evalon on 02 Feb 2011 11:12
I got this the first time I played this campaign solo with no knowledge of the achievement list. it was no problem at all. just leave the witches alone, easy as that
By on 19 Dec 2009 09:11
This is just written out for the people who are having trouble. If you didn't have trouble with it, kudos.
By Aura of Heroism on 20 Dec 2009 04:01
I don't believe you.
By on 21 Dec 2009 15:09
Too bad.
By Aura of Heroism on 21 Dec 2009 20:37
I've given up attempting this achievement in a solo game. The bots are just too stupid--- I can make it past the witch just fine, but the bots always stop to stare at the witch, and let her walk right up to them. The best way to do this achievement is to have three other human players, and have everyone equip melee weapons.
By Haseo ATC on 27 Dec 2009 17:11
Haseo ATC if you need help with this one add me and I can help you out.
By Aura of Heroism on 27 Dec 2009 21:05
You can't do the Mill Escape I tried it and didn't kill any witches but didn't get a achievement, the Sugar Mill is the only level you can do it on
By Im LoganXP on 01 Jan 2010 19:24
Thank you for that add Roxas. I was wondering that myself since I had never even seen a witch on the escape.
By Aura of Heroism on 02 Jan 2010 01:17
Your guide is exactly what I did today but in my case there were four witches at the end 3 near the end of the pipe all walking around and one by the gas station I nearly never made it but I got lucky :D
By SilentRich69 on 29 Jan 2010 02:20
I actually alerted a witch myself when I got this. Just kept on running until she lost interest, I was amazed I managed to outrun her for that long. Stupid of me to take a grenade launcher along though. :)

Anyways, just a note it is possible to gain the achievement if you do alert the witch so long as you outrun her long enough for her to stop chasing you.
By Quarantane on 01 Mar 2010 16:37
or if someone else takes the heat and lets her kill em as long as you don't kill the witch you're good.
By Aura of Heroism on 02 Mar 2010 02:36
I followed the pipe and ran straight into a witch..tried to run away and then got downed right in front of another witch.
By SecondHeartbeat on 12 May 2010 00:21
Unfortunately it happens sometimes. You just gotta duck your head and run and hope for the best.
By Aura of Heroism on 12 May 2010 05:16
i just did this, the AI alerted a witch i never even fired a bullet at her and when the level was over i got no achievement. anyone got any ideas?
By Wilkos Wrath on 16 Dec 2010 18:58
i just did this, the AI alerted a witch i never even fired a bullet at her and when the level was over i got no achievement. anyone got any ideas?
By Wilkos Wrath on 16 Dec 2010 19:10
Did she die? If so, then thats why, even if YOU don't shoot her, if a witch dies, its not gonna pop.
By Aura of Heroism on 17 Dec 2010 22:43
This achievement was very easy for me. I did it with all 3 AI's as long as you walk way around the witches and are patient at some points until they move out of your direct path the AI's will follow you. I actually found the AI's helpful because they're very good about killing the other special infected that could lead you into a witch. They're also insanely accurate shots so you don't really have to worry about them shooting a witch by accident.
By Paralyze33 on 26 Aug 2013 21:49
Just got this. Fairly easy tbh with Bots just had some patience. The end where you run through the corn I just kinda ran for it and hoped the AI would follow which they did.
By Dfaultz v on 20 May 2023 10:15
just a note, if you're close to the end and a witch is alerted just run into the safe house and close the door before she is killed.

did a playthrough last night with 3 AI partners. we avoided all witches until the gas station at the very end (there were 3 witches roaming around the gas station). when an AI alerted a witch i shot out a window, jumped into the gas station, and closed the door on the safe house. the achievement popped right away, before the level was over.

i could then open the door, walk out, and kill the witch that was attacking the AI.
By willow ve on 05 Jul 2011 18:51
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Although everyone says this is hard with bots, I beg to differ it's just a matter of controlling them.

What I did was when I got to the first section of where the witches first appear I got my melee weapon out like others have stated.

Next I made sure of where the witches were and tried to identify what were good routes to take. Now when I got near one and knew where I was going, I ran as fast as I could around the witch and tried to put as much distance between me and the witch as possible. Because I ran so quickly, My bots were following me and didn't go near any witch. They will always follow you so try to run far enough for you to see where the next witch is and the bots won't be able to startle any witch. Just keep trying if it doesn't work out but if you go through it witch by witch it should be a cake walk.

btw I did it on easy as I got it on my first play through of the 5 campaigns.
I also did this on single player with 3 AIs, it did take about three tries, but it really wasn't that difficult as long as you quickly move past witches, as you stated.
By guthrum06 on 15 Jan 2010 21:04
I've tried that strategy multiple times. Every time, one of the bots will literally run themselves into the witch while trying to catch up to me.

The sad thing is, there are so many people who play this game online that are just as stupid as the bots. Human or bot, one player always has to frickin' startle a witch.
By Haseo ATC on 10 Jan 2010 02:50
Took me two tries with the bots. Just have to make sure you avoid shooting near the witches...
By SwervinCurvin on 21 Feb 2010 04:41
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Guide courtesy to Achievement Hunters/RoosterTeeth. He plays with players and you should do that to because sometimes one of the bots will just walk up to them and stand there for a couple seconds and startle her...so then you gotta restart.

06 Jul 2010 20:45

Start chapter 2 of the Hard Rain campaign. It's good to have atleast one buddy with you while doing this. Run through the chapter staying clear of witches and other special infected especially jockeys as they steer you straight into witches pick off any infected you see before entering a small area (this makes it easier to run past witches without being slowed down) If you happen to find a defib unit take it because if a survivor does startle a witch you will need to let them die and you will be able to revive them

19 Dec 2009 22:06

Just got this on my second try playing with 3 bots. Just keep you speed, running and try not to ever stand still. The only two times I killed zombies was in the beginning and waiting for the elevator.

Adrenaline will help alot during the cornfield, the first time I tried i ran into a Witch in the cornfield, I did this on my second try as well but was able to outrun her with the adrenaline. My Bots were perfect during these runs, so keep you speed and they won't have time to shoot at any witch. You don't have to wait for your bots in the saferoom or close the door, you get the achievement as soon as you walk into the room.

I walked into the room, got the achievement then walked out again and killed a witch.

13 Mar 2011 08:42

You do not have to play the whole campaign for this, just start a game on the second chapter of Hard Rain (Sugar Mill) on the easy difficulty. I did it with friends but it would be easier to do it with a full game and no bots, just in case Rochelle decides to heal you when a Witch is walking towards you (past experience).
When at the elevator crescendo, make sure you have pipe bombs or boomer biles, when at the corn field, this part is luck. Just run through and hope you don't run into a Witch. Just get to the saferoom in the diner and the achievement is yours.

05 Aug 2011 09:15

I tried different ways to get this offline. The easiest way was put CCR Fortunate son on youtube and make it loud.

(put the game on easy)

The next step is abandon carefulness besides going around witches when you have too.

Try to outrun your bots the best you can. Run run and run, I guess if you are so far ahead of them the witches don't register your IA turret teammates.

When you hit the corn field replay CCR Fortunate son and fallow the pipeline. When you see the gas station stop and check for withes, re-just and run into the building and find the saferoom. This was super easy doing it this way completely drunk.

Now you should have heard the ding of this thing unlocking, put on youtube rolling stones - paint it black, and have a smoke!

15 Oct 2016 07:40

SOB STORY - 30G (Original Achievement)

Difficulty: Easy

Estimated Period of Time: Short

To get this Achievement, you must get through the Sugar Mill without alerting a Witch.

This may be easier with other players, depending on your point of view, but is easily done solo as well.

First, load up Single Player and the Hard Rain Campaign. Go to your Settings and change the level to Easy, and Chapter 2: Sugar Mill. Now start the game.

Once in the level, try to resort to only melee weapons and avoid shooting at random or you might hit a witch on accident.

Witches are women who either sit on the ground or wander around while crying. Their crying is very distinct and you'll know they are nearby when you hear it. If you shoot them, shine your flashlight on them, or just get too close to them for too long, they will become alerted and chase after whoever alerted them. (This will show on screen to let you know). If this happens, restart the level.

Your goal is to get through the plant, into the multilevel building, down the elevator at the top, across the corn? field, and into the gas station safe room without ever alerting one witch.

29 Dec 2016 15:47


It’s much easier to load the section directly, it should be on Hard Rain 2: Sugar Mill. It’s quicker than having to complete the first part.

If you are wanting to do this solo, and the bots are startling the witch, you can do this on the “Last man on earth” mutation, which leaves you as the only survivor.

The other option is to change the difficulty to advanced once you get to the fields, kill as many AI as you want then change it back to easy. Note, not 100% sure the second method works, didn’t get to try it, but I doubt there are systems in place to stop you from doing this. If you do this, probably keep 1 AI around so that you don’t insta-fail if a random jockey manages to catch you.

Keep in mind this will increase the difficulty of making it through alive. So if you have 4 friends capable of joining up, just do a regular campaign. If you have 2 or 3, it’s probably best to kill the remaining AIs.

A lot of the time, it comes to luck based on the spawns of the witches. I’ve heard that there one person has ran into 24 witches, but I managed to complete it on LMoE while only seeing 6-7 in total and 3 in the last field.


The best way to complete this would be to use both audio and visuals to help you. Headphones work best. This way if you know how close you are to a witch based on the intensity of the crying, and once you get dangerously close you can instantly be warned. Take your time if needed, and step back when needed.

08 Jul 2022 10:26

Performed in the "Dread Rain" campaign, chapter "Sugar Factory"
There are a lot of Witches in this chapter. With bots, getting this achievement is quite easy. Up to 10 Witches can be encountered in this chapter.

Your task is to reach the shelter without killing a single Witch. Also don't forget to turn off the flashlight, as it draws their attention. Bypass the Witches and you will succeed. If your partner scares or kills the Witch, no one will get the achievement.

09 Apr 2023 00:00

1 Comment
It's "HARD rain".
By ooEVILGOAToo on 29 May 2023 14:49

Campaign: Hard Rain
Level 2: Sugar Mill

Make your way through the sugar mill, making sure to keep your flashlight off and follow the edge of each building and area. Witches don't startle as easily as they did in Left 4 Dead, so when you see a Witch just keep running.

There are six or seven Witches to avoid throughout the whole level, so just make sure you don't shoot any of them.