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Legend of Zelda, The achievements progress.
Acquire the magical sword
Acquire the magical shield
Equip the blue ring in the first quest
Find the letter in the first quest
Find the bracelet in either quest
Obtain the bow in the first quest
Obtain the boomerang in the first quest
Obtain the magical boomerang in the first quest
Obtain the raft in the first quest
Obtain the stepladder in the first quest
Obtain the recorder in the first quest
Obtain the magical wand in the first quest
Obtain the red candle in the first quest
Obtain the book of magic in the first quest
Obtain the magical key in the first quest
Obtain the red ring in the first quest
Obtain the silver arrows in the first quest
Find your way through the lost woods
Obtain your first bomb upgrade in the first quest
Obtain your second bomb upgrade in the first quest
Obtain all 16 heart containers in the first quest
Find all compasses and maps in the first quest
Complete the Eagle dungeon in the first quest
Complete the Moon dungeon in the first quest
Complete the Manji dungeon in the first quest
Complete the Snake dungeon in the first quest
Complete the Lizard dungeon in the first quest
Complete the Dragon dungeon in the first quest
Complete the Demon dungeon in the first quest
Complete the Lion dungeon in the first quest
Defeat Ganon in Death Mountain in the first quest
Defeat Aquamentus without being harmed in the Eagle dungeon in the first quest
Defeat Dodongo without being harmed in the Moon dungeon in the first quest
Defeat Manhandla without being harmed in the Manji dungeon in the first quest
Defeat Gleeok without being harmed in the Snake dungeon in the first quest
Defeat Digdogger without being harmed in the Lizard dungeon in the first quest
Defeat Gohma without being harmed in the Dragon dungeon in the first quest
Defeat the Patra south of a wise man in Death Mountain without being harmed in the first quest
Unlock the first door in level 1 without using a key
Get every item and visit every room in level 1 of the first quest while using only three keys
Complete level 2 without owning a sword
Clear the item room in level 3 only using bombs and without owning the magical sword or leaving the room
Find the secret room in level 4
Clear the item room in level 5 in the first quest without taking damage, owning the magical sword or leaving the room
Find the secret room in level 7
Find the secret room in level 8
Receive money from every hidden moblin in the first quest
Beat the game without obtaining a ring in the first quest
Get to Ganon's room in Death Mountain in the first quest without a sword
Equip the blue ring in the second quest
Obtain all 16 heart containers in the second quest
Find all compasses and maps in the second quest.
Get all items and item upgrades in the second quest
Complete the Eagle dungeon in the second quest
Complete the Moon dungeon in the second quest
Complete the Manji dungeon in the second quest
Complete the Snake dungeon in the second quest
Complete the Lizard dungeon in the second quest
Complete the Dragon dungeon in the second quest
Complete the Demon dungeon in the second quest
Complete the Lion dungeon in the second quest
Defeat Ganon in Death Mountain in the second quest
Find the secret room in level 4 in the second quest
Get to Ganon's room in Death Mountain in the second quest without a sword
Defeat Ganon in either quest without being killed or using quit-out