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Combat Veteran

Combat Veteran

Played 200 ranked Multiplayer matches


How to unlock the Combat Veteran achievement in Legendary - Definitive Guide

The reason why I created this solution, is because I did something that a lot of people obviously don't do and I got the achievement around when it should unlock. I got this achievement in my 4th boosting session after boosting around 8 hours 55 minutes. The achievement unlocked after playing something like 200-300 matches. I didn't keep count. Also, I was on winning or losing side around 50/50, so that doesn't matter. My leaderboard score was 74026 after unlocking the achievement.

These 2 things I did every time before and after I booted the game and started boosting:

When I saw this message appear:

External image

I always went to Options -> Storage Location, and I always selected my hard drive, because I think this message means, that everything that you boost during that session, is not saved if you don't go to options and select your hard drive. Leaderboard score is saved, because it saves it to the game servers, not your hard drive.

Second thing I always did was after the boosting session, I went to play the single player campaign and played until it saved a checkpoint. So I suggest you do this too.

So we just boosted it with 6-8 people on the Den-map with the lowest score limit, it saved some time if 2 people go to the animus device from the blue team and starts uploading the animus, the bar fills much faster. Usually one alpha-werewolf drops from the left side of the corridor after dropping down, but not always.

So this is how I got the achievement, it is possible it's still luck based, but please try this method and let me know, did it work. Good luck!

21 Jul 2012 22:01

I boosted this in one sitting and it piped exactly at 200.
By jjaldana on 22 Nov 2021 19:06
I have never once seen that error message and I have played about 450-500 matches, my score is 161771, after about 20 hours of boosting this, still no achievement.
By Scenic Route 16 on 09 Apr 2022 03:09
Worked for me a Wayne aswell!
By Stealth David on 21 Jul 2012 23:42
Well, there are many of these "arses" on this website. Just have to deal with it.
By Kovy88 on 19 Aug 2012 14:15
The storage location "trick" makes sense. Thumbs up
By KOSTAS A M GR on 31 Aug 2012 20:30
Got this at 250 games played.
By Homunculus Fury on 10 Nov 2012 06:24
That is the best Solution i got around 220 games
By CARILTOBRIGANTE on 07 Jan 2013 17:10
Worked perfectly for me. Got it at just over 200.
By paul1986 on 08 Oct 2013 19:19
Worked perfectly for me. Got it at just over 200.
By paul1986 on 08 Oct 2013 19:30
3 of us just got it pretty much dead on 200 (3 or 4 under but my counter was probably off) using this method. Great solution, thank you.
By Bill 13 on 13 Jun 2015 06:21
leaderboardscore 217000. around 450 matches. did everything as told. broken one
By EchelonSix on 10 Sep 2023 00:17
@EchelonSix yours did eventually unlock right? I'm not even making progress on the leaderboard anymore, I'm guessing issues with trueskill again or something....so annoying and time wasting
By CpL KaNe ZA on 13 Sep 2023 20:50
Leaderboard score was 50,884 when I had finished a session where I unlocked this achievement. Never skipped the end match cutscene (since achievements pop here). Also finished all multiplayer achievements within a month of starting the multiplayer. Selected storage device through the options menu once the error message appeared, pressed "Y" to re-sign into my profile and then chose the storage device a second time through options.
By Fahrenheit 2036 on 17 Sep 2023 02:26
Just came by to say !@#$ this chievo.
By CpL KaNe ZA on 03 May 2024 14:05
What's the matter? It doesn't unlock in time? The same thing was with Gears 1 Seriously-achievement. You had to go play a single player / bot match and get it to save, to keep all progress during session.
By Kovy88 on 04 May 2024 21:11
Worked for me in 2024, thank you!
By MashedPeas11 on 12 Aug 2024 21:45
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For me personally, i started counting hopefull of getting it dead on 200, but i can safely say its very unlikely this will happen. I also recommend not keeping count either, even if you think its a good idea, it will grow to taunt you. it took me over 600 games, and putting a line after every game just drives you insane.

Now if theres anyone that is actually still in for the long grind, there is a very easy method to boost it which takes about 3 minutes per game including loading times.

You will need a party of 6 minimum to start up games. One person must host, set it up on the map 'Den' with creature density on high, animus limit of 100 and alpha werewolves on.

Blue team will win every game just because it is easier that way. One person, from spawn, run down the corridor and jump down the trap hole. When you hit the floor turn left and walk forward about 3 metres and look up, you should see an alpha werewolf drop from the ceiling, Kill him and suck up the animus using 'Y'. Now do a full 180 and sprint using the 'LB' towards the animus machine, the first corridor on your right should take you there, drop down and hold 'Y' to fill the machine and there you go, one game done, 599 to go...at least...

Best of luck guys :)

Oh and it makes no difference if you win or loose or anything like that, though i would suggest watching the cut scene and press 'A' and 'A' to leave, not 'B' and 'A'

10 Feb 2011 20:19

carnage... I saw this and it just brought me back to them days of boosting with you... f- this game... good I hated those long hours of boosting but I had fun kicking it with the people we boosted with.... it was a bonding experience.
By ComanderDrizzle on 19 Aug 2012 05:40
If you do all 200 games in one sitting without disconnecting from live or going to the dashboard the achievement should unlock when it is supposed to.
By Snitty 1 on 27 Aug 2012 22:01
kept track of every game played unlocked at 250. Not sure where I lost games but when I tried for the Follow the leader I played at least 25 games before it unlocked. also for the first 17 games I was hitting B then A so that might be where the extra 50 games went.
By Homunculus Fury on 10 Nov 2012 06:27
Carnage do you ever go back and check the leader board on this game to see if we are still on top from playing this abomination of a game for so long to get this achivo??
By ComanderDrizzle on 07 Mar 2013 03:15
Nope, I may have to do that next time I have access to my xbox, I'll let you know
By jj carnage on 18 Mar 2013 15:11
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After getting this achievement for over 7 different people (including myself) I can definitely say that this achievement is glitched up. I wouldn't recommend trying for 200 ranked matches, your best bet is 200 ranked wins, and most importantly: KEEP TRACK OF YOUR WINS!

To get a ranked match started, you need 6 different gamertags in the lobby (3 vs 3, you cannot start with severely uneven teams). Make sure to set the creature density to HIGH and the animus max to 100. Keep Alpha werewolfs "ON".The map I found easiest to boost on was New York, simply because right at the beginning of the match, an Alpha werewolf spawns at the firetruck right outside of spawn. Alpha's drop exactly 100 animus energy, so if you absorb all that (holding down the "Y" button next to the energy) you should be ready to fill up your machine. Once your team wins, in most cases, watching the cut-scene didn't matter, you can skip it with the "A" button. DO NOT LEAVE BY PRESSING "B and A"! Leave the match only by Pressing "A" then "A" again. This is the only reasoning we can think of why some people got the achievement at 200 wins and not 310-400 wins, so better to be safe than sorry.

So just rinse and repeat. I suggest you keep one side the winning side but switch the people out every 5 matches to be fair.
**EXAMPLE: Red Team wins 5 matches, then everyone on red team moves over to blue team and blue team moves to red team. Red wins 5 and then switches with blue team again.**

Well good luck to anyone who tries to get this achievement in this game, and remember to be fair and stick around until everyone in your boosting session gets the achievement, you couldn't have gotten it without them.

29 Nov 2009 15:47

firstly if u like to 1000G games and u haven't popped an achievement in this game yet don't start it!!! this is a painful achievement to get!!

after playing over 650 online ranked matches i can say that this achievement pops completely randomly.

nothing makes this achievement pop any faster so don't worry about :

getting 200 wins
get 200 wins and 200 loses
doing anything in the matches
alternating team wins
making sure teams are even
being on red or blue team
trying all maps
getting more kills than anyone else
filling the animus machine

it wont make the slightest bit of difference.

one thing to do each time is to watch the cut scene after the match because everyone who i know has got this achievement, got it while they were watching the cut scene. it pops when the werewolf is slamming the guy to the floor.

the other thing is everyone i know who got this achievement is to exit from the scoreboard to the main menu press A twice

the best way to get this achievement is to find a team of 6 people who are good fun and talkative and just play until it pops.

all of what i have written comes from experience after people i was playing with one got the achievement at 216 matches another just over 400 matches another over 800 matches and for me over 650 matches

hope this helps people
thanks goes to all the people i boosted with

24 Dec 2010 23:40

I agree , it just completly random.. in everyway.. took me over 500 matches and I tried every imaginable way of doing this. I started with the push A button twice to leave the matches..and nothing.. It poped for me after I continued to watch the end cut scene, all the way thru but I think even that had little to nothing to do with it.
By B8TINGU on 03 Jan 2011 03:12
thanks for reminding of a few things to add cheers b8tingu
By Dropkick Hope86 on 03 Jan 2011 03:37
good to know everyone is getting it and thanks for the positive feedback
By Dropkick Hope86 on 12 Jan 2011 06:55
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Hi and welcome to my small guide on this achievement today we have a great feast on this achievement since 4 people unlocked it in my session ill give you a quick few tips to speed up the progress

My achievement popped dead on 200 matches played ive kept a tally and was deadon 200 matches

First of all go into campaing after every 30 odd games and reload the last checkpoint this game is kinda weird saving your data well use the campaign save as a means to save your multiplayer data if your game crashes you potetntially lose all the matches that sessiok happened to one of our boosters

One of our guys also reported that he forgot to save campaign before dashboarding but he unlocked the achievement also deadon 200 still i would highly reckonmend saving every 30 matches in the campaign to save your headache

You can this with a mix of 6p 7p 8p games

Afk boosting does count

To be 100% sure save the games data to the cloud since this game is kinda weird with local saves

Hope this helps if you need more tips hit me up in private messages
The achievement is glitchy, I finally got it today and I boosted this achievement with 5 other people for like a week if not more. I had more loses than wins, so that doesn't matter. I played over 200 matches (maybe 300-400) before getting it. I also hosted 15-20 games only, i don't know if that's matter at all who is hosting.

And of course I always watched the cutscene and pressed A twice.

11 Apr 2011 00:14

This achievement is hard because there is no way to tell how many matches you have played, unless you are keeping a tally. They must be Ranked matches (player matches don't count). To start a ranked match you have to have at least six people in the group. Matches with six, seven, or eight players count toward your total. You DO NOT HAVE to win 200 matches. During our boosting sessions, I kept a tally after I had completed most of my achievements. Since I did not need the wins, I stayed on the losing team, only rarely picking up a win (In the last 100 matches I won only 16). After you have completed 200 Ranked matches, the achievement will unlock and you can put the game away - unless you feel generous and want to help others.