

50 Achievements



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Live Wire

Live Wire

Found the Black Order-eliminating electric switch in Episode 2


How to unlock the Live Wire achievement in Legendary - Definitive Guide

After going through the metro station, you will come to a point where you see some Black Order soldiers fighting with some Fire monsters. After that you will get to a smaller area where you have to fight some more Black Order soldiers and have to cross a beam to get across the room.
On the right wall, before you cross the beam, should be a switch. If you use it it will get you the achievement. (you can do this after killing the soldiers, but if you do it while they are still alive, they will be fried ;) )

13 Mar 2009 23:50

After you head back into the subway you encounter a couple of Black Order troops fighting a Fire Drake - kill them and continue through the next subway car. On the other side of this subway car is a Fire Drake pit as well as a couple of Fire Drakes and Black Order troops. Run to the right side of the room and use the water valve to eliminate the Fire Drake pit.

After you clean up the area you go down the hallway to the rear Left corner of the room. Down this hallway you will come upon a steel I-beam blocking your way as well as a couple of Black Order troops. Kill the trooper that is stationed in front of the I-beam. Behind that trooper is a wall mounted box with a partially closed door. Use the Button to open the door and reveal the switch. Use the Button again to activate the switch. The Black Order troops on the other side of the I-beam will be killed by the electricity. Use the Button again to turn off the switch and make your way across the I-beam.

Note: This achievement unlocks even if you kill all the troops (and I mean all of them - even the ones at the end of the map) before you hit the switch. Hit the switch - achievement unlocked.
The achievement can be missed, almost at the end of the mission when you go down to the subway, there will be a battle between fire dragons and soldiers, and on the right there will be a lever, pull it and get the achievement.

15 Mar 2021 20:41