LEGO Brawls
18 Achievements
Customize your first Brawler
How to unlock the Fashionista achievement in LEGO Brawls - Definitive Guide
Select Brawlers
to edit
Change any item it will then pop.

Change any item it will then pop.
This can be done after the introductory/tutorial match or at any time from the main menu.
From the main menu, select ‘Brawlers’. On the next screen, select a brawler and press
to edit and a new screen will open up. In the first column, there are two icons; brawler’s appearance (minifig) and their abilities (club). In the second column, there are six selections for appearance and five selections for abilities.
To customize your brawler, select the first (minifig) icon then move over to the second column. Change any part you like (headwear, head, outfit, torso, hips, legs) and once you press
on a part other than what your brawler already has equipped, the achievement will unlock.
From the main menu, select ‘Brawlers’. On the next screen, select a brawler and press

To customize your brawler, select the first (minifig) icon then move over to the second column. Change any part you like (headwear, head, outfit, torso, hips, legs) and once you press

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