LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens

LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens

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A Use For Scrap...

A Use For Scrap...

Collected all Minikits within ''Poe's Quest for Survival''



How to unlock the A Use For Scrap... achievement in LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens - Definitive Guide


05 Oct 2016 22:58

By tlnsr on 06 Oct 2016 03:53
@ShadyShall - I had exactly the same problem yesterday where I got 10/10 mini kits and no achievement, I uninstalled the DLC pack and reinstalled - got all 10 again on the same run and the achievement unlocked - maybe worth giving that a try
By capt curlybob on 06 Oct 2016 10:00
I had the same problem. I started a new game save (completed the prologue and mission 1), then replayed and collected all minikits on the level and the achievement unlocked.
By Liquid McFire on 06 Oct 2016 10:55
Having the same problem- Achievement glitched on me also, last one I need for full completion which is the most annoying part! I have tried installing and reinstalling with no luck! I am the same with the with the White arrows despite having 10/10 - this overpriced short DLC isn't helping itself....
By St1ng r on 07 Oct 2016 19:14
This and True Jedi didn't unlock for me. The two most achieveable achievements. They're completed I just didn't get achievements so into the bin goes this game.

Started a new save, did whatever to get to Jakku DLC, did it all. True Jedi Achievement unlocked with story mode, then got each & every order and this didn't unlock. Again. SIGH.
By MADCV on 08 Oct 2016 08:54
Glitched for me too
I've tried all solutions above without any luck, spending 1 hour to complete first chapters again.
By Cajeel on 09 Oct 2016 13:31
Did same to me but uninstalled & installed played in free play then it unlocked fine
By Edsashed on 10 Oct 2016 19:18
It sounds like then the key is getting all 10 in one run - I normally do that anyway since I try to save the minikits for a 2nd video after doing the story mode in one video. As you said, skipping that one on the roof is tricky :)
By tlnsr on 11 Oct 2016 13:44
Is the key possibly to get all 10 in one run?
Like deliberately avoiding getting any while doing story and getting them all in free play?

Update: Yep that worked
By Lobo Samhain on 12 Oct 2016 19:56
The trick to getting around the glitch is to completely exit the game before retrying this level. If you do this, then you can collect any minikits that you are missing.
By Runner7922 on 19 Nov 2016 19:50
I got this without quitting the game or anything. Once I got the mobility for the AT-AT scrap, I just stopped shooting them. Finished the rest of the minikits and save and exited. Popped in the load. Obviously this might have been patched out but thought I'd share for anyone who still has yet to play/unlock
By GamePadZebby on 16 Sep 2018 16:02
It is probably best to avoid all minikits on the first run through and obtain them all on freeplay. There is a good chance this may not pop for you otherwise.
By Interracial on 25 Jun 2023 21:05
It's August 2023, and this achievement is still glitched if you don't collect all in one sitting. Had to start a new save and go through the prologue and chapter 1, plus all the unskippable cut scenes, before it finally popped. Just sheer madness and completely unacceptable
By neeker75 on 02 Aug 2023 13:08
Good video guide but already glitched on me. i noticed that the shooting the AT-AT heads in the first part of the level keeps not registering. Any time i replay the level in Free or Story the minikit finder indicates with white arrows that those heads i still need to bust to get the minikit. when i get 4, a minikit floats to the bottom left as usual, except i already have 10/10.
By ShadyShall on 06 Oct 2016 02:31
Ditto on this not unlocking correctly. I'll be tackling it later to try to get it taken care of. Unfortunately, glitches in a lego game are part for the course.

UPDATE: I started a new game and replayed the first two levels to unlock access to the DLC in Jakku. I avoided the minikits during the story version (which is a feat in itself since you have to consciously avoid the final one to complete the level). Collected all 10 during the free play (which was only possible in a new game because I have the season pass with all the DLC character packs which come unlocked), and the achievement unlocked.
By Dr Geek 3 on 11 Oct 2016 12:59
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There are only 10 minikits in the “Poe's Quest for Survival” level. Once you've collected them all, you can 'save and quit' and the achievement will unlock in the recap screen.

REQUIRED CHARACTERS: Aquatic Character (Admiral Ackbar / Jar Jar Binks) / Dark Force Character (Darth Maul / Kylo Ren)

Their locations are as followed:

Minikit #1: Shoot four of the space gold boxes with the speeder. *Story or Free Play*

Minikit #2: In the second area of the speeder race where you see the traps. Should come across it on the left when you see the sand traps. *Story or Free Play*

Minikit #3: In the final area of the level, use an aquatic character like Admiral Ackbar. Swim through to a new area you will need your other character to grab this minikit. Try switching both characters to Admiral Ackbar or Jar Jar Binks then smash everything in this area. One character stands on the platform. Build to the right then have the other character stand on the rock platform then break the machine and build left use :1A: to hop over and grab the minikit. Or you can use a flying character if you wish. *Free Play*

Minikit #4: 1) While still in this area use the dark force on the on the Strus Clan leader statue. 2) Is by the western door. 3) Inside the western door area to the right of the screen. *Free Play*

Minikit #5: Now back outside use your quadnoculars then use a character who can blow up silver objects like Chewbacca. Take the crank to the middle and turn the crank. Build the minikit. *Free Play*

Minikit #6: Use a Big character or the red brick cheat to smash the wall to grab the minikit. *Story or Free Play*

Minikit #7: Climb the wall and on the tower of fire is a minikit. *Free Play*

Minikit #8: Go inside the western doors head down stairs then smash the table use a stick character and turn the lever to unveil the hidden minikit hiding behind the painting. *Free Play*

Minikit #9: Use the force on the espresso machine. *Free Play*

Minikit #10: Head up the stairs outside on the ledge is the minikit. *Story or Free Play*


As ever, there are 10 minikits for you to collect. You can use the red brick "collectible detector" to help you locate where these are, but I will list them in order below. Some you can get during story mode, but it's advised to get all of them during free play.

Speeder Pursuit:

  • Minikit #1 - Destroy 4 gold rocks.
  • Minikit #2 - This will be in the second section after you've bypassed the electric fences on the left-hand side.

The Strus Clan:

  • Minikit #3 - After you've finished the blaster battle head to your left where you will see a small swimming pool. Switch to Admiral Ackbar to enter the new area. Head to your far right and destroy the stuff on the floor then rebuild it. Have one character in the left lift then move it off the lift once raised. Destroy the bricks again, and rebuild them to your left. Have your character swing all the way to the left where this minikit is.
  • Minikit #4 - Next to the bar will be a breakable wall. Use a character that can smash them down to find this minikit behind it.
  • Minikit #5 - From the previous minikit head to your far right to see a climbable wall. Switch to Rey to climb it to find this minikit at the top.
  • Minikit #6 - From the previous minikit drop down and head to your far left where you will notice you can scan the tower. After scanning it, you need to blow it up with someone like Chewbacca. Once blown up take the valve to where the arrow is pointing and turn left until the pipe is burst. This minikit will fly up.
  • Minikit #7 - Enter the bar then look to your left (facing forward) where you will see a picture on the wall. Smash the table up, then reconstruct it. Using a force character (like Rey) turn it to remove the picture. The minikit is behind it.
  • Minikit #8 - You need need someone who can use the dark force (such as Darth Vader) for this one. From the previous minikit look to your right where you will find the drinks area. Using the force, you will create two drinks for the characters sitting down. Once down this minikit will pop out in front of you.
  • Minikit #9 - From the previous minikit, you will notice some stairs. Head up them to find this minikit on the balcony.
  • Minikit #10 - Destroy 3 statues - Here you will need someone like Darth Vader. There are 3 statues for you to destroy.
    - 1 - The same area as minikit #3.
    - 2 - In front of the bar.
    - 3 - Inside the bar at the back to your right (facing forward).

These are just directions on where to go as you should by now have the "collectible detector" red brick (obtained during the main game).


As ever, there are 10 minikits for you to collect. You can use the red brick "collectible detector" to help you locate where these are, but I will list them in order below. Some you can get during story mode, but it's advised to get all of them during free play.

Speeder Pursuit:

  • Minikit #1 - Destroy 4 gold rocks.
  • Minikit #2 - This will be in the second section after you've bypassed the electric fences on the left-hand side.

The Strus Clan:

  • Minikit #3 - After you've finished the blaster battle head to your left where you will see a small swimming pool. Switch to Admiral Ackbar to enter the new area. Head to your far right and destroy the stuff on the floor then rebuild it. Have one character in the left lift then move it off the lift once raised. Destroy the bricks again, and rebuild them to your left. Have your character swing all the way to the left where this minikit is.
  • Minikit #4 - Next to the bar will be a breakable wall. Use a character that can smash them down to find this minikit behind it.
  • Minikit #5 - From the previous minikit head to your far right to see a climbable wall. Switch to Rey to climb it to find this minikit at the top.
  • Minikit #6 - From the previous minikit drop down and head to your far left where you will notice you can scan the tower. After scanning it, you need to blow it up with someone like Chewbacca. Once blown up take the valve to where the arrow is pointing and turn left until the pipe is burst. This minikit will fly up.
  • Minikit #7 - Enter the bar then look to your left (facing forward) where you will see a picture on the wall. Smash the table up, then reconstruct it. Using a force character (like Rey) turn it to remove the picture. The minikit is behind it.
  • Minikit #8 - You need need someone who can use the dark force (such as Darth Vader) for this one. From the previous minikit look to your right where you will find the drinks area. Using the force, you will create two drinks for the characters sitting down. Once down this minikit will pop out in front of you.
  • Minikit #9 - From the previous minikit, you will notice some stairs. Head up them to find this minikit on the balcony.
  • Minikit #10 - Destroy 3 statues - Here you will need someone like Darth Vader. There are 3 statues for you to destroy.
    - 1 - The same area as minikit #3.
    - 2 - In front of the bar.
    - 3 - Inside the bar at the back to your right (facing forward).

These are just directions on where to go as you should by now have the "collectible detector" red brick (obtained during the main game).