LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens
65 Achievements
Anything Else?
Destroyed all computer terminals in Starkiller Shield Room as Kylo Ren
How to unlock the Anything Else? achievement in LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens - Definitive Guide
2.Buy Kylo Ren for 250,000
3.Select Starkiller Base - Starkiller Sabotage - Starkiller Shield Room in free play as Kylo Ren.
4.Hit the computer 3 or 4 at first.Switch to the second player changing to Stormchooper.Open the gate and hit 1.After that it is a cut scene.
There are 2 computers you must destroy before you press A into a blast battle.One you press Down and see it,the other is in the right.After these two,you can join the blast battle and use the LT and RT/X button force to hit the computer near the main room.Poped.
This trophy takes place during Chapter 8: Starkiller Sabotage, in the Starkiller Shield Room checkpoint/section. Kylo Ren can be unlocked for free by completing Ottegan Assault in Story mode or by buying one of the variations for 250,000 studs. There are a total of 7 computer terminals for you to destroy. Two are at the beginning where you spawn, one at the top of the stairs, three more are in the hallway after the laser field and the last one is after the Blaster Battle in the top right corner. As long as you destroy all 7 as Kylo Ren or one of his variations the trophy will unlock when you destroy the last one.
It is a lot easier to unlock this trophy if you use the Destroy on Contact Red Brick as it destroys the terminals instantly, giving the enemies less of a chance to destroy them.
Note: This can only be unlocked after you complete The Force Awakens story since you can’t select any characters until then.
Kylo Ren is first available after completing Chapter 9, ‘Destroy Starkiller Base’. He costs 250,000 studs. After you have purchased Kylo Ren, begin Free Play in Chapter 8, ‘Starkiller Sabotage’, at the third checkpoint called ‘Starkiller Shield Room’. The computer terminals in this area are black with red readouts. There are a total of 7 computer terminals; three before you deactivate the red shield, three before the Blaster Battle and one after. Following the video below will guide you to all 7 terminals.
Note that you have to use a terminal to bypass the red shield which can only be opened by a Stormtrooper or a character wearing a Stormtrooper helmet (refer to "Little Short For A Stormtrooper?").