LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens

LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens

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Anything Else?

Anything Else?

Destroyed all computer terminals in Starkiller Shield Room as Kylo Ren



How to unlock the Anything Else? achievement in LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens - Definitive Guide

First complete Mission 9 so Kylo Ren is unlocked. Then buy him for 250k. You do this one in Free Play on Starkiller Base - Starkiller Sabotage - Starkiller Shield Room.


03 Jul 2016 22:13

Thanks. Good additional info!
By swaggers on 05 Jul 2016 19:42
Literally cannot get this to unlock for some reason, must have done it 4 times now exactly like in the video.
By ReynoldsM on 11 Jul 2016 16:31
I can't get it to unlock either. Does it count if I use a Kylo Ren variant? Such as unmasked?
By PuzzleInk on 18 Jul 2016 17:38
I had the same problem with it not unlocking. What i did was manually quit out of the game, (i actually just loaded up another game). I then went back in the game, and tried again, worked first time. The troopers actually got a few hits on a terminal and it still popped.
By BornGreg on 23 Jul 2016 23:12
I tried multiple times just going and destroying the terminals and each time no achievement, on what feels like my 100th attempt at this achievo, I got it when destroying everything up to blaster battle, hope this helps
By Box is awesome on 19 Aug 2016 00:51
I can confirm that you do not need to go to the top area with the hat dispenser. I ONLY destroyed the red terminals and I did not switch characters once, for the storm trooper terminal I switched to the second player to avoid switching characters on the other player just to make sure. Also, the computer that people are having trouble with (that the stormtroopers shoot) it is possible to get this one with a jump attack (A+X) before triggering the shootout. Lastly, this was my first try after booting up the game today so if people are having trouble I would suggest restarting your xbox between attempts.
By Funky Monkee on 24 Aug 2016 10:40
I actually got the opposite to Funky Monkee. I didn't go the top and used a stormtrooper by selecting one from the character select wheel. I destroyed all the terminals as Kylo Ren and the achievement did not pop. 2nd run I went to the top and put the stormtrooper on Kylo Ren, used him to get through to the next bit within 5 seconds of destroying the terminal in the far back right, the achievement popped.
By Grazer J on 30 Aug 2016 08:45
I got after an hour. I always forgot the one terminal to the left after you enter the battle room.
By N3OANG3L on 27 Sep 2016 09:46
I could not get it until I did the Ottegan mission to get the real Kylo Ren and then I got it by using the helmet dispenser on Kylo.
By Seeker74 on 12 Mar 2017 21:48
If you have the red brick for imperial inaccuracy, make sure it is turned off when you attempt this. When I played with it on they kept destroying the terminal in the back left during the cover fight, but with it off they didn't shoot it once.
By Mstrgmr5 on 31 Oct 2017 03:35
You can't buy kylo ren until you have completed the game as where is no way to buy him.
By Mattynicklin on 17 Dec 2017 14:51
For some reason, I had to destroy the terminal in the top area.

I can also confirm you can destroy the terminal in the back left right before the shootout starts with your A+X jump attack. Just make sure you start jumping from a small distance away from the terminal. If you come to close, the cutscene will play before your attack gets through.
By Theodoricus Rex on 20 Dec 2017 09:25
Just got this last night.
- did other stuff before trying for this
- used "kylo ren", not hooded or unmasked
- set other player to be stormtrooper, used him to unlock force field, didn't go upstairs to pool
- used A+X on console on lower left of shootout area
- didn't use kylo special attack
- key part for me: turned off 'Imperial inaccuracy' red brick
By mrbellek on 18 Jun 2018 05:25
Btw it’s mission 8 not mission 9 as described in your guide.
By fighterx93chipp on 03 Jul 2020 05:30
@fighterx93chipp: Yes, the achievement can be earn in Mission 8, but to unlock the Kylo Ren character must complete Mission 9.

The key part of this achievement is the Terminals before the Blaster Battle. The first need to destroy with A then X before activated the cutscene. The second is very important, use the dodge with LT before the shielded enemy can shoot the terminal with his big gun!
By vzr326 on 01 Jun 2021 09:00
Followed mrbellek and vzr326 comments after a few attempts of it not unlocking. Worked a charm!
By Diplodomcus on 30 Jan 2022 13:23
@vzr326 tip to use A and X for the lower terminal before the cut scene is golden. Thanks!
By neeker75 on 15 Jul 2023 13:50
Great guide, worth pointing out since you are in free play you don't need to do the puzzle to get the stormtrooper helmet. You can just switch to one if you have one unlocked to play and open the door.

I can confirm the achievement will still unlock by doing this as that is what I did.
By Calex dEUS on 05 Jul 2016 19:14
I have a suggestion for where people may be getting stuck. When you enter the area with the cover battle, no matter what I did, whether trying to jump into that area, or creep in near the terminal at the back, during the cutscene stormtroopers would start firing & they would always get the back terminal, negating the achievement. Using the red brick to boost your power/special attack, I made sure I had a full bar for the area just before the cover battle. There is 2 troopers in there, you'll need to lure them close to area & I used Kylos power/special attack, which also took out the back terminal before the cutscene with Phasma. After getting the others, achievement popped for me.

Hope this helps!
By VGM 007 on 19 Jul 2016 04:56
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1.Complete Mission 9 Kylo Ren is unlocked
2.Buy Kylo Ren for 250,000
3.Select Starkiller Base - Starkiller Sabotage - Starkiller Shield Room in free play as Kylo Ren.
4.Hit the computer 3 or 4 at first.Switch to the second player changing to Stormchooper.Open the gate and hit 1.After that it is a cut scene.
There are 2 computers you must destroy before you press A into a blast battle.One you press Down and see it,the other is in the right.After these two,you can join the blast battle and use the LT and RT/X button force to hit the computer near the main room.Poped.

03 Sep 2016 16:54

Kylo Ren is available to purchase after mission 9.

28 May 2017 18:24

This is a solution for people who can’t seem to get this to unlock despite doing everything the top guide says to do. Turn off the Destroy On Contact Red Brick. I couldn’t not get this achievement to pop no matter how times I restarted, and once I turned off that brick it finally popped. Even if you swear you are striking every terminal and not just bumping into them, for some reason this brick just will not let the achievement unlock.

22 Apr 2023 01:23

This trophy takes place during Chapter 8: Starkiller Sabotage, in the Starkiller Shield Room checkpoint/section. Kylo Ren can be unlocked for free by completing Ottegan Assault in Story mode or by buying one of the variations for 250,000 studs. There are a total of 7 computer terminals for you to destroy. Two are at the beginning where you spawn, one at the top of the stairs, three more are in the hallway after the laser field and the last one is after the Blaster Battle in the top right corner. As long as you destroy all 7 as Kylo Ren or one of his variations the trophy will unlock when you destroy the last one.

It is a lot easier to unlock this trophy if you use the Destroy on Contact Red Brick as it destroys the terminals instantly, giving the enemies less of a chance to destroy them.


06 Dec 2019 00:00

Note: This can only be unlocked after you complete The Force Awakens story since you can’t select any characters until then.

Kylo Ren is first available after completing Chapter 9, ‘Destroy Starkiller Base’. He costs 250,000 studs. After you have purchased Kylo Ren, begin Free Play in Chapter 8, ‘Starkiller Sabotage’, at the third checkpoint called ‘Starkiller Shield Room’. The computer terminals in this area are black with red readouts. There are a total of 7 computer terminals; three before you deactivate the red shield, three before the Blaster Battle and one after. Following the video below will guide you to all 7 terminals.

Note that you have to use a terminal to bypass the red shield which can only be opened by a Stormtrooper or a character wearing a Stormtrooper helmet (refer to "Little Short For A Stormtrooper?").

There's a visual video

02 Jul 2016 09:01