LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens

LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens

65 Achievements



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Eyes Of A Man Who Wants To Run

Eyes Of A Man Who Wants To Run

Completed TFA Chapter 5 - Maz's Castle



How to unlock the Eyes Of A Man Who Wants To Run achievement in LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens - Definitive Guide

The walkthrough writers give a good description on completing the level:

Head right and then up. After observing the sleeping guard, go to the scan point as Han. Scan the pillar on the right to find a grapple point and pull the thing down. Multi-build left first and use BB-8 on the point to shake the tree. Climb the wall as Rey and hit the flowerpots over the edge of the balcony. Build the smashed pots into a water pipe. Smash the original multi-build and rebuild under the pipe. Use BB-8 to fire the water cannon. Head inside.
As Finn, head left and talk to the red-helmeted guy (The Crimson Corsair). You'll enter into a shooting gallery. Hit 10 targets (try to avoid just holding down the trigger - my game has crashed twice doing this). Once done, you'll lose control of Finn for the time being. As Han, run over to the back and right and interact with the little goblin things arguing on the back table. After that, check out the scan point. Focus on the diamond near the top of the wall in front of you to reveal a BB-8 point. Use it to get some bricks. Multi-build right to make a bellows. Jump on it a few times to cook the chicken and ultimately get rid of the goblins. Break the table and head around to the right until you get to a little bar area. Break the object to the right and multi-build back to the right to make a staff point. Use it as Rey to reveal a small grate. Go through that with BB-8. Get on the BB-8 pad and solve the very simple pipe puzzle to get the beer flowing. Swap to Han, smash the multi-build and re-build forwards to fix the pipe. Switch to Rey and head left out of the bar area.

In the corridor, just head all the way forward until some annoying little pests attack you. Once they're dealt with, smash the targets on the wall to the left. Build a BB-8 pad and use it. Once he's lifted the barrier a bit, slide under as Rey. Smash the glowing object in the foreground. Build right and turn the wheel. Smash it and build left. Solve the BB-8 lock puzzle. Head down and deal with all the zombie droids. Smash the glowing object in front of the statues. Rebuild to a staff point and make two half-turns anti-clockwise so that the right statue is facing you. Stand on the pad in front of it until the pad goes red (make sure it stays red - step on it again if it goes back to green). Go back and do another half-turn anti-clockwise on the staff point. The left statue will now be facing forward too. Use the BB-8 point above that appears. Head through and head left until you get to another puzzle room.

Smash the nearest glowing object and rebuild it into a BB-8 pad in the centre of the room. Then smash the pole in the centre beyond the BB-8 pad and multi-build right. Put BB-8 on the pad and then jump up onto the swing poles to the right as Rey. Swap to BB-8 to lower the second pole, then swap back to Rey to make the jump. Climb up the wall and onto the platforms (this can be a little buggy - try and be right under the black grille piece of LEGO and press cn_A without pressing any directions). Head over one platform to the left and then switch to BB-8 to bring the rest in line. Once on the right, climb the back wall and switch to BB-8 to pull it up to the rest of the climbing wall. Switch over and then make your way along the left wall, jumping between the bars. Smash the glowing object once you've shimmied across the wall and rebuild into a staff point. Turn it to open a door and reveal a gear. Place it on either indicated point in the back-centre of this area. Smash the multi-build under the right-hand swing bars and rebuild left to make a staff point. Turn it to open another door, get another gear and put it in place. Smash and rebuild the multi-build forwards. Switch back to BB-8 once last time and rotate the central symbol until it looks like a lightsaber pointed upwards (just keep turning and it will eventually reveal itself). Head through the open door.

Here is a video walkthrough:
Credit to HappyThumbsGaming.

16 Nov 2018 19:42

Story related and cannot be missed. Will unlock when you finish all nine levels of Chapter 5.