LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens
65 Achievements
Greatest Pilot I've Ever Met
Avoided all of the Strus Clan speeder traps
How to unlock the Greatest Pilot I've Ever Met achievement in LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens - Definitive Guide
You can avoid all traps by staying over to the left. Thanks, tlnsr
You can enter the area where the traps begin, and before hitting one, quit the game. Thanks, Apostle92627
Go to your Dashboard en reload the Game. I failed 7 times aand was 100% sure I correctly missed all Fence and Sand traps and the achievement still didnt pop.
Reboot the game once from the Dashboard and got it first try (again missed all traps to be sure)
Trophy pops when the next cutscene starts.
Remember to avoid the sand piles as well as the electric fences. Pretty sure exiting after avoiding a few (make sure you use save & exit) will unlock it early as well.
This should come up with the second part of the speeder race, they will announce something about being traps you will have to quickly dodge as best as you can to avoid these traps. The traps are shocked wired fences and sand traps. Not shooting helps best to focus on the road, though you may end up getting killed by the other speeders shooting you.
The hardest part to this is steering it's best to follow the video below for a visual guide on where to go if you are struggling.
(Potentially glitched)
I'm reporting this as glitched because I bypassed all of the electric fences (Strus Clan speeder traps) without hitting them, and I didn't receive the trophy once the cut-scene started. If this happens, then close down the application, as this will reset the counter.
Once you've cleared the first stage, you will come to the top of a dune where a cut-scene will start showing Poe dodging a fence. Once you've gained control take the right path for the first two, then straight down the middle, then swing to your left, right, left.
Once the cut-scene starts for the next section, you should get the trophy.
You will know if you've hit one, so if this happens, follow the steps above.
Another easy method is to stay on the far left-hand side all the way through the segment. Thanks to Clayser for pointing this out.
If you don’t get it the first or the second time, and you don’t fall for the traps all the time, restart the game! Exit to the PS menu, closing the game, and restart the game. Next, go into the level (free or plot doesn’t matter) and don’t run into any traps. The trophy will fly out after the video.