LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens
65 Achievements
He's No Good To Me Dead
Completed all Bounty Hunts
How to unlock the He's No Good To Me Dead achievement in LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens - Definitive Guide
1x on Jakku
1x on D'Qar
2x on Starkiller Base
Achivement will pop after completing the forth mission.
There are a total of 4 Bounty Hunter missions.
NOTE: Some missions don't appear until others are completed.
Bounty Hunter missions are in the Free Play HUB planets. They are a pink icon that is the Boba Fett symbol which looks like this "". You will need a Bounty Hunter that can accept these missions, like Boba Fett, Greedo, Quiggold or Sarco Plank. After you complete a mission, it will have a checkmark next to it. HERE is a visual guide.
D'Qar - 1 Hunt
- First Mission: As soon as you've spawned turn around and behind you in the back talk to Major Ematt. Head to the top right of the screen you'll get a mini cutscene showing the Cantina band. Use the quadnoculars to highlight the Bith on the left and defeat the enemies that come out.
Jakku - 1 Hunt
- First Mission: The Tuanul Villager is near the outpost area; he's on a wall hidden behind a bunch of ship parts. Talk to him, take out 20 henchmen then Grummgar.
- Millennium Falcon - 0 Hunts
Starkiller Base - 2 Hunts
- First Mission: From the spawn head up the nearby ramp. Follow this path and you will see some TIE Fighters on the wall. You need to use your quadnoculars and a climbing character like Rey to reach the top. Once there, climb up a ladder to two missions pick the pink one for the Bounty Hunt. Talk to the Stormtrooper, next kill 20 flying pirate space ships.
- Second Mission: Head back left when you spawn talk to the Stormtrooper, he wants you to defeat the Rancor on Jakku.
- Takodana - 0 Hunts
Complete all 4 and the achievement will unlock.
Bounty Hunter missions are small missions with varying tasks. To start a mission simply switch to any Bounty Hunter (Boba Fett, Grummgar) and walk up to the mission and hit to start them. You can find them on the map by heading to the Boba Fett logo. There are a total of 4 Bounty Hunter missions found throughout the game. The breakdown per Hub is as follows:
Starkiller Base - 2
D’Qar – 1
Jakku – 1
Upon completing the last Bounty Hunter mission the trophy will unlock.