LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens
65 Achievements
I Like That Wookiee...
Completed a Free Play level playing as Maz Kanata and Chewbacca
How to unlock the I Like That Wookiee... achievement in LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens - Definitive Guide
To select both characters, hold and click Free Play, select Chewbacca then switch characters and do the same for Maz.
Make sure to play with them as much as possible, and end the level with those two active. Otherwise you may not get credit.
Both Chewbacca and Maz Kanata will be unlocked naturally while playing through the campaign. Finish any Free Play level with the two of them to unlock this trophy. Note that this does not mean you must play through the entire level with them; they just need to be your active characters by the time you reach the end of the level.
Note: This can only be unlocked after you complete The Force Awakens story since you can’t select any characters until then.
Maz Kanata is available after completing Chapter 6, ‘Battle of Takodana’, and Chewbacca is available after completing the Prologue. This can only be done during Free Play.
There is a real easy way of doing this. Start a level in Free Play; it does not matter which character you select. When the level starts, switch your characters to Maz Kanata and Chewbacca. Then press and ‘Exit Level’. Do NOT select ‘Save and Quit’ (you must select ‘Exit Level’ for this to work). Then the HUB is loading up, the achievement will unlock.
Both Maz Kanata and Chewbaca are unlocked for free by playing through the Story levels. Note that you do not have to actually finish the level, you can exit the level and the trophy will unlock. Simply have Maz Kanata and Chewbacca as the two playable characters, when you exit the level and the trophy will unlock. Do not choose the save and quit option, simply exit the level and the trophy will unlock.
*Note* - A lot of people have seemed to have trouble unlocking this trophy, for now I recommend simply completing a level with both characters in your party. There are a few different levels with Minikits at the very end allowing you to complete this at the same time you collect all Minikits. The best levels to do this are the Epilogue (Luke's Island) and Chapter 2 (Escape from the Finalizer).
Note: This can only be unlocked after you complete The Force Awakens story since you can’t select any characters until then.
Maz Kanata is available after completing Chapter 6, ‘Battle of Takodana’, and Chewbacca is available after completing the Prologue. This can only be done during Free Play.
There is a real easy way of doing this. Start a level in Free Play; it does not matter which character you select. When the level starts, switch your characters to Maz Kanata and Chewbacca. Then press and ‘Exit Level’. Do NOT select ‘Save and Quit’ (you must select ‘Exit Level’ for this to work). Then the HUB is loading up, the achievement will unlock.