LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens

LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens

65 Achievements



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I Shall Deal With Her On My Own

I Shall Deal With Her On My Own

Captured Rey whilst deflecting all her blaster bolts



How to unlock the I Shall Deal With Her On My Own achievement in LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens - Definitive Guide

At the end of the level, you need to complete a quick time event in which you deflect blaster bolts from Rey. This is very easy to do, just spam the buttons when they appear on screen. Just make sure you don't dilly dally.


25 Oct 2016 13:47

Seems glitchy, i have done this 3 times now without unlocking the achievement...
By liviaro on 27 Oct 2016 07:45
I have done it twice as well without it popping.
By TG AceoHearts on 27 Oct 2016 14:53
This does seem to be glitchy. I missed it on first go and tried replaying it several times with a different Kylo or not skipping the cut scenes or replaying the level not in free play. It wasn't until I exited completely and force restarted my Xbox and then turned everything back on and played the free play again that I got it. It tripped just as the cut scene after deflecting the bolts started.
By SGT Gentis 21W on 28 Oct 2016 01:31
I've done it at least 3 times and it has not popped. Even after restarting the game and console. Hate glitchy achievements!
By kushdogg on 30 Oct 2016 02:14
Finally unlocked for me, i uninstalled the game and all dlc, i then reinstalled the game and only the story levels, none of the character packs and it unlocked on the first try :D
By liviaro on 31 Oct 2016 09:06
Glitched for me until I followed SGT Gentis 21W advice and quit game/full reset. Tried again, popped first time.
By XxSilverSonicxX on 22 May 2017 16:32
Popped immediately w/o Red Bricks on
By D0LLAH BILL on 24 Jan 2021 04:32
Also popped for me first time, had a bunch of bricks on too
By Interracial on 02 Jul 2023 01:24
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For anyone that can't get this to unlock - disable all red bricks (or literally just the Imperial Inaccuracy).

05 Feb 2023 00:00

Missable but you can go back and replay the level.

Towards the end of the level when you've knocked down a tree with a Stormtrooper you will see you need to cut in between two trees with . This will lead you to a short button sequence mini game. Rey will start shooting at you, when it goes into slow motion a button will pop up quickly press the button. It will be any order of , , or  buttons. There is only three phases to this. If done flawlessly you will unlock the achievement right away.

If you've missed this achievement don't stress out you can chapter select the second act of the level.


Missable but you can go back and replay the level.

Towards the end of the level when you've knocked down a tree with a Stormtrooper you will see you need to cut in between two trees with . This will lead you to a short button sequence mini game. Rey will start shooting at you, when it goes into slow motion a button will pop up quickly press the button. It will be any order of or buttons. There is only three phases to this. If done flawlessly you will unlock the achievement right away.

If you've missed this achievement don't stress out you can chapter select the second act of the level.


At the end of the stage, after cutting down the tree blocking your way in half with a lightsaber, you will see Kylo confronting Rey as capturing her is part of his mission in the Siege of Takodana by the First Order. This portion of the stage uses QTE's that have you press either , or to deflect her blaster's beams as you match with the button that appears on screen.

If you press the correct button that matches what is shown on the screen, Kylo will deflect a beam from her blaster but if you press the wrong button, Kylo will not deflect the beam and will instead get hit from it. If Kylo does get hit, then you will have to keep replaying the mission until you have unlocked this trophy.