LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens

LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens

65 Achievements



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It Belongs To Me!

It Belongs To Me!

Completed TFA Chapter 10 - The Finale



How to unlock the It Belongs To Me! achievement in LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens - Definitive Guide

The walkthrough writers give a good description on completing the level:

Take out 15 TIE fighters, and then get through the long on-rails section. When you're flying around in a fixed banking maneuver, you need to destroy enough red pipes to get the counter to 100%.
As Finn, just try and stay alive until Kylo Ren takes a big swing at you, at which point you should hit the prompted button and then mash the second prompted button. You'll know if this is about to happen if you lose control of Finn and he moves to square up to Kylo. Do this a couple of times and Kylo will put Finn in a Force hold. Switch to Rey and hobble over the fallen trunk. Multi-build either way to make a gun. Back to Finn, use the same technique as before to land another blow. As Rey just mash the prompted button to grab the lightsaber.

Roles reversed now. As Rey, hold out until the button prompt and then hit Kylo. You won't have to mash a button this time, Rey takes over. When Kylo has stars around his head smack him about until he jumps to safety. Deal with the troopers and then repeat the fight with Kylo. When Rey is force-held, switch to Finn and pull down the middle tree. Have both characters push the big rock all the way to the right. Down in the fiery chasm, just press cn_A when prompted to hop across to safety. Then have Rey wall-jump up the narrow chimney at the back. Run at Kylo and simply mash the prompted buttons to finish.

Here is a video walkthrough:
Credit to HappyThumbsGaming.

16 Nov 2018 19:51

I’ve now finished this mission from start to finish 4 times and it hasn’t unlocked
By Dabima on 20 May 2020 22:27
@Dabima - I see you got it on the 21st at 7:27 PST. Congrats. Was there anything special or was this an xbox achievement issue?
By Teddynav on 22 May 2020 21:54
ive got every single achievement in this game, 100% complete, but i dont have this unlocked. what the hell.
By Curious Doerge on 18 Jan 2022 21:10
As far as the bug goes all I did after I got the 100% completion achievement I went back and played the whole mission on free play and it popped soon as I finished the final fight
By TheMacGyver048 on 01 May 2022 05:26
Buggy- didn't pop for me either, will add detail for, if and when it pops
By Onsidic on 08 Jul 2022 02:04
+1 to the finishing this multiple times with no achievement party
By neeker75 on 09 Jul 2023 05:35
Yup sure is buggy but looks like you got it later on @neeker75
By Teddynav on 10 Jul 2023 11:45
It randomly popped when I was watching Netflix. In fact, for the past two days, none of the achievements were popping for me at the right time for this game - all of them unlocked when I was not playing the game at all, even random ones like beating Kylo Ren as Darth Vader
By neeker75 on 10 Jul 2023 13:06
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Story related and cannot be missed. Will unlock when you finish all nine levels of Chapter 9.