LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens
65 Achievements
Xbox One
Xbox Series
It's A Trap!
Completed Ottegan Assault
How to unlock the It's A Trap! achievement in LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens - Definitive Guide
This is not my video but is a great walkthrough for the level:
You need 60 Gold Bricks to unlock this Adventure level.
This is story related and cannot be missed.
Story related, cannot be missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen. You must have at least 60 Gold Bricks unlocked before the level becomes playable.
Ottegan Assault is one of the five bonus levels of the game, unlocked by completing gold brick challenges in Chapters 1-9 and Luke's Island. You can initially access it by approaching the builds on the Resistance Base hub world, and from the stage select screen after that. This trophy will unlock upon completing the level.