LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens

LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens

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Not The Droid You're Looking For

Not The Droid You're Looking For

Used the wrong type of droid on an access panel



How to unlock the Not The Droid You're Looking For achievement in LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens - Definitive Guide

This is cake in freeplay if you have a selection of droids but the 1st place I noticed in normal play as I was going through the game was chapter 7 resistance base. In the starting area there are 2 terminals for C3PO. Simply switch to BB-8 and move to the terminal, you won;t see a prompt to press B but press it anyway and the achievement will unlock.

There are likely earlier opportunists I may have missed but I wasn't actively on the look out for them until I noticed this was an achievement so feel free to add any others you find to comments.

EDIT: Vellama has mentioned in the comments that having the fast interact red brick active may stop this unlocking so disable it while going for this achievement.

29 Jun 2016 21:19

@Vellama I've added that to the guide thanks.
By Calex dEUS on 09 Jul 2016 13:49
The earliest I think you can get this in normal play and not free play is when you unlock Poe to the rescue mission which I belive unlocks after earning 10 gold bricks.
You will have bb8 and c3p0 so it's easily done very early on.
By Devious Jedi on 11 Jul 2016 20:51
This won't pop for me. I turned off all red bricks and tried again. Still nothing. This should be listed as bugged and possibly unobtainable.

after I get everything else, I'll probably start a new game and see if I can get it.
By Shadow XBL on 17 Jan 2024 16:10
Just to help anyone who might be having this bug out on them - check you're not using the "Fast Interact" Red Brick - I was really confused as to why this wasn't popping with it turned on, and ended up reloading the level and the whole game a few times until it did...
By Vellama on 09 Jul 2016 13:44
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In the "Escape from the Finalizer" level (third level), you will gain access to a different type of droid, the protocol droid. When you complete the level, go back to it in freeplay from the map, pick the first checkpoint, and run straight for the control panel. It's right near the start of the level so will only take a few seconds to reach. Simply pick a different droid (BB-8 is the easiest choice) and interact with the panel.

Achievement unlocked! As far as I know, this is the earliest opportunity to get this.

02 Jul 2016 23:38

1 Comment
it's the 3rd level including the prologue but it is chapter 2 technically. I almost picked the wrong level so I wanted to add the clarification lol Also the access panel is across from the bridge push into place, its not right away in the first area.
By REDWINGS05 on 27 Dec 2017 15:08

The first opportunity to unlock this is while you are playing through Story Mode. At the beginning of Chapter 7, ‘The Resistance’, while you are completing your first task, there are two terminals. The terminal for a protocol droid (C-3PO) is on the right hand side of the area. Instead of using C-3PO, switch to BB-8 and roll up to the terminal. Since you are using the wrong droid, there will not be a button prompt. Press anyway and the achievement will unlock.

There are two more opportunities in this chapter in Story Mode to unlock this achievement.


The first opportunity to unlock this is while you are playing through Story Mode. At the beginning of Chapter 7, ‘The Resistance’, while you are completing your first task, there are two terminals. The terminal for a protocol droid (C-3PO) is on the right hand side of the area. Instead of using C-3PO, switch to BB-8 and roll up to the terminal. Since you are using the wrong droid, there will not be a button prompt. Press anyway and the achievement will unlock.

There are two more opportunities in this chapter in Story Mode to unlock this achievement.


The easiest way to unlock this trophy is to either use BB8 on a terminal for C3PO or vice versa. You can wait to do this in Free Play or you can get it in a few Story levels like Poe to the Rescue. Simply walk up to any terminal as the wrong character and attempt to use it, the game will tell you its the wrong character and the trophy will unlock.


The two main Access Panels you will come across in the game are protocol droid (i.e. C3PO) panels and BB8 panels. Simply use BB8 on a protocol droid panel or vice versa to unlock the trophy.