LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens

LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens

65 Achievements



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Used To Have A Bigger Crew

Used To Have A Bigger Crew

Completed Rathtar Hunting



How to unlock the Used To Have A Bigger Crew achievement in LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens - Definitive Guide

Unlocking this level requires a minimum of 30 Gold Bricks and is located in Twon Ketee. The walkthrough writers give a good description on completing the level:

Just head forward and through the entire watery cave section until you reach the other side. When you reach the cliff edge you can drop down into the foreground and smash up a giant skeleton to build a bridge. On the far side, use a grapple on the pink and gold flower above to pull it down. Bounce on it to reach the upper area. Defeat the bad guys that appear and then scan the waterfall in the background to reveal a Rathtar. Follow the button prompts to escape its clutches and produce a multi-build. Build right and send Varond Jelick up the wall, and then switch to another character. Smash and build right to deal with the waterfall allowing Varond to make his way across and push the big rock into the flower. As Chewie, build the flower parts into an elevator and climb up, and pull the orange handles. All three characters can now use the revealed bounce pad to reach the third level. Walk right under the waterfall and smash up the glowing pink plants on the floor. Multi-build left to draw out some bugs which can help you ascend to the next level by jumping on their backs. Defeat a few more enemies and then scan the flowers on the left at the back of the cave. Deal with another Rathtar in the same fashion as the first. Make orange handles from the debris and have Chewie pull them to reach the next area.

In the Blaster Battle, take out the required foot soldiers on the bottom level and the sniper on top of the cage. When you reach the second half, just head to the left-most cover and as Chewie chuck a thermal bomb at the side of the cage to finish the Battle. Deal with two waves of troops including a tougher robot enemy to eventually get a multi-build on the left of the caged Rathtar. Build a mini Millennium Falcon to finish the level.

Here is a video walkthrough of the level:
Credit to HappyThumbsGaming.

16 Nov 2018 19:21

You need 30 Gold Bricks to unlock this Adventure level.

This is story related and cannot be missed.


Story related, cannot be missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen. You must have at least 30 Gold Bricks unlocked before the level becomes playable.


Rathtar Hunting is one of the five bonus levels of the game, unlocked by completing gold brick challenges in Chapters 1-9 and Luke's Island. You can initially access it by approaching the builds on the Resistance Base hub world, and from the stage select screen after that. This trophy will unlock upon completing the level.

This level has possibly the most frustrating of all the gold brick challenges: catch the Rathar without getting hit. Theoretically, you're supposed to use Kylo Ren's shield ability to keep the Rathar's attacks from hitting you, but this never worked for me. Instead, I did the following:

Walk as far towards the bottom of the screen as you can - where the blue barriers are. Destroy them so you can inch a little closer towards the screen. The shock attack can't reach you there. Shoot at it with a blaster instead of running up and punching/lightsabering it, to ensure that you can get back in time.