LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens
65 Achievements
Xbox One
Xbox Series
We Need More Troops!
Defeated 50 Stormtroopers
How to unlock the We Need More Troops! achievement in LEGO STAR WARS: The Force Awakens - Definitive Guide
This should be very easy to get on the first level (The Battle For Endor). In addition to all of the Stormtroopers you'll defeat right at the beginning (12 are required to advance), you'll get an AT-ST a little later. Stormtroopers have a bad tendency to run under your feet. Just keep stomping around and shooting them. You should get this by the time you get to the end of the first section.
This should unlock during the Prologue if you are diligent. If it doesn’t, this will come naturally throughout the game as you play the first couple of levels in Story Mode.
This trophy will come naturally just by playing through the story levels as there are hundreds and hundreds of Stormtroopers in the game. You will likely get this trophy either in the Prologue or Chapter 1.
You will get this naturally while playing through the game.