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A Well-Trained Dragon

A Well-Trained Dragon

Blew up another player with a ridden Dragon fire ball



How to unlock the A Well-Trained Dragon achievement in LEGO Worlds - Definitive Guide

I found a world with a gold dragon on it. Coordinates 154-979-545 galaxy letter F. Fly up to the clouds and jump on his back. Turn on a second controller and kill that player with fire balls from the dragon.

Hardest part is getting on the dragon. I used a helicopter to fly over him then lowered my self close enough to hit Y and land on him. It takes a bit of luck.

Once your on the dragon should be able to get the achievement in about a minute. This works as of 8/20/19 the other world listed in other guides are out of date and don't work anymore.

Edit: according to Sandwich Lady the gold cloud is at x 21.94 y 86.02 z-12.77 credit to them.
It's worth noting that the gold dragon can be found on a gold cloud higher up than the regular clouds. Thanks for the good find.
By PrinceOfEternia on 03 Oct 2019 01:36
PLEASE give this guy a ton of upvotes, can confirm this works as of 25/11/19 since I got it just now. Prince is right, it is on a golden cloud higher up than the regular ones.

Saves a whole hell of hassle from not having to do the long chain of sidequests.
By Tendoman77 on 25 Nov 2019 19:27
Been flying around for hours and cant find gold cloud or dragon anywhere. any coordinates for dragon?
By Big rick 1969 on 20 Jan 2020 22:43
I found the gold cloud at x 21.94 y 86.02 z-12.77 if that helps big rick
By Sandwich Lady on 30 Jan 2020 16:16
Already had the achievement but I was looking for someone else, can confirm the dragon is at the location Sandwich Lady gave.
By Project Torture on 19 Feb 2020 18:33
This location did not work for me, but I just wanted to let everyone know to look at the coordinates on the solution by Northern Lass. I didn't negative vote, I just wanted to give heads up to anyone else trying to find the dragon.
By Flipy Fliperson on 20 Mar 2020 07:18
I can confirm that there's a gold dragon on the coordinates indicated. I got the trophy now on PS4. To get on the dragon I simply pressed triangle (Y on Xbox) near it.
By MarcioAP1 on 28 Mar 2020 15:45
Man those coords are a LIFE SAVER XD

Biggest Quest in the game my butt.
By FanosSlap on 31 Mar 2020 05:10
Still works perfectly as of April 19th.
By PseudoPsychoMan on 19 Apr 2020 23:32
still works 10/11/2020
By O9cmine on 10 Nov 2020 17:19
Still works 16-7-21
By Hayz7890 on 16 Jul 2021 11:09
Still works 11/20/2021
By SSahm on 20 Nov 2021 15:31
unlocked with this solution on April 27th 2022
By Superschrubber on 27 Apr 2022 04:15
April 2023, didnt unlock for me unfortunatly.
By DopplerDefekt on 02 Apr 2023 20:35
Not sure what the issue was for the user above, worked perfectly for me as of July ‘23. Golden Dragon was stood on a dark cloud at the coordinates stated above. I flew close to him in a helicopter, pressed Y to hop from the heli to the dragon, immediately pressed A on a second controller to open up a split screen. Player Two appeared on the ground beneath me. Flew down, held in X to bring up the aiming thing, placed it over player 2, pressed X again to fire a dragon fireball and 10 seconds later the achievement popped. Took less than 10 minutes from locating the world to getting the achievement. Thanks for a great solution! +1 from me.
By L0RD Melchett on 06 Jul 2023 20:41
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I got this achievement today really easily without doing all the quests.

I went to the world x23y86z-16 and looked for the gold patch on the map.

I used the Agents Heli-Pack to fly up to the gold cloud which is higher than the white clouds. I was able to fly near enough to the dragon and press Y to land on it.

I then turned on a second controller and joined as a guest.
Then use attack to breathe fire on the 2nd player a few times to kill them.
I killed the 2nd player 3 or 4 times before the achievement unlocked.

27 Mar 2019 20:59

This works exactly as described. Just look up and you see the gold cloud and it is very easy to fly close enough to the dragon to jump on it.
By napoearth on 04 Oct 2019 16:54
Well done Northern Lass. The coordinates worked like a charm. The gold cloud was pretty much directly over the spawn location. And just some info in case anyone is wondering, I used galaxy letter F.
By Flipy Fliperson on 20 Mar 2020 07:19
Excellent :)
By Rolodium on 20 Mar 2020 17:03
Still works 5.4.23
By KATAKL1ZM on 05 Apr 2023 12:03
Still works 9/9/23
By AssassinCreed83 on 10 Sep 2023 03:22
Still works 02/03/24 World F
Many thanks :)
By LadyAnime on 02 Mar 2024 23:38
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Update: This is pulled off of the Lego Worlds Wiki page. All credit goes to gandalfwhi40 for finding this:

To start, you'll need to Discover the Spooky Girl in her native Weird Woods and complete one of her tasks. (One beginning task is rebuilding her garden. You'll have to place some charred flowers, gravestones and a bunch of iron fences, all of which can be found in the Weird Woods. Another is to build a campfire site for ghost stories. The latter can be found on Harry-Mulligan-892/F at X:-14.41, Y:26.78, Z:-50.08) After this, she should be available to spawn in the swamps...

Next, go to the Lawless Lagoon and seek the Spooky Girl standing by some lab equipment (Try the Galactic Coordinates 163-193-103/D at X:-59.526, Y:27.072, Z:26.489). She will ask you to place a Cauldron (found in the Weird Woods) and two different kinds of glowing Cave Mushrooms (found in Cave Systems or in the Chemistry Lab Brick Build) nearby. Once you've done that, she'll want to trade you for a Pumpkin Head (which you can also find in the Weird Woods). In exchange, she'll give you a Red Crystal.

Next, it's off to the Crystal Crags to find the elusive Jewel Thief who will take that Red Crystal and give you a Dinosaur Tooth for it. She will NOT be marked by a quest marker, so just keep looking around for wandering Jewel Thieves carrying teeth.

Once you have her Dinosaur Tooth, it's time to trade it to someone who really wants it: The Dino Tracker. She's in the Rowdy Rainforest, so set your controls for a world with some jungle on it, and go tracking the Tracker! She should be wandering around somewhere, holding a Water Pistol! Trade her your Dinosaur Tooth, and get a new gun in the process!

Now to find someone who wants this nearly useless Water Pistol? Oh yeah - the Fisherman likes those, doesn't he? Does he?!. Anyway, head to any Biome with a Fisherman (Curious Canyon, Fungus Forest or Lawless Lagoon) and you should have no problem locating a Fisherman walking around carrying a mysterious-looking egg... Trade your gun for his Fire Dragon Egg, and you have unlocked the Dragon Wizard! He will now begin spawning in the Whispering Woodland as well as the Wicked Wasteland. Which, by the way is where you need to go next to continue the quest to unlock Dragons!

*The quest MAY be broken here Before completing the Dragon quest, you should try to unlock Dragon Eggs: Find a Dragon Wizard, and beat him into submission (remember to use a Crystal Weapon!). While subdued, he should be willing to accept the Fire Dragon Egg from before, at which point he becomes discoverable, and also (very likely) will start to attack you. Even if this part doesn't work, you can still continue on the quest, but it will block you from unlocking Dragon Eggs permanently (as of Title Update 3b).

You may need to hunt around or try different worlds to find one, but you must locate a Dragon Wizard standing at an Altar, holding a Crystal Scimitar. He will trade you his sword if you bring him four items: An Orange Crystal, a Yellow Jewel, a Red Gem and a Doughnut. ( Try this world, there are two altars: Everett-Chiu-878 zone G - coordinates X:35.79, Y:28.96, Z:109.83 or X:113.03, Y:29.60, Z:91.14)
This will not be enough, so bring on the familiars! He suggests spawning 4 Red Snakes and 5 Red Frogs.
STILL not enough... so try painting a nearby structure with some Lava texture?

When in doubt, Dance! The Dragon Wizard now asks you to build some Dance Pads and torches so that he can "bust a move" with the Fiery Fandango.
STILL no luck. Well, no Dragon can resist Fiery Frosting! (can they?). Anyway - time to build a giant Cupcake from your Brick Builds (the blueprint is called "Cupcake 5"). When you complete this stage, he gives you a Night Dragon Egg to go with the Fire one you got earlier, and Dragons will now begin spawning in their appropriate Biomes!

But what to do with these eggs? Simple! You hatch them by throwing them into the lava! Good thing for all the lava around, eh? Be careful where you throw it, because the egg will hatch IN the lava, and you will still need to feed the newborn in order to discover it and claim it for your own. You might have to paint the lava as stone in order to run onto it to pick up the baby, but after you do... You'll be the proud parent of a brand new Baby Dragon!

But what about the BIG Dragons?! Well, sadly, the babies don't grow up. Instead, you'll have to find a full-size Dragon, defeat it, then feed it, then it's all yours!
CONGRATULATIONS! You've completed the Quest to unlock Dragons, Baby Dragons and the Dragon Wizard.

Original Post:
The easiest way to unlock a dragon is by going to 741-318-963 in the F Galaxy. For the life of me, I could not get a dragon to spawn there. So I had to go about getting the dragon the hard way.

You will need some supplies before starting: a red jewel and two pumkin heads from the trader. Also, if you have the water gun in your inventory, sell it to the trader so that you can complete a quest later.

Firstly, you need to unlock the Dragon Wizard
You will need to be able to spawn green cave mushrooms, cave mushrooms, cauldrons, have a red crystal, and two pumpkin heads in your inventory before doing this. You can get the red crystal and pumkin heads from the trader at night.

You unlock him by doing a series of quests:


You need to do a rare quest from Spooky Girl. Go to 112-338-30 in the x galaxy and travel south to a green dot to find her quest. You will need to have unlocked the green cave mushroom, cave mushroom, and cauldron. Complete her quest to receive the red crystal.

If you are having trouble finding spooky girl, you can also try:
Galaxy Coordinates: 163-193-103 D
Map Coordinates: X: -59.526 , Y: 27.072 , Z: 26.489

* Thanks to RadiantViper for the alternate Spooky girl quest location.

2) Create a huge world with us the crystal crags biome. Look for the Jewel Thief and trade the red crystal for the dino tooth.
3) Create a hug world with the Rowdy Rainforest and look for the Dino Tracker. Trade the dino tooth for a water pistol.
4) Create a huge world with just the Curious Canyon biome. Search for a fisherman and trade the water pistol for the dragon egg.
5) Finally create a huge world with just the Wicked Wasteland biome. Search for the dragon wizard and trade the dragon egg with him to unlock the dragon wizard.

Part two... Find the Dragon Wizard quest giver.
You will need to have unlocked the:
1) red snake
2) red frog = x12y34z56
3) dance mats = 735-480-123 in galaxy J ( Located by a green quest marker to
4) flaming torch
5) cupcake 5 blueprint

1) Load a new huge world with just the Wicked Wasteland biome. *This part was the most time consuming for me.* You have to make a huge world to be safe. Start doing every green dot quest on the map. Doing every quest will help you identify which quests you have checked. Eventually, you will find the Dragon Wizard quest giver. He wants you to give him a yellow gem, red jewel, doughnut, and orange crystal. He will then give you the crystal scimitar (used to defeat the dragon).
2) His next quest tasks you with making red frogs and red snakes. Use the discovery tool to spawn the requirements.
3) He will then ask you to paint lava.
4) He will ask you to lay some dance mats and flaming torches.
5) He will ask you to build Cupcake 5.

After building the cupcake, dragons should start spawning in your worlds. I had a fire dragon spawn close by. I attacked it and died horribly because I didn't use the crystal scimitar. I equipped the crystal scimitar, defeated the dragon, and paid 500,000 in game currency to unlock him.


To get the gamerscore, simply add another player with a second controller, fire at him quickly with the dragon, defeat your guest player (you will receive an in game message on the second controllers screen saying they were defeated by you) and pop goes the achievement.

*I hope you don't have to use this method as the others are much easier. But if you get stuck like I was, try it out!

** if you are going to down vote me so any reason, please let me know why in the comments so I can improve this guide!

*** credit goes to wavy wanderers and base line for the youtube videos.

**** Happy Hunting!

03 Sep 2017 04:54

Unfortunately I'm taking the long route. I'm stuck looking for a Dino Tracker questgiver. She's everywhere but not looking for my tooth. :/
By creeping monte on 25 Oct 2017 13:34
The jewel thief gives the dino tooth. Are you wondeirng why the dino tracker won't take the tooth to trade for the water pistol? You cannot recieve the water pistol if you already ahve one in your inventory. I remember reading that if you have the water pistol in your inventory it will hamper this part of the quest line. I'm not sure if you can leap frog her or not. I would have to make another save file to test this theory and that would take some hours to get there. If your willing to test this out, I can setup time to work through it with you. Let me know!
By BobWings on 27 Oct 2017 01:06
I accidentally found her willing to trade elsewhere. Now I'm stuck looking for dance mats. Since the last update I don't get mission beacons or chests ones anymore. Only gold brick ones and blue ?'s. Grrrrrr . thanks for the run down of this btw
By creeping monte on 05 Nov 2017 17:10
From where you land, facing the water, run to the right and the dance mat is next to a tree by a Rocker Girl wanting a stage set-up near the shore.
By creeping monte on 06 Nov 2017 13:51
I tried using your coordinates and a bunch of others to find Spooky Girl but she kept being glitched and wouldn't give the quest. I finally found a set that worked and was able to start the questline.

Galaxy Coordinates: 163-193-103 D
Map Coordinates: X: -59.526 , Y: 27.072 , Z: 26.489
By RadiantViper on 20 Nov 2017 12:33
Thank you for the addition. The game has changed alot since I first started trying to get this guide together. I appreciate your input and have updated the guide with your info.
By BobWings on 21 Nov 2017 02:19
No problem, thanks for updating toast Finally got this achievement today so it's not too bad once you get the questline started
By RadiantViper on 21 Nov 2017 03:03
Congrats for getting the achievement!
By BobWings on 22 Nov 2017 02:10
I the found spooky girl quest on a created lost lagoon level using the modifier {x button} and only spawning her on the world.
By dan aw loe on 24 Dec 2017 03:26
I the found spooky girl quest on a created lost lagoon level using the modifier {x button} and only spawning her on the world.
By dan aw loe on 24 Dec 2017 03:57
Jewel thief doesn't appear to want a red crystal. I found about 40+ of them on multiple different large crystal crag only worlds and she only wants blue gems, and gives me jackhammers in return.
By Project Torture on 01 Feb 2018 21:48
They changed the game since i got the achievement. Let me see what I can find.
By BobWings on 02 Feb 2018 00:18
The best answer I have found so far is to check in with the night trader to see if you can jump her quest. Still looking for a better solution.
By BobWings on 02 Feb 2018 00:24
Where do you get the flaming torch from and there are no green dots for the last part? Is it called a flaming torch as I have a torch pole which has a flame on top?
By J ROLLER 1979 on 13 Apr 2018 22:08
SarahTolsma: Bless you! That was the only planet that worked for me :) Thanks!!!

J ROLLER 1979: I find that if I open the Discoveries thing when in a quest, what I need to create is flashing. Also I think it is the torch pole.
By angelsk on 30 Apr 2018 20:06
kind of a stupid question but do I need something differently to get to the dragon? I have put the coordinates in and when I hit return they dont show up in the window where you type them into...
By Wallless Fury on 30 Jun 2018 21:38
Found the blueprint. Idid all the quests and got the dragon egg, but cannot find wizard who wants it . I also found dragon wizard by the crystal altar but he won't talk to me
By WileyOldFox on 07 Jul 2018 14:42
ok i had to knock out the dragon wizard and then he asked for the dragon egg, and now the dragon wizard quest giver at the altar now will speak to me.
By WileyOldFox on 08 Jul 2018 04:19
ok i had to knock out the dragon wizard and then he asked for the dragon egg, and now the dragon wizard quest giver at the altar now will speak to me.
By WileyOldFox on 08 Jul 2018 05:18
I'm also stuck with the Dino Tracker never offering to trade me for the tooth and I don't have a water pistol in my inventory.
By napoearth on 03 Oct 2019 14:49
Apparantly all of this is true but the game has a real problem revealing the Fisherman at times that requires the Water Pistol.
He doesn't always spawn as stated in the walkthrough.
Just found this article trying to research the solution:
please click on this part of the page once you're there to reveal the questline:
The Quest for Dragons.
By gandalfwhi40 on 14 Nov 2019 19:16
All the dragons after unlocking them are Biome related. Just create a huge biome for each as per follows. Voila!!!
Snow Dragon – Polar Plains
Water Dragon – Ocean Biomes
Night Dragon – Ornamental Orchard (Nighttime Only)
Fire Dragon – Wicked Wasteland
Forest Dragon – Fantasy Forest
Candy Dragon – Dessert Desert
Golden Dragon – Perilous Peaks *You can unlock this Dragon without the Crystal Scimitar* - He does prove to be a bit trickier than the rest though maybe practice at jumping out of an helicopter on to his back??? then feed him and make him yours!!!
By gandalfwhi50 on 25 Nov 2019 23:06
Hi again, did a bit of research about the Dragons and managed to find all except the Gold Dragon (as they are all related to particular Biomes as per the list below:

Fire Dragon-wicked wasteland
Forest Dragon-fantasy forest
Night Dragon-Ornamental orchard/NIGHT ONLY
Water Dragon-playful prairie/swimming on water
Candy Dragon-Dessert desert
Snow Dragon-polar plains

It is advised you create a Huge Custom biome to find the Dragons once you have completed the Dragon WizardQuest as per @BobWings Solution

Well, just the Gold one to go, which I'm having great difficulty in finding at 154-979-545 F - A Fire Dragon keeps appearing and no Gold Cloud.
Anybody have any alternative Co-Ordinates for the Gold Dragon please???
By gandalfwhi40 on 05 Sep 2019 15:16
Tell me about it! This definitely took away a feature that made the game more streamlined and replaced it with a dynamic that is more clunky. I feel your frustration. I have to sit down and play test this solution with the new updates to keep it useful. Thanks for your feedback!
By BobWings on 05 Nov 2017 19:40
With the latest update I've been able to complete this achievement, thanks for the guide! After some scouring online I can confirm that the world Delta-Libra-354 G has a Dragon Wizard quest giver (go SSW from the spawn point, basically hug the coast line and go south). This should help decrease the amount of time it takes to find one.
By EmperoxGrayland on 12 Feb 2018 04:56
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coordinate for world is 741-318-963 F then go to x18.66 y85.56 z-16.71 for Dragon. Thanks to Skate 323 \(><)/
As of now, I have tried every guide/solution on TA and none of them seemed to work. I don't know if they're outdated or what, but the quests do not function as described and led to hours and hours of going nowhere and a lot of frustration. However, I was able to get this achievement by being invited to someone elses game who already had dragons unlocked. They spawned one for me to get on and I blew him up and I unlocked the achievement. I personally think your best bet, would be to find someone who has dragons unlocked and to have them help you this way. It takes about 5 minutes total. (after you find someone of course)

02 Feb 2018 21:48

Galactic Coordinates: 741-318-963 F

The Golden Dragon can be found on a cloud at the galactic coordinates above. You don't need to discover the dragon to ride it; you can sneak up on it to get the prompt. While riding it, target the second player by holding and press to shoot a fire ball.

This co-op achievement can be done online or with two controllers.

For those that still tries getting this achievement I've found a website and the coodinates still works. It took me only 5 minutes

04 Oct 2019 13:35

This one requires you to unlock Dragons to be able to ride them so you can shoot fireballs at another player. This would normally involve having to complete a ridiculously long-winded and tedious series of missions but thanks to Pinselneo, there is a much faster way to get it:

First you need 50+ gold bricks, then use the "Locate World" option to search for the world "154-979-545 F". Fly to the sky and search for the Gold Cloud, on which is a Gold Dragon. You can ride him directly so you don't need any Questlines, you only need a teammate to kill for the trophy!
For the digital version of the game, the method of finding dragons by coordinates does not work, so you need to complete a chain of quests. Tested on version 1.13.

11 Feb 2018 13:30

154-979-545 F world with a golden dragon.
By Balugan on 20 Aug 2019 06:10
154-979-545 F high above the city there is a golden cloud. <<< There is a dragon, a friend joined and I burned him, they both gave . We did it in 2 minutes.
By ToshiroNew on 26 Jul 2020 08:21
to get cupcake 5, you need to take the task from the magician and open the chest closest to him.
By simplyred on 16 Apr 2020 13:54
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