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Sucker For Love

Sucker For Love

Collected Vampire & Lord Vampyre's Bride and placed them together in the Monsters castle



How to unlock the Sucker For Love achievement in LEGO Worlds - Definitive Guide

Once you've unlocked both the Vampire (Dracula) and Lord Vampyre's Bride, you can get this achievement. If you don't have Dracula yet, here's the guide to unlocking him:

Load up your game and visit your Monsters DLC world. Go to these coordinates to find a castle tucked into the corner of the world:

External image

Use a helicopter or climb up to the castle. The vampires obviously don't want guests, because there's no other way to reach it.

Once you're in the castle, move around on the first floor (nearby the female vampire npc). We need to go to a specific location. I tried to place the minifigs "in the castle" in various places, but the achievement didn't unlock until I went here:

External image

Notice the hole in the floor not too far in front of my character. Drop down that hole and place both minifigs in the brightly lit room:

External image

They are now "in the Monster's Castle." Achievement unlocked! I'd say they're happy together, but they seem to fight a lot...

28 Oct 2017 20:10

Had issues with this as well, even when spawning in the secret lab area of the castle. First time, I had destroyed everything, so I generated a new Monster world and tried again, but no luck. Spawned several Vampire and Lady, no luck.
What seemed to have helped was, after cleaning up the excess undead in the lab, I saved and quit back to the menu. That saved me in the castle's lab. When I reloaded, I then tried to spawn the Lady and then the Vampire. Not long after, it finally unlocked for me. So, if it's having problems, make sure you don't have any vampires, Save and Exit World while in that lab, reload, then spawn the two characters after reloading back into the lab.
No guarantees, but it gives the game less time to fall over itself as it tends to do.
By Bahaumaut on 29 Jan 2023 01:29
Not sure how much more descriptive I can be. Re-do the steps and look more closely at the screenshots. There's only ONE trap door in the castle and only ONE room inside it, it's not a maze. It's not even a castle, really. There's the main top area and a room below it, simple as that. Both are shown in the screenshots. I can't make it any simpler than this, but if you have any suggestions to make it clearer let me know.

If you drop down to the brightly-lit room and place both inside it (make sure they are somewhat close together!!) the achievement should unlock. If it doesn't, you're looking at a glitched achievement.
By thunderkiss92 on 01 Nov 2017 18:26
How in God's name would anyone figure this out on their own! Thank you for posting this guide. Works like a charm. I even used the Landscape tool to take out the ceiling of this area to complete the Lady Vampyr's quest. Still popped!
By BobWings on 28 Oct 2017 22:51
I can't take credit for the solution (as far as getting Dracula), but I did figure out the Castle part. The Dracula solution was on another site, I've just rewritten it and added screenshots. Not sure how anyone would have figured it out, unless they were just doing everything in the Weird Woods Biome.
By thunderkiss92 on 28 Oct 2017 23:08
I made a mistake, sorry. U need to "place" them as u posted. I was thinking 2 controllers. I quickly got it when I placed them both down there in the lab. Thanks for the help!
By I ASK NO ONE on 01 Nov 2017 18:30
No worries, glad you got it! smile
By thunderkiss92 on 01 Nov 2017 18:34
Great guide, thank you so much. I could not for the life of me figure out what I was doing wrong. Even after reading the guide I had a hard time spotting the secret room in game.
By Dizzy Domes on 08 Nov 2017 00:21
They should update the game and make the achievement unlockable when you place the minifigs ANYWHERE within the castle. There's barely any castle there and it is strange that it only unlocks in that one room. But I'm glad it's working for you and others that have read the solution! smile
By thunderkiss92 on 08 Nov 2017 01:14
Brilliant thank you! I was getting confused when I popped them on top with no pop:)
By thatNoseyParker on 13 Feb 2020 02:03
toast Glad it helped .
By thunderkiss92 on 13 Feb 2020 02:05
I can’t find Vampire (Dracula) at 118-127-316 need him to unlock this :(
By IGRIEF247 on 25 Mar 2022 20:28
I can’t find Vampire (Dracula) at 118-127-316 need him to unlock this :(
By IGRIEF247 on 25 Mar 2022 20:31
It's been ages since I played the game, but I did some research to sort of re-familiarize myself with this part of the game. I'd retry the steps in the spoiler section. If you lost the fight against Dracula (detailed at the end of that section), you can find him roaming the Weird Woods. If I remember correctly, he's quite common there (but only appears after the initial quest that spawns him if I remember correctly). Good luck!
By thunderkiss92 on 27 Mar 2022 19:33
Not unlocking for me for some reason
By alpaca777 on 14 Sep 2022 23:42
Hey alpaca, sorry to hear you've been having trouble. Non around as much as I used to be, popped in to say: I did see your other comment that one of the achievements did end up unlocking. This game must be somewhat buggy when it comes to the unlocks. Hopefully your missing achievements will pop soon! Other than retrying the usual methods here and there, I don't have any other suggestions on how to get them to unlock.
By thunderkiss92 on 25 Sep 2022 21:00
I ended up getting this...thanks for responding... solution is great... just buggy for me somewhat but all is good now
By alpaca777 on 26 Sep 2022 13:06
Ur description here is vague when it comes to placement of the characters. I cannot get it to unlock and I'm using 2 controllers, both have the 2 vamps. U did not mention if 2 controllers are needed. I don't get it and it isn't unlocking.
By I ASK NO ONE on 01 Nov 2017 17:57
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If you are having difficulties finding the Lord Vampyre's Bride or with this achievement, you can view my video to help you out.


20 May 2021 03:28

If you are having difficulties finding the Lord Vampyre's Bride or with this trophy, you can view my video to help you out.


20 May 2021 03:32

This one was a little tricky to get to work. Once you have unlocked the characters, you need to head up to the Monster Castle that is in the air. There, you will need to head to the basement of the castle, and from there you can use the Discover tool to place both characters on the ground.

There are a couple of things you need to do to unlock this achievement:

Step 1:

First, you need to unlock Dracula please refer to “The Mayor of Monsterville” on how to unlock him. You must also discover Lord Vampyre's Bride by doing a quest for her.

Step 2:

Now you have Dracula unlocked go to these coordinates to find a castle tucked into the corner of the world:

X: -37.03 Y: 32.42 Z: 53.58 this may vary between players but will be in the world.

You will need to climb or use a vehicle to get to the top. Once at the top look for this grey gate then open it and drop down to the next floor.

Now place both characters in this room and the achievement should unlock.

Thanks to HappyThumbsGaming for the video.