Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey Remastered

Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey Remastered

60 Achievements


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A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama

A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama

Spell 25 palindromes


How to unlock the A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama achievement in Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey Remastered - Definitive Guide

Palindromes are words that are read the same way forwards and backwards. This achievement will most definitely not come naturally, since you'll likely be focusing on longer, high-damage words during each of the game modes. This achievement is easy to knock out while grinding toward the 2500 words for "Born to Spell" but you can also do this anytime during your playthroughs as long as you keep an eye out for palindromic words.

Here are a few common examples that you'll see pop up often:

ama, ana, eve, ewe, mom, dad, tat, tet, tot, tit, wow, yay, pop, pep, pup, peep, poop, deed, sees