Lies of P

Lies of P

42 Achievements



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The Delayed Match

The Delayed Match

Kill the Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood.



How to unlock the The Delayed Match achievement in Lies of P - Definitive Guide

Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood is another difficult boss fight and you will be outnumbered 4 to 1. As you damage the boss, additional members of the group will join the fight. The faster damage is dealt to him, the more likely you will get overwhelmed and outnumbered, but the battle will end as soon as the Eldest is killed.

Summoning a specter will help balance the odds for the first part of the battle. If you’re running low on Star Fragments, farm the enemies in the surrounding area.

The Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood
The Eldest’s sword is massive and can deal devastating damage. Standing behind the boss is not safe, since his sword swings in a large arc that starts behind him. All of his basic (not red) attacks can be blocked or dodged.
  • Slash / Slam / Uppercut: The Eldest of the Brotherhood’s basic attacks have a long reach and will deal significant damage if they are not blocked or avoided. Watch for the boss to pull his sword behind his head and get ready to dodge to the side or block.
  • Charge: If you’re far away from the boss, he will run at you and attack.
  • Jump Attack: The Eldest will periodically jump in the air and slam his sword down.
  • Spin Attack: When the boss does a 360 degree spin (will knock you down), he will follow up with an uppercut.
The Minions of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood
Throughout the battle, additional minions will jump in to help the Eldest out. Wait for a minion to complete a combo, then follow up with 1-3 hits.

The 1st minion will join the battle around 80% health. She in nimble, will jump around the arena. Grappling her may not work, since she is partially immune to it.

The 2nd minion will join the fight around 50% health. He has a long reach with the spear and will use it to vault around the arena.

The final minion will join the battle around 30% health. He moves and attacks rapidly, so it will be difficult to focus the boss down when he is actively targeting you.

18 Sep 2023 15:44

I hate this boss fight

You can break his axe by perfect blocking a bunch, which reduces his damage drastically, but I have yet to do it.
By SquiSquiSquidio on 21 Sep 2023 03:12
@sprinkyDink Thanks for that Cheese lol
By WayzoftheRaven on 22 Sep 2023 05:53
@SprinkyDink 👌🏻 1st time
By corpirate on 24 Sep 2023 20:13
Took SprinkyDink's advice and got it first try. Didn't even use all my acid jars
By P00R GRENDEL on 26 Sep 2023 19:36
Definitely use the cheese.
By CinamonTstCrnch on 26 Sep 2023 21:45
Difficult you say? After I was finished with him, he wished he had brought better minions along, and a bigger sword, lol. This is actually the easiest soulslike I have ever played even before the update.
By Fellviper on 08 Oct 2023 16:39
For those who need help. Bring 5 throwing cell 5 thermite and 5 acid jars and use a star fragment to get some help. Let him aggro the boss and then hit him until the first girl comes down. Then literally all you have to do is throw every single one of those throwables at the boss and he will be dead by the time you run out. Easy cheese
By SprinkyDink on 21 Sep 2023 15:06
RE Breaking his weapon. Just don't do any damage at the start and focus on perfect parrying because no dmg to him = no minions. Took me a few goes to get it down without burning through all my pulse cells but after that the fight is waaaaay easier as his damage is minimal which helps when he is off camera and decides to bumrush you.

All 3 minions are also open to backstabs which is pretty easily achievable if you perfect parry one of their attacks.

Also highly suggest the instant repair kits for this fight as I found my wep was breaking 1-2 times and it can be finicky trying to repair on the fly for this one.
By ReynoldsM on 24 Sep 2023 00:19
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Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood is another difficult boss fight and you will be outnumbered 4 to 1. As you damage the boss, additional members of the group will join the fight. The faster damage is dealt to him, the more likely you will get overwhelmed and outnumbered, but the battle will end as soon as the Eldest is killed.

Summoning a specter will help balance the odds for the first part of the battle. If you’re running low on Star Fragments, farm the enemies in the surrounding area.

The Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood
The Eldest’s sword is massive and can deal devastating damage. Standing behind the boss is not safe, since his sword swings in a large arc that starts behind him. All of his basic (not red) attacks can be blocked or dodged.
  • Slash / Slam / Uppercut: The Eldest of the Brotherhood’s basic attacks have a long reach and will deal significant damage if they are not blocked or avoided. Watch for the boss to pull his sword behind his head and get ready to dodge to the side or block.
  • Charge: If you’re far away from the boss, he will run at you and attack.
  • Jump Attack: The Eldest will periodically jump in the air and slam his sword down.
  • Spin Attack: When the boss does a 360 degree spin (will knock you down), he will follow up with an uppercut.
The Minions of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood
Throughout the battle, additional minions will jump in to help the Eldest out. Wait for a minion to complete a combo, then follow up with 1-3 hits.

The 1st minion will join the battle around 80% health. She in nimble, will jump around the arena. Grappling her may not work, since she is partially immune to it.

The 2nd minion will join the fight around 50% health. He has a long reach with the spear and will use it to vault around the arena.

The final minion will join the battle around 30% health. He moves and attacks rapidly, so it will be difficult to focus the boss down when he is actively targeting you.

18 Sep 2023 15:44

Story-related and unmissable.

This fight is really about focussing on what’s right in front of you. You’re fighting four enemies, which hardly seems fair; however, you’re mostly fighting one, at any one time. The Eldest has a big Cloud-in-Final-Fantasy-VII sword, and his attack patterns are very memorisable. Parries are your friend in the first phase. Note: only go in for one attack, maybe two swipes, but then get out of there, because he doesn’t let up for long.

When the sister jumps into the fight, and starts causing distractions for you, the best thing to do is to lock on to her and strafe. It’s easy to dodge her attacks and also get right behind her, triggering a Fatal Attack, The advantage of this being that you are invincible while performing the Fatal Attack. The same is also true of the guy with the spear; he’s easy to backstab, as his attacks cover distance but are narrowly focussed and easily strafed.

In the third phase, the sword-wielding brother will join in. At this point, after dealing damage steadily to the Eldest brother, you should be nearing the end of the fight anyway, so you won’t have to deal with this last distraction for very long. His attacks aren’t too tough to parry, though, and the best tactic, as with the other siblings, is to try and trigger a Fatal Attack, making you impervious to damage and also, hopefully, bringing the main fight to a close, and unlocking this achievement.
Story-related and unmissable.

This fight is really about focussing on what’s right in front of you. You’re fighting four enemies, which hardly seems fair; however, you’re mostly fighting one, at any one time. The Eldest has a big Cloud-in-Final-Fantasy-VII sword, and his attack patterns are very memorisable. Parries are your friend in the first phase. Note: only go in for one attack, maybe two swipes, but then get out of there, because he doesn’t let up for long.

When the sister jumps into the fight, and starts causing distractions for you, the best thing to do is to lock on to her and strafe. It’s easy to dodge her attacks and also get right behind her, triggering a Fatal Attack, The advantage of this being that you are invincible while performing the Fatal Attack. The same is also true of the guy with the spear; he’s easy to backstab, as his attacks cover distance but are narrowly focussed and easily strafed.

In the third phase, the sword-wielding brother will join in. At this point, after dealing damage steadily to the Eldest brother, you should be nearing the end of the fight anyway, so you won’t have to deal with this last distraction for very long. His attacks aren’t too tough to parry, though, and the best tactic, as with the other siblings, is to try and trigger a Fatal Attack, making you impervious to damage and also, hopefully, bringing the main fight to a close, and unlocking this trophy.
Before the fight, you should stock up on ampoules/mixtures. It is advisable to take a weapon that is long, but not too heavy. I used the trident of the covenant.
The big guy should be parried often until you break his sword, and with a broken sword he is not particularly dangerous, sweeping blows will not particularly hurt you. When the girl connects, we combine ampoules/mixtures and the puppeteer’s thread, pumped to at least +3. It is advisable to quickly take out help in the person of one person, otherwise you will constantly roll between 4 or 5 opponents at the same time.

25 Sep 2023 02:05

We take out the two little assholes as quickly as possible. You may not have enough time and health for the third one, so we concentrate on the main boss, use the ult on the triangle, if you don’t have enough, then charge and repeat. We use the trident and the puppeteer's thread for small change. We pre-pump the load capacity for better armor.
By Leksich on 27 Sep 2023 08:09
If you are pumping up “Mobility”, the following tactics are extremely effective:
- Upgrade the Sacred Sword of the Ark to +2, change the handle on it so that the increase in damage from Mobility becomes “A”.
- Summon a ghost into battle, use a shiv (I used fire) and try to inflict the maximum amount of damage while the boss is distracted by the ghost, practically not paying attention to other enemies. After a certain number of hits, the enemy will overheat and health will begin to decrease even faster. At some point the boss will open up for a killing blow.

It’s not a fact that it will work out the first time, but in general it’s much faster than studying all the timings of the boss and his assistants.
By pkanaev90 on 27 Sep 2023 10:16