Loop Hero

Loop Hero

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Defeat Omega 6 times

5,000 XP


How to unlock the Godslayer achievement in Loop Hero - Definitive Guide

For this achievement is necessary to kill Omega the last boss on chapter IV 6 times, to track your progress go to encyclopedia and see the dialogues with omega

18 May 2023 22:19

1 Comment
Known crashing bug that i encountered : if the game crashes right after you beat Omega with a message about your controller, lines and color....
When you reload the game you can redo the boss fight but most likely it will keep crashing... You need to change your equipment and then you will be fine (hoping that the equipment you have on you will be still good enough to defeat him).
Here is the reddit trade : https://www.reddit.com/r/LoopHero/comments/12pe2as/game_cras...
By thecommandofada on 21 May 2023 11:53
Since there isn't really a true guide here I'll add one to help make this less of a grind. You have 2 main paths, a Thicket/River Necromancer or a Damage/Potion Warrior. The warrior depends a lot on trait luck but you can afk it for the most part. I always went with Necro as it is the most consistant and can go infinite AFK if you want to farm mats so that is what this guide will cover.

Necromancer Build

- Cemetery (for early good items, omincron it later on) + Grove
- Spiders + Battlefield
- Forest + River (Desert and Suburbs optional)
- Oblivion
- Ancestral Crypt

- That is all you need, do not take any other cards as all other enemy spawns counter this build.
- Your goal is to snake the river around the map in a zigzag pattern and place only thickets. Rivers DO stack AND multiply on the same thicket. So with 4 rivers touching 1 thicket you get a +16 instead of +2.
- Omincron is used to delete Villages (from thickets) asap and Cemetery in late game.

Camp Items
- While camp items are not very important for this build there are a few that do help.
- Furniture: Alchemist's shelf
- Tools: Skinners Knife, Jewelers Lens, Herbalists Sickle, Kitchen Knife
- Food: Cheese (stacks with Ancestral Crypt), Loaf of Bread
- Jewelry: Old Painting

Out of all these I just filled the rest with food as it stacks nicely with Kitchen Knife. Even though you don't need much HP it is always nice to have.

In priority you want:
- Max Skeletons, Skeleton Level, Skeleton Quality, Magic Shield

I sometimes had a grey level 11+ ring that had +1 to max skeletons as that is how important it is. You want 5+ asap. Once you get 5 you have some leeway. If you find an equipment that drastically increases something for example a Grimore that increases skeleton level from 2.45 to 6.56. Take it, but do not go below 4 max skeletons. For quantity I found around 25-30% to be good enough.

In priority you want
- Unseen Care (the key to this build), Laying One's Life, Art of Control, Field Practice, Residual Heat, Edge of Impossible.

For Boss traits Omnicrons Technique is best, then Treasure Hunter, Skilled Architect (best taken early), Their own Peril, Lightning Fast, Bottomless Bottle.

Here is how this all works together.
- Every kill you get of a soul enemy you gain +3hp from the Crypt and +1hp for every cheese item. I was getting around +14 max hp per kill.
- Prioitize Ratwolfs as they have a soul, spiders do not.
- Summoning Skeletons is based on attack speed. The higher attack speed the faster you can summon skeletons. You yourself won't be doing any damage.
- By staggering Rivers/Thickets you should have around 400% mininum attack speed by the end boss.
- Every time you summon a skeleton with the Trait Unseen Care it increases your Magic Shield by 0.5 per skeleton you summon. And as you summon skeletons so fast your shield should go up a couple points every fight.
- The weaker your skeletons the faster they die allowing you to summon more, increasing magic shield, however the more damage you can take. Its a balance between skeleton level and magic shield if you have the trait.
- I always kept skeleton level above enemy level

You may not get Unseen Care but this build can still work, you'll just have to prioritize Magic Shield on your Amulet.

07 Aug 2024 00:34

I advise you to build the most key building - the Alchemist's Tent - as early as possible. It will allow you to sort out unnecessary ingredients and create what you need. With its help, you can quickly rebuild and upgrade your camp, which will significantly strengthen you. From the camp items, I advise you to take as many alchemy shelves as possible (gives +1 maximum healing potion) and an old portrait (gives +4% damage to bosses).
During the race, try to find the skills as early as possible - Experienced Architect (for each building the hero receives 8 * a circle of experience) and Strong Aftertaste (+1.5 damage for each potion drunk during the race).
I did almost everything as a warrior, as for me the most convenient and stable class. I built up the map with suburbs, I also drew a river and built it with thickets. If you found both skills, then most likely the race will be easy. The main thing is to try to keep vampirism around 30% at least, evasion is the second priority.

13 Jun 2023 09:53