Madden NFL 07
46 Achievements
Xbox 360
Succcessfully create a player.
How to unlock the Create-A-Player achievement in Madden NFL 07 - Definitive Guide
This achievement is VERY easy but since I can't stand an achievement with no solution, I created one.
This achievement will require you to go to the Create-A-Player mode. All you have to do is, as the achievement name states, to create a player. You don't even need to give the player a name or change any of the stats.
Once the save the player the achievement will unlock.
This achievement will require you to go to the Create-A-Player mode. All you have to do is, as the achievement name states, to create a player. You don't even need to give the player a name or change any of the stats.
Once the save the player the achievement will unlock.
1 Comment
Just a quick note: You have to go through all the little events first. It doesn't matter how well or poorly you do on them.
By NicholasBiddle on 30 Jun 2011 21:09
All you really have to do is go and create a player. It’s not rocket science my friends.